Amusing Bunni brings us Trudi and Feivel's Halloween Party - it's wonderful!
Over at The Daley Gator, darcprynce brings a special treat while the head honcho Doug has compiled a Halloween link list worthy of the Links of the Day Award (I just made that up)
The Lonely Conservative offers up the Sunday Funnies – Halloween Edition
Reaganite Republican brings us a wonderful crop of genetically-engineered funnies for Sunday
On a more serious note:
Bungalow Bill reminds us November 2 & 3, 2010 Aren't Days for Conservatives to Celebrate: Long Road Ahead Before I Believe in the Republican Party Again
and I couldn't agree with him more.
The upcoming election may well be the tsunami the dems are fearing. I think it will be. However, I also believe this country has gone so far down the path of "soft" socialism that it will take an act of God to turn it around.
We are drowning in debt and more than 50% of this country is on some sort of public welfare. Medicare is nothing more than a welfare program in which the seniors have been essentially forced to participate, and it has proven to be unsustainable. Social Security has been a sham since its inception.
Does anyone believe that the people buried alive in inner cities such as Detroit and Chicago are going to support or vote for anyone who will take away their multi-generational welfare? The reality is they probably wouldn't vote at all if it wasn't for the corrupt machines who are running these cities busing them and their 5 closest dead relatives to the polls.
When we awake on Wednesday, November 2, there's a great possibility that it will take weeks or months of court battles over every close race in this country won by a Republican, just to sort it all out. Approximately 26 states have Democratic Secretaries of State. How do you think that's going to play out? Ask Al Franken if you're not sure of the answer.
When the puppeteers chose Obama as their puppet, they chose well. Obama, the great divider, has managed in just two years to create the kind of chaos needed to advance their agenda. What they had not counted on was the strong possibility that this man will have a complete psychotic break, thereby plunging the country into even more chaos than they can control. Obama, a man who in all likelihood is living on the "down-low", while being supplied the drugs necessary to maintain his schedule, is unstable at best and dangerous at worst.
Expect to see Republicans who stand by their word to be demonized by the legacy press (I refuse anymore to call them the "main-stream-media" - We are the MSM!) to a degree that will make the last two years look like a game of patty-cake between two little girls. For the rest of the Republicans, it will be "business as usual" - a great paying gig to shore up their personal wealth at the expense of the tax-payers.
On November 3rd, our work will just be beginning. No more will we be able to go back to our homes after voting, smacking our hands together in satisfaction of a job well done. Our lives have been forever changed. We must continue to fight for our country, not just "for our children," but for ourselves. Our children will automatically reap the benefits.
More "Must Reads"
T.L. Davis: Tea Parties: What More Do You Want?
PJMedia: A Coming Government Shutdown?
Aggie Catholics (with great thanks to LarryD for the link) An Open Letter To Politicians
Red State: An Open Letter to the Freshman Republican Victors
Saberpoint: Our Islamic Future: a Preventable Evil
PJMedia: The Wretched Conservative Spawn Must Not Return!
Ruby Slippers: Remember November: "That's What Elections are For"
The republican Mother: True Halloween Attraction - The Georgia Guidestones
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Oh my gosh! This is exactly how it is...
minus, of course, the spit spewing anger of the liberal. The last minute or so is classic...
Just what you'd expect from the loony left...
Keep it classy, little "lady"...
In case you're wondering, NAMBLA is the North American Man/Boy Love Association. They think we should quit interfering when men want to bugger little boys, but only if it's consensual, doncha know.
More great pics at Doug Ross and great commentary from Doug Powers at Michelle Malkin
This just in:
When Gawker ran their nasty hit piece on Christine O'Donnell (no link on purpose), I predicted it would have the opposite effect than what they intended.
Doug Ross just posted this on the Delaware race...
The all-time, best ever, brought a smile to my face post of the day...
You can "feel the angry" and smell the smoke emitting from Reaganite Republican's ears - and we give him a HUGE thank you.
Reaganite Republican: Projector-in-Chief in Fine Form on the Stump: Says Republicans Getting "Cocky"
What We Believe Part 4
Natural Law and the Constitution
Moms and Dads - gather your children to watch these videos. Have your children read the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Discuss with them the truths contained in these documents. Don't wait for the state-run schools to do it because it won't happen.
Part Three here
Moms and Dads - gather your children to watch these videos. Have your children read the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Discuss with them the truths contained in these documents. Don't wait for the state-run schools to do it because it won't happen.
Part One here
Part Two herePart Three here
Things to Remember Before Voting on Tuesday
Dr. Zero has summed up the 111th Congress in his usual succinct way - and we thank him.
Remember the 111th
[...] emphasis mine Remember the arrogance. Remember the cowardice. Remember the ugly hatred of middle-class America. Remember the sheer blind stupidity of those who demand the power to write our destiny, when they’re not yelping in surprise at the latest piece of “unexpected” economic news.
Remember the 111th Congress this Tuesday, and render your verdict in the voting booth read the entire article
Friday, October 29, 2010
You can call me a bit more than "non-impressed"
This reminds me of having a crazy drunken uncle who always embarrasses the family during the holidays.
The first and second "ladies" of the United States found it necessary to appear on lesbian Ellen deGeneres show yesterday where they proceeded to wiggle and squirm their "best moves" to rock music, and still found time to fracture the English language.
From the Daily Mail in the UK complete with nauseating pictures:
The first and second "ladies" of the United States found it necessary to appear on lesbian Ellen deGeneres show yesterday where they proceeded to wiggle and squirm their "best moves" to rock music, and still found time to fracture the English language.
From the Daily Mail in the UK complete with nauseating pictures:
Here's a few comments from the article that say it all:
"The First Lady revealed that daughters Malia and Sasha are 'non-impressed' by their father being one of the most powerful men in the world and living in the White House."
Clearly they are the brains of the family then. Imagine a few hundred million Americans probably agree with them. Has anyone done more to cheapen the US presidency.
orUltimately history will judge him, but it's not looking good at the moment. Beginning to make Carter look good and thats not exactly easy.
Pathetic! If I were American, I would be embarrassed by this faux 'celebrity' leader and his wife. Our PMs have had a lot to answer to...but this is really laughable!
