Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Doug Ross is not a conspiracy theorist