Like to see the video? Head over to Motus (and scroll down to the first post.)
- but is does carry a Pepto Bismol warning...
- but is does carry a Pepto Bismol warning...
The video is 9 minutes long but the dancing part is in the first minute. I would never suggest you torture yourself with a full 9 minutes of that woman actually talking.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Christianity Without Dogma
Christianity Without Dogma...
It results in a certain formlessness, the reduction of an intellectually vigorous and astringent faith to something sentimental and twee--nothing but a religion of 'spirituality' and good works. The articulation of this 'faith' becomes a sad, ridiculous struggle with words which cannot have any meaning other than the 're-interpretation' of that meaning according to each person's preferences, and about which no one can argue because all have agreed that there is no such thing as objective theology. read the rest
More Useless Drivel from the MSM
as reported by the AP.
Unemployment claims drop sharply to 434K

The labor department claiming 21K fewer people applying for jobless benefits does not take into account the number of people who are no longer eligible for unemployment, nor the number of seasonal workers that may have been hired for the upcoming holidays.
Where I come from they call that cooking the books...
Do they really think we're that stupid? Silly question!
Unemployment claims drop sharply to 434K

The labor department claiming 21K fewer people applying for jobless benefits does not take into account the number of people who are no longer eligible for unemployment, nor the number of seasonal workers that may have been hired for the upcoming holidays.
Where I come from they call that cooking the books...
Do they really think we're that stupid? Silly question!
Ladies - this post is for you...
and you better follow the link and read it because I just spent an hour looking for it.
My computer was cranky yesterday and in the process of clearing out the problem, I lost the link to a wonderful post I planned on linking. Checking my computer history provided no help, and so I began the process of vetting about a gazillion blogs on my reader to find this excellent post by Kris over at Shout First, Ask Questions Later.
I don't off hand know the number of women that usually vote in elections, but I do know that only about 50% or less of the eligible voters vote. How pathetic is that?
If you are a woman (ok - guys will benefit from this post, too) take a look at the photo and info post Kris has put together about the suffrage movement. When you have a better understanding of the trials of these brave women who fought for our right to vote, it may change your mind about voting on Tuesday.
The Right to Vote is the Obligation to Vote
Thank you, Kris...
My computer was cranky yesterday and in the process of clearing out the problem, I lost the link to a wonderful post I planned on linking. Checking my computer history provided no help, and so I began the process of vetting about a gazillion blogs on my reader to find this excellent post by Kris over at Shout First, Ask Questions Later.
I don't off hand know the number of women that usually vote in elections, but I do know that only about 50% or less of the eligible voters vote. How pathetic is that?
If you are a woman (ok - guys will benefit from this post, too) take a look at the photo and info post Kris has put together about the suffrage movement. When you have a better understanding of the trials of these brave women who fought for our right to vote, it may change your mind about voting on Tuesday.
The Right to Vote is the Obligation to Vote
Thank you, Kris...
For the Lefty Loonies, Communists, Marxists, and Socialist Lurkers
Karl Rove thinks Sarah Palin doesn't have the "gravitas" to be President. This said, while the sitting President of the United States is appearing on comedy shows and his minions are doing their utmost to "fix" as many elections as they can, Mr. Milbank points out that Stewart called Obama "dude." In just two years Obama has reduced the person who holds the office of the presidency of the United States to being called "dude" by a second rate comedian. Now that's what I call gravitas.
Dana Milbank at the Washington Post:
See you all on Tuesday...
Dana Milbank at the Washington Post:
via MemeorandumOn Comedy Central, the joke was on President Obama Wednesday night.
The president had come, on the eve of what will almost certainly be the loss of his governing majority, to plead his case before Jon Stewart, gatekeeper of the disillusioned left. But instead of displaying the sizzle that won him an army of youthful supporters two years ago, Obama had a Brownie moment read the rest
See you all on Tuesday...
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Rev. Curran criticizes bishops. So, what else is new?
Would someone please tell me why this whack-job is allowed to run around (collarless) and call himself a Catholic priest? When someone is as far off base as to Catholic teaching as Mr. Curran (since he never wears a collar, the best I can do is "Mr.") he should receive a warning from his bishop to cease and desist. If the warning is not heeded he should be restricted from teaching. Instead he is allowed to teach and infuse young minds with nonsense. I find it ironic that he is the Professor of Human Values at a university.
Rev. Charles E. Curran, the Elizabeth Scurlock Professor of Human Values at Southern Methodist University (SMU), is planning to deliver an on-campus lecture noon Thursday entitled “The U.S. Catholic Bishops and Abortion Legislation: A Critique from Within the Church.”
“Curran’s lecture will examine how U.S. Roman Catholic bishops have made opposition to legal abortion their primary social issue, and will challenge the bishops from a theological perspective for claiming too much certitude in their position," states an SMU press release. In the release, Curran states that, “There should be room in the Catholic Church for different positions on this issue.” read the rest
The Progressive's Church of Abortion...
and the mantra of "a woman's right to choose" has become their prayer of choice.
Creative Minority Report doing what it does best - reporting.
Women Abort Because They Love Motherhood???? (The question marks are mine) The above brought to you by lesbian Rachel Maddow and Elizabeth Newhall - abortion provider.
And a young blogger friend of mine, Michelle, has some questions about abortion she'd like answers to - Maybe it is because I woke up so much earlier then I usually do...lately anyway...
Creative Minority Report doing what it does best - reporting.
Women Abort Because They Love Motherhood???? (The question marks are mine) The above brought to you by lesbian Rachel Maddow and Elizabeth Newhall - abortion provider.
And a young blogger friend of mine, Michelle, has some questions about abortion she'd like answers to - Maybe it is because I woke up so much earlier then I usually do...lately anyway...
Harry Reid Claims Victory! Republicans Slink Away Into the Night...
Home of vote early, vote often, and give your dead relatives a ride to the polls
Harry Reid Claims Victory!
Early voting/absentee ballots put him over the top...
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Gov. Chris Christie comments on 'teachers unions gone wild'
Governor Christie's response to the vile video of New Jersey union members being, well - vile! If you haven't seen it, I posted it after the Christie response.
Language warning...
H/T Jammie Wearing Fool
Language warning...
H/T Jammie Wearing Fool
Trains, Negative Ads, and the Die is Cast...
I love trains. Always have. There was a train less than a block from my grandma's house in St. Paul, MN. It was the first place I headed when we visited. If you put your ear to the track, you could feel the train coming when it was still miles away. Many a penny was squished into a pancake when that train roared past.
I may be one of the only persons in the world who actually likes being stopped in traffic at a train crossing. The clickity-clackity of the train going by is like music to my ears. As a child, I remember seeing the mailbag grabbed from a post with a big hook as the train flew by a station.
This fascination with rails extends to the streetcars of my youth, mono-rails, and even the little park trains that cheat by running on little wheels.
Model railroads are on the list. My husband's father was a famous model railroader, and my brother's American Flyer engine proudly sits on a bookcase in our home. And...we are actually discussing a G-gauge garden model railroad for our property (because we are certifiably insane.)
I loved going through the Selby streetcar tunnel in St. Paul when I was a girl. My grandma would let me ride back and forth to my hearts delight. God bless her!
The short downtown mono-rail in Seattle is a must do when I visit.
I've taken the tourist train ride in Ione, Washington many times (even though the cars seem to mimic a ride to Auschwitz.)
A cross-country trip by rail is on the top of my list of "things I want to do before I check out", even though the trains tend to fall off the tracks at an alarming rate and the cost is outrageous.
So you would think a person such as me would be the first in line to support high-speed rail lines being constructed. Well, I'm not.
Because? They Don't Work!!
Which brings me to a great post by the Lonely Conservative: Dan Maffei Thinks Choo Choo Trains Will Boost Economy
As a result of his fine post, Hack earns the coveted:
Rant of the Day Award:
One week from Victory
by Hack Wilson
Today, in order to soothe my soul, a trip to Costco is on the agenda right after I have four brand spanking new tires installed on my car.
Play nice while I'm gone and visit Larwyn's Links (click on image) for the best of the web.
Great Northern Train entering St. Paul station |
I may be one of the only persons in the world who actually likes being stopped in traffic at a train crossing. The clickity-clackity of the train going by is like music to my ears. As a child, I remember seeing the mailbag grabbed from a post with a big hook as the train flew by a station.
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Mail pickup |
This fascination with rails extends to the streetcars of my youth, mono-rails, and even the little park trains that cheat by running on little wheels.
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Little train in Riverfront Park, Spokane, Washington |
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Garden Model Railroad |
I loved going through the Selby streetcar tunnel in St. Paul when I was a girl. My grandma would let me ride back and forth to my hearts delight. God bless her!
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Selby Street Streetcar Tunnel in St. Paul |
The short downtown mono-rail in Seattle is a must do when I visit.
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Seattle Mono-Rail |
I've taken the tourist train ride in Ione, Washington many times (even though the cars seem to mimic a ride to Auschwitz.)
Ione/Metaline Falls Train |
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Amtrak in the mountains |
So you would think a person such as me would be the first in line to support high-speed rail lines being constructed. Well, I'm not.
Because? They Don't Work!!
Which brings me to a great post by the Lonely Conservative: Dan Maffei Thinks Choo Choo Trains Will Boost Economy
Hack Wilson is as sick of the negative political ads as I am - maybe more so. I don't think they work, and as a matter of fact, I don't think any political ads really work. I really believe the people that vote are smarter than the average peach pit - just my opinion...What is it with Democrats and choo choo trains? You’d think they would have learned that dumping millions of dollars into rail subsidies was a bad idea in the 1970′s. But no, these progressives never learn. read the entire article
As a result of his fine post, Hack earns the coveted:
Rant of the Day Award:
One week from Victory
by Hack Wilson
Today, in order to soothe my soul, a trip to Costco is on the agenda right after I have four brand spanking new tires installed on my car.
Play nice while I'm gone and visit Larwyn's Links (click on image) for the best of the web.

Sunday, October 24, 2010
Is America skittering toward the great abyss?
This started out as a deeply depressing Sunday, courtesy of an article in the American Thinker (that Cicero of Washington Rebel likes,) by David Deming - America is Gone. To sum it up, Mr. Deming sees our American way of life irrevocably gone and envisions a bleak and unhappy future.
Next, I headed over to the Plantation Nation for a quick bit of John Stossel interviewing Angelo Codevilla, author of The Ruling Class, and Matt Welch, editor-in-chief of Reason Magazine, about the coming elections. Mr. Stossel believes, as does The Plantation Nation, that it will be "business as usual" after the elections. And, in their own way, so do Mr. Codevilla and Mr. Welch. Again, I tend to agree.
Already we hear prominent Republicans talking about "working with" or "compromising" with the Democrats, which is exactly what the majority of the American citizens oppose. True conservatives don't want to have the growth of Government "slowed"; they want the Federal government to be divested of the myriad of departments, czars, and unconstitutional activities it has co-opted over many decades. Two major places they can start is with the bankrupt Medicare system, which is nothing more than a coercive form of welfare most seniors are forced into, and the reform and privatization of Social Security. Once done, they can move on to defund the hundreds and hundreds of departments that have been formed unconstitutionally.
In "The Tea Party vs The Ruling Class" by Robert James Bidinotto, we see our first ray of hope on this Sunday morning. Mr. Bidinotto elaborates on what Mr. Codevilla has to say about the "ruling class," while recognizing the Tea Party movement as a rising up of a conservative movement that will continue the good fight after the election.
The sad fact is, Mr. Deming is probably more correct than not. Most of my readers are whippersnappers who don't remember much before the 1980's or at most, the 70's (which makes it all the more remarkable you're the conservatives you are.) Those of us a bit older remember a far different America than the one we live in now. Was everything better? No, it never is. It is human nature to glamorize, romanticize, and gloss over the ugly parts. However, each generation since the late 1800's has become progressively more morally corrupt. I believe the only thing Mr. Deming managed to leave out of his article was our willingness to have a discussion over the moral rights of a woman to butcher her child in the womb, or administer a "hot shot" to an ailing senior citizen, let alone actually performing these odious tasks."There is a whiff of anarchy in the air this morning. As I sit here writing, a conservative victory in the midterm elections looms. But I find no reason to be optimistic. The midterm elections will solve nothing. The plain fact is that conservatives have lost the battle for America. The country that many of us were born in has ceased to exist. And we have no one to blame but ourselves. Nothing can or will change until we come to terms with the grim reality of moral degeneration. And I have no hope that this can happen, save by some terrible trial." entire article
Next, I headed over to the Plantation Nation for a quick bit of John Stossel interviewing Angelo Codevilla, author of The Ruling Class, and Matt Welch, editor-in-chief of Reason Magazine, about the coming elections. Mr. Stossel believes, as does The Plantation Nation, that it will be "business as usual" after the elections. And, in their own way, so do Mr. Codevilla and Mr. Welch. Again, I tend to agree.
Already we hear prominent Republicans talking about "working with" or "compromising" with the Democrats, which is exactly what the majority of the American citizens oppose. True conservatives don't want to have the growth of Government "slowed"; they want the Federal government to be divested of the myriad of departments, czars, and unconstitutional activities it has co-opted over many decades. Two major places they can start is with the bankrupt Medicare system, which is nothing more than a coercive form of welfare most seniors are forced into, and the reform and privatization of Social Security. Once done, they can move on to defund the hundreds and hundreds of departments that have been formed unconstitutionally.
In "The Tea Party vs The Ruling Class" by Robert James Bidinotto, we see our first ray of hope on this Sunday morning. Mr. Bidinotto elaborates on what Mr. Codevilla has to say about the "ruling class," while recognizing the Tea Party movement as a rising up of a conservative movement that will continue the good fight after the election.
So which camp is right; the glass-half-empty folks, or those who like viewing their glasses half-full? Are we doomed, or will the country battle its way back to the vision of our founders? Most days I think the possibility of pulling this country out of the sink-hole isn't very good. Other days I have great hope, a theological virtue of, well, great hope - that we will return to the intentions of our founding fathers. When Mr. Deming says he sees no hope (a sin against hope), save by some terrible trial, he has stated a historical truth. It will take a profoundly disturbing, even ugly event, to make some people turn their hearts and minds back to our Creator and to the "truth that will set us free."[...]Ladies and gentlemen, I’ve been paying close attention to politics since I was a teenager in the 1960s. I’ve never been so optimistic about America’s future—and you are a major reason for that. For nearly half a century, I wrote and preached about our lost liberties and endangered rights, feeling like a lonely voice in the wilderness. But now, millions of voices are carrying that message. read the rest
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Obama the Marxist
Doug Ross was nice enough to transcribe an interview with Dr. John Drew by Paul Kengor on The Glen Meakem Show. Dr. Drew, who was a classmate of Obama's at Occidental College, has some very interesting, but not surprising, things to say about the young Obama.
What I find most surprising is someone who actually knew Obama in college could be located. How about finding some childhood friends or old girlfriends (?)
What I find most surprising is someone who actually knew Obama in college could be located. How about finding some childhood friends or old girlfriends (?)
Obama approval rating way up? Don't be too sure...
Anything that comes from the lap-dog press concerning Obama is immediately suspect. Newsweek is claiming the entire country is doing a 180 and are once again sipping on the Kool Aid.
Ruby Slippers puts the screws to that notion: Further Proof Sidney Harmon was robbed
Ruby Slippers puts the screws to that notion: Further Proof Sidney Harmon was robbed
Three Charts that will make your head explode...
Something for the Liberal, Communist, Marxist, and Socialist lurkers:
From Deroy Murdock at National Review Online: Three Charts that Will Infuriate Taxpayers
with some fine commentary wrapped around the charts.
Oh, and by the way, Deroy is black. Does this make him a racist, too?
Thanks to Cold Fury for leading us to these charts.
From Deroy Murdock at National Review Online: Three Charts that Will Infuriate Taxpayers
with some fine commentary wrapped around the charts.
Oh, and by the way, Deroy is black. Does this make him a racist, too?
Thanks to Cold Fury for leading us to these charts.
King and Queen Obama have big plans for their trip...
The Obamas will be slinking out of town right after the elections next month. Our high-living scolder-in-chief will be stopping in Mumbai as part of his Asian trip. Why? I have no idea. I'm already counting the ways this fool and his wife will embarrass the American citizens with their gauche behavior. How about a few apologies, some bowing, and a few really tacky gifts? Or - how about they just stay home and quit spending our tax dollars?
The Ecoonomic Times has a schedule for the two days they'll be in Mumbai.
The Ecoonomic Times has a schedule for the two days they'll be in Mumbai.
To ensure fool-proof security, the President’s team has booked the entire the Taj Mahal Hotel, including 570 rooms, all banquets and restaurants. Since his security contingent and staff will comprise a huge number, 125 rooms at Taj President have also been booked, apart from 80 to 90 rooms each in Grand Hyatt and The Oberoi hotels. The NCPA, where the President is expected to meet representatives from the business community, has also been entirely booked.
Your tax dollars at work...The officer said, “Obama’s contingent is huge. There are two jumbo jets coming along with Air Force One, which will be flanked by security jets. There will be 30 to 40 secret service agents, who will arrive before him. The President’s convoy has 45 cars, including the Lincoln Continental in which the President travels.”
Since Obama will stay in a hotel that is on sea front, elaborate coastal security arrangements have been made by the US Navy in consonance with the Indian Navy and the Coast Guard. “There will be US naval ships, along with Indian vessels , patrolling the sea till about 330-km from the shore. This is to negate the possibility of a missile being fired from a distance,” the officer said. read the rest
Obama takes time to endorse homosexual "Spirit Day" ...w/ Update See what happens when you don't agree with the leftie thugs of the world
Obama "shocked and saddened" by recent homosexual suicides by youths thinks they should embrace their sexuality as a point of pride. The fact that the life expectancy of homosexual and bisexual men is as much as 20 years less than non-homosexual men means nothing. How about the rate of AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases from engaging in abnormal behavior? Another point of pride?
From LifeSite News:
Purple Homosexualist 'Spirit Day' Saturates U.S. Schools, Media, Stock Exchange
See what happens when you don't wear purple on "Spirit Day"
From LifeSite News:
The Blog Prof reminds us: Irony: Pro-Infanticide Obama "shocked and saddened" by the recent suicides of several young peoplePresident Barack Obama has issued a message exhorting young people who consider themselves homosexual to "be true to" themselves and recognize their sexual tendencies as "a source of pride, and a source of strength." read the rest
Purple Homosexualist 'Spirit Day' Saturates U.S. Schools, Media, Stock Exchange
See what happens when you don't wear purple on "Spirit Day"
From Prayers for the Journey: Tables Turned
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Westboro Baptist Church of Hate in Spokane today. Tomorrow - North Idaho
Eight members of the Westboro Baptist Church (of hate,) a radical anti-homosexual and anti-Semitic religious group based in Topeka, Kan., are picketing in Spokane today. I guess over 300 counter-protesters showed up at Gonzaga University. Tomorrow the wack jobs are headed for Coeur d' Alene in North Idaho (spitting distance from my home.)
Why anyone would waste their time on a counter-protest is beyond me. Imagine those 8 sickos standing around with their stupid signs being completely ignored. Wouldn't that send a much bigger message? Instead we rush around, waste our time, and give them attention they crave.
Why anyone would waste their time on a counter-protest is beyond me. Imagine those 8 sickos standing around with their stupid signs being completely ignored. Wouldn't that send a much bigger message? Instead we rush around, waste our time, and give them attention they crave.
Suspended Animation
Welcome Doug Ross fans...
sus·pend·ed animation (s
sus·pend·ed animation (s
A temporary state of interrupted breathing and loss of consciousness resembling death, caused especially by asphyxia.
It feels like the entire country is holding it's collective breath waiting for November 2.
More "field" work. Rain headed this way so we're trying to get as much done outside as possible. Many of you may not know that we live on 5 acres - three of which are in gardens. I have a daylily nursery and this year many beds were moved completely to beds that were expanded. So far I've planted over 800 daylily divisions with about another 200 or so to go.
This doesn't mean the rest of the regular maintenance work goes away. Next up is pruning about 25 trees. I LOVE to prune!
Read my latest posts:
Is America skittering toward the great abyss?
The self-esteem movement creates monsters...
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Bunni would approve...
a little something for the middle of the week.
I dare you not to laugh...
I dare you not to laugh...
Monday, October 18, 2010
A Little Something for the Liberal Lurkers...
I've actually read the entire 2000 or so pages of this bill. Some of it I even understood. Read what Fortune Magazine has to say:
5 freedoms you'd lose in health care reform
NEW YORK (Fortune) -- In promoting his health-care agenda, President Obama has repeatedly reassured Americans that they can keep their existing health plans -- and that the benefits and access they prize will be enhanced through reform.
A close reading of the two main bills, one backed by Democrats in the House and the other issued by Sen. Edward Kennedy's Health committee, contradict the President's assurances. To be sure, it isn't easy to comb through their 2,000 pages of tortured legal language. But page by page, the bills reveal a web of restrictions, fines, and mandates that would radically change your health-care coverage. read the rest and weep
Repeal is the answer...
The self-esteem movement creates monsters...
Today we are reaping the rewards of the self-esteem movement which reached warp-speed in the 60's. The whole concept of "We are perfect because God made us, therefore we can do no wrong", has infected the schools (sans the God part), and has crept under cover of darkness into the churches. TV personalities like Oprah Winfrey prattle on about how wonderful we are - God don't make no junk, doncha know - and pop psychologists have jammed the book stores with enough feel-good nonsense to keep even the most depressed among us busy for an eternity.
Protestant preachers, ala Joel Osteen, are making fortunes touting the prosperity gospel, and way too many Catholic priests have bought into "just follow your conscience." Pay no mind to the fact that the conscience in question is probably very poorly formed. Schools inflate grades so everyone can feel smart, and high schools graduate with as many as 15 valedictorians. And we now have a permanent "victim" underclass who suffer due to no fault of their own.
Lately, our current president has been busy reminding the "small people" about our basic lack of understanding of the machinations of government. We're told that in time we will understand...or maybe not, but never you mind - either way, "they" know best. These people who have been elected to do the will of the people have drank deeply from the self-esteem well and we are paying the price.
One of the characteristics I find most often in liberals is their inability to accept responsibility for anything that goes wrong. It is always the fault of someone or something else. Our current president has been blaming "someone else" for two years. Never mind his "stimulus" was a complete failure. Cash for clunkers? That sure worked out well. A health care bill that had to be rammed through in the dead of night because no one wanted it. Why that's because you're too stupid to understand the finer points. Unemployment? Not my fault.
Dr. Sanity has this to say in her fine article Hardwired not to Think Clearly When Narcissistic:
In case you missed it:
Right Wing News: The Left transforms Civil Rights, so that it’s no longer freedom FROM government, but total control BY government
Randy's Round Table: The Real Question on November 2
The Washington Rebel: A Little Monday Morning Anti-Gramsci
The Camp of the Saints: Dr. B.H. Morbius Explains All
The Other McCain: "Scared," Mr. President?
Tea Party News: The Competition of Church and State
Maggie's Notebook: Obama: We Trail China's Infrastructure..again
Ordered Liberty: Why the Washington Senate Race Matters
Ruby Slippers: Obama Looking Like a One-Termer says...
Creative Minority Report: Multikulti Cancelled - National Socialism - Not
Beltway Confidential (via Memeorandum) Obama: Dems are in trouble because Americans aren't thinking clearly
Motus: Moving America Forward with Backwards Fashions, Buckeyes, and Bongs
Protestant preachers, ala Joel Osteen, are making fortunes touting the prosperity gospel, and way too many Catholic priests have bought into "just follow your conscience." Pay no mind to the fact that the conscience in question is probably very poorly formed. Schools inflate grades so everyone can feel smart, and high schools graduate with as many as 15 valedictorians. And we now have a permanent "victim" underclass who suffer due to no fault of their own.
Lately, our current president has been busy reminding the "small people" about our basic lack of understanding of the machinations of government. We're told that in time we will understand...or maybe not, but never you mind - either way, "they" know best. These people who have been elected to do the will of the people have drank deeply from the self-esteem well and we are paying the price.
One of the characteristics I find most often in liberals is their inability to accept responsibility for anything that goes wrong. It is always the fault of someone or something else. Our current president has been blaming "someone else" for two years. Never mind his "stimulus" was a complete failure. Cash for clunkers? That sure worked out well. A health care bill that had to be rammed through in the dead of night because no one wanted it. Why that's because you're too stupid to understand the finer points. Unemployment? Not my fault.
Dr. Sanity has this to say in her fine article Hardwired not to Think Clearly When Narcissistic:
In just over two weeks, the message from the small, but rational people of this country will be loud and clear. Will the self-proclaimed elites hear it? Don't count on it...[...]Our cultural focus on enhancing "self-esteem" has resulted in the near-worship of emotions and feelings at the expense of reason and thought; on emphasizing "root causes" and victimhood, instead of demanding that behavior be civilized and that individuals exert self-discipline and self-control--no matter what they are "feeling".
We see the people who have inhaled this "psychology-lite" everywhere around us, and in all levels of society. Particularly we can notice it in the elites of Hollywood and Academia; who alternate between acting out their narcissistically empowered superiority -- demanding to be noticed, admired and loved (by you); and playing the narcissistically empowered victim -- demanding their inalienable rights and privileges (at your expense). read the entire article - it's excellent
In case you missed it:
Right Wing News: The Left transforms Civil Rights, so that it’s no longer freedom FROM government, but total control BY government
Randy's Round Table: The Real Question on November 2
The Washington Rebel: A Little Monday Morning Anti-Gramsci
The Camp of the Saints: Dr. B.H. Morbius Explains All
The Other McCain: "Scared," Mr. President?
Tea Party News: The Competition of Church and State
Maggie's Notebook: Obama: We Trail China's Infrastructure..again
Ordered Liberty: Why the Washington Senate Race Matters
Ruby Slippers: Obama Looking Like a One-Termer says...
Creative Minority Report: Multikulti Cancelled - National Socialism - Not
Beltway Confidential (via Memeorandum) Obama: Dems are in trouble because Americans aren't thinking clearly
Motus: Moving America Forward with Backwards Fashions, Buckeyes, and Bongs
Never forget...
that our government cooked alive over 20 children and 74 adults at Waco, calling the followers of David Koresh "dangerous", and shot innocent people at Ruby Ridge in North Idaho, but pander to the followers of Islam.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Obama continues to spend tax-payer dollars to fly around, insult the citizens of this country, and leave a carbon "footprint" the size of Kansas...
Does this man look even remotely normal?
Now where have I seen our fashion icon's top before...(purely rhetorical)
Oh, that's right. Last week she wore it backwards...
Now where have I seen our fashion icon's top before...(purely rhetorical)
Oh, that's right. Last week she wore it backwards...
It's Sunday. Time for funnies...
As usual Reaganite Republican has a fine lineup of cartoons to brighten your day and we thank him...
Friday, October 15, 2010
Pundette is in rare form today. Is there anther Dr. Zero on the horizon?
In case you missed it:
Pundette: Friday various & sundry: Cheeseburgers and melting faces
Moonbattery: Obama, Can You Spare a Dime?
Dr. Sanity: Hostage
The Lonely Conservative: How Sad-Americans More Dependent Than Ever On Government
American Thinker: America's Food Stamp Culture
Mind-Numbed Robot brings us this weeks Ten Bucks Friday Winner - and we thank him...
A few days ago I linked to an article by T.L. Davis, Night Sweats of a Small Businessman
posted at his site Tea Party News site. Today's article, posted at both Washington Rebel and Tea Party News, brings to mind one of my favorite writers, Dr Zero. Since Mr. Davis quoted Dr. Zero, I'm guessing he feels the same way.
It's Already War...Just Admit It
by T.L. Davis
Pundette: Friday various & sundry: Cheeseburgers and melting faces
Moonbattery: Obama, Can You Spare a Dime?
Dr. Sanity: Hostage
The Lonely Conservative: How Sad-Americans More Dependent Than Ever On Government
American Thinker: America's Food Stamp Culture
Mind-Numbed Robot brings us this weeks Ten Bucks Friday Winner - and we thank him...
A few days ago I linked to an article by T.L. Davis, Night Sweats of a Small Businessman
posted at his site Tea Party News site. Today's article, posted at both Washington Rebel and Tea Party News, brings to mind one of my favorite writers, Dr Zero. Since Mr. Davis quoted Dr. Zero, I'm guessing he feels the same way.
It's Already War...Just Admit It
by T.L. Davis
"Just as America had been attacked for decades before 9-11, the American ethic has been under attack for longer than that. As with Islamic Jihad, we are slow to awaken, slow to react. We are victims of our own success. They call it laziness, I suppose, but it’s really something different; it is something which inspires inaction in the face of injustice; it is a calm response to outrageous effrontery. This seeming indifference in the American citizen is actually a deep, almost religious regard for republican democracy." Read the rest of this fine article. It will give you something to think about today.
A racist behind every tree...
Before the election of our current president, the few liberals I knew kept up the mantra that this was a "historic" election because Obama was black. Never mind that he was only half "black" because, as in the days of old, one drop of black blood makes you fully black. I would bring up Obama's views on different issues and would be told almost immediately that I was "racist." Well no - I was bringing up issues and they were bringing up race. When pressed on the issues, these folks invariably resorted, after the racist charge, to call me "stupid" because liberals can rarely explain their positions.
Probably half of these Obama voters have relented and realized they made a huge mistake. Now they want to talk about issues. And the black community? The majority still think Obama is the messiah because he's black. So you tell me who the real racists are.
Nice Deb posted a round-up of articles she did before the election for you folks that may have changed your mind about this "historic" election.
Elections have consequences, and because of the actions of racists, our country is being thrust into a new "Dark Age." In today's article by the esteemed Dr. Zero, he talks about the government having grown out of control. And he warns us that much of this may not be reversible.
Probably half of these Obama voters have relented and realized they made a huge mistake. Now they want to talk about issues. And the black community? The majority still think Obama is the messiah because he's black. So you tell me who the real racists are.
Nice Deb posted a round-up of articles she did before the election for you folks that may have changed your mind about this "historic" election.
[...]"Well, you know how this story turned out: The MSM ran cover for Obama to the bitter end. The McCain campaign especially failed to go over the heads of the media and give the American people the information they needed to make a responsible decision at the ballot box. Sarah Palin tried to warn voters as much as she could, but she was muzzled by the McCain campaign from saying too much.
Why? Were they afraid of being called racists? Were they afraid of being called red-baiters? Look how much we're paying for their cowardice, now." read the rest
The information was available well before the people of this country hit the polling booths in 2008. But the real racists were so dazzled by Obama's "shiny object" skin color they didn't bother to find out what or who they were actually voting for and nothing has happened to change their minds. And the Obama supporters are still calling me racist and stupid while I keep bringing up issues.
Elections have consequences, and because of the actions of racists, our country is being thrust into a new "Dark Age." In today's article by the esteemed Dr. Zero, he talks about the government having grown out of control. And he warns us that much of this may not be reversible.
The only real historic election to happen will be in 17 days. It will be the largest repudiation of any sitting president's policies in history.[...]Even massive “wave” elections, driven by the most passionate and informed electorate in a generation, may not be enough to reverse the effects of radical power grabs, or halt the feeding frenzy of lame ducks in a shallow congressional pond. The current ruling Party has taken to explicitly stating that voters cannot possibly understand the issues, and are not qualified to pass judgment on their betters in Washington. Massive bills have been passed over deafening howls of popular opposition… and in some states, the opposition has already faded away, leaving voters ready to re-elect politicians who hold them in open contempt. read the rest
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Guess What? He's NOT going to call you the next day...

It seems black bloggers won't be "pimped out"...
From: McNorman:
The Post Racial POTUS Strikes Again
Sounds like a conspiracy to moi...
and from New Zealand blog yet!
BUSTED! Conyers Meets With Marxists - How Democrat Politics REALLY Works
I challenge everyone to go out in the world today and use the word conspiracy. Just let it roll off your tongue and flit about in the air. It will feel so good. I promise!We're all thankful the Chilean miners didn't start killing each other after two days...
and let's not mention God.
Leave it to that lunatic Chris Matthews (does anyone actually watch that goof?) to tie the Tea Party movement to the Chilean miners. His claim is that if they followed the Tea Party philosophy of "every man for himself" (huh??) they would have been killing each other after two days. H/T Newbusters
First of all, that is such a horrible accusation to make against these men, as though they are nothing more than animals that will turn violent when caged. Even if it was "every man for himself", for what purpose would they kill each other?
Counter that with this post from The Blog Prof: Rescued miner says he saw God, devil during captivity, "I buried 40 years of my life down there, and I'm going to live a lot longer to be a new person"
Leave it to that lunatic Chris Matthews (does anyone actually watch that goof?) to tie the Tea Party movement to the Chilean miners. His claim is that if they followed the Tea Party philosophy of "every man for himself" (huh??) they would have been killing each other after two days. H/T Newbusters
First of all, that is such a horrible accusation to make against these men, as though they are nothing more than animals that will turn violent when caged. Even if it was "every man for himself", for what purpose would they kill each other?
Counter that with this post from The Blog Prof: Rescued miner says he saw God, devil during captivity, "I buried 40 years of my life down there, and I'm going to live a lot longer to be a new person"
But when the Chilean miners started coming up one by one, and started talking of spiritual experiences, the MSM couldn't ignore it by the shear reality that it was pasted all over the planet. Even the Clinton News Network picked up the story. The Blog Prof
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Doug Ross is not a conspiracy theorist. I repeat - Doug Ross is NOT a conspiracy theorist...
I felt the need to repeat that phrase because Doug (bless his heart) felt the need to repeat it in his most recent post. Let's review the meaning of conspiracy. Hey - how about four definitions in case you don't like some of them?
Doug has a great post up, "You Won't Believe What They're Up To Now" about the potential for the amoral crooks in DC to steal people's 401K's. As I said earlier, Doug felt the need to tell us twice he was not a conspiracy theorist. Since Doug is one of the most respected and careful bloggers out there, I find it curious that his reporting of the news should be fraught with such disclaimers.
I'm tired of the left defining the argument. We spend all our time assuring folks we're not racists, conspiracy theorists, or right-wing religious wackos. Those accusations against us are Alinsky tactics and we're buying right into them.
For the record:
and proud of it!
I spoke about conspiracy in an earlier post Conspiracy is Not a Bad Word and nothing has happened since then to change my mind. Don't let the Loony Left steal our perfectly good words. I believe what is going on in Washington is a conspiracy. They have managed to fulfill all four of the above definitions.1. An agreement to perform together an illegal, wrongful, or subversive act.2. A group of conspirators.3. Law An agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime or accomplish a legal purpose through illegal action.4. A joining or acting together, as if by sinister design:
Doug has a great post up, "You Won't Believe What They're Up To Now" about the potential for the amoral crooks in DC to steal people's 401K's. As I said earlier, Doug felt the need to tell us twice he was not a conspiracy theorist. Since Doug is one of the most respected and careful bloggers out there, I find it curious that his reporting of the news should be fraught with such disclaimers.
I'm tired of the left defining the argument. We spend all our time assuring folks we're not racists, conspiracy theorists, or right-wing religious wackos. Those accusations against us are Alinsky tactics and we're buying right into them.
For the record:
- I'm a conspiracy theorist
- I'm a racist - in the proper sense of the word
- and I'm a right-wing religious wacko
and proud of it!
Michelle Obama stumps for Feingold in Wisconsin, Wednesday, Oct. 13
No comment...
Ok - one comment:
And we the taxpayers foot the bill to fly these two classless jackasses around the country to campaign against approximately 70% of the populace opposed to their policies.
Ok - one comment:
And we the taxpayers foot the bill to fly these two classless jackasses around the country to campaign against approximately 70% of the populace opposed to their policies.
You'll have to pry my "mouse" from my cold dead hands...
which would probably please a few of my liberal loony trolls.
I've warned about this sort of thing before and been called a "scare monger", "conspiracy nut", and a "c*nt." So what does Big Government post today? November 30 Could be the Day the Federal Government Seizes Control of the Internet.
I've warned about this sort of thing before and been called a "scare monger", "conspiracy nut", and a "c*nt." So what does Big Government post today? November 30 Could be the Day the Federal Government Seizes Control of the Internet.
[...]This is one of the most important battles ever waged in Washington – and precious little is known about it outside the Beltway.
What we are talking about is Internet reclassification. What that means is the FCC – which by its own admission doesn’t have authority over the Web – would just vote itself said authority. By reclassifying the Internet – so that it would be subject to the same rules as landline telephones. read the rest
Trickle Down Poverty
A hearty thanks to Smitty of The Other McCain for posting a link to an article by the editor of Tea Party News Night Sweats of a Small Businessman. It was cross-posted at Washington Rebel (one of those classy whoop-te-do sites with lots of cool things going on that this tech-challenged chick hasn't time or inclination to do.) But I digress...
It is the stories of the individuals that grab my attention. We all know Obama is insane, which is a politically incorrect term for all the fancy labels that have been pinned on him. Deciding between malignant narcissist or psychotic sock-puppet is a waste of time. It's much easier to just call him insane.
Read how the Federal government, meddling in areas in which constitutionally it has no business, is ruining the lives of the Americans who are providing the jobs. I can sympathize with this man because we are small business owners and our lives have already changed dramatically. When the bums and freeloaders have wrenched the last dime out of people who actually create value in this economy, who will they turn to?
How many times do we have to say this to the greenie-weenie trash-sorting Prius driving lefties of this country? The government does not create jobs! Any questions?
More from Dr. Zero:
I shall be back after making a few job calls. I have decided to secure a part-time job. My daylily nursery business does not generate lots of work when we're buried under snow, and so a few hours here and there will be a nice way to add to our savings.
It is the stories of the individuals that grab my attention. We all know Obama is insane, which is a politically incorrect term for all the fancy labels that have been pinned on him. Deciding between malignant narcissist or psychotic sock-puppet is a waste of time. It's much easier to just call him insane.
Read how the Federal government, meddling in areas in which constitutionally it has no business, is ruining the lives of the Americans who are providing the jobs. I can sympathize with this man because we are small business owners and our lives have already changed dramatically. When the bums and freeloaders have wrenched the last dime out of people who actually create value in this economy, who will they turn to?
How many times do we have to say this to the greenie-weenie trash-sorting Prius driving lefties of this country? The government does not create jobs! Any questions?
More from Dr. Zero:
Impertinent Questions: Who Wants The Government To Create Jobs?
I shall be back after making a few job calls. I have decided to secure a part-time job. My daylily nursery business does not generate lots of work when we're buried under snow, and so a few hours here and there will be a nice way to add to our savings.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Finally...the Zombie's are starting to wake up
No disrespect to Zombie's implied...
From Bloomberg: Obama Loses Support in Poll as Joblessness Prompts Growing U.S. Discontent
From Los Angles Times: Nearly half of Obama's supporters have now given up on him: poll
From The Hill: Gallup poll shows GOP isn't losing steam with likely voters
All gathered up in a neat little package from Memeorandum, and we thank them...
From Bloomberg: Obama Loses Support in Poll as Joblessness Prompts Growing U.S. Discontent
From Los Angles Times: Nearly half of Obama's supporters have now given up on him: poll
From The Hill: Gallup poll shows GOP isn't losing steam with likely voters
All gathered up in a neat little package from Memeorandum, and we thank them...
Monday, October 11, 2010
Now here's a priest who "gets it" A message for all Christians...
The following is a message from Father Richard Perozich, a priest of the Diocese of San Diego:
[...]It can be said of us in America in the year 2010, "O stupid Catholics, who has bewitched you?" We easily go over to pagan ideas, putting aside our faith, our truth, in order to accommodate the evil of people who will not accommodate us! To promote their ideas they attack us personally calling us the far right, ultra-conservative, bigoted, homophobic, hate mongers, holy rollers, and other epithets. This silences many Catholics. It only emboldens me, and it should embolden you also to promote your faith. read it all- it's a doozy!H/T Pewsitter
Obama - our first "jive talking" president sounds like a fool...
What is it with this "jive" talk from the president? While I am unable to listen to his full speeches due to the irritating cadence of his voice and the fact that he does nothing but spew lies (verifiable), occasionally a sound bite comes across the radio waves. At times, his screaming sounds like a deranged Hitler and other times like some ghetto black preacher trying to convince the people to buy his brand of elixir. I'm sure the few "fine wine/arugula elitists" in this country who still support him consider this part of his "coolness" factor. That's because these "spiritual but not religious" folks are so un-cool themselves.
Two articles caught my eye this morning. American Thinker brings us The American Left Slides into Psychosis, by J.R. Dunn. While I disagree with the title, because in order to be a progressive liberal you must be operating at a sub-level of reasoning called psychosis from the get-go, the article is spot on. I have never met a liberal who, when presented with the facts, does not resort to name calling and, if they know you well, outright saliva-spitting rage. If they don't know you well, they tend to display an attitude of smug dismissal.
The other is from Reaganite Republican: A Failed Presidency on the Brink of Collapse.
Reaganite Republican also garners the coveted:
Quote of the Day Award
Two articles caught my eye this morning. American Thinker brings us The American Left Slides into Psychosis, by J.R. Dunn. While I disagree with the title, because in order to be a progressive liberal you must be operating at a sub-level of reasoning called psychosis from the get-go, the article is spot on. I have never met a liberal who, when presented with the facts, does not resort to name calling and, if they know you well, outright saliva-spitting rage. If they don't know you well, they tend to display an attitude of smug dismissal.
The other is from Reaganite Republican: A Failed Presidency on the Brink of Collapse.
Reaganite Republican also garners the coveted:
Quote of the Day Award
Alas, other than "soaring rhetoric" consisting largely of BS, playing the anti-Bush was all this hack Obama ever really had... that and a trendy, exploitable racial heritage. Reaganite RepublicanAs always Larwyn's Linx has a fine round of good reads:

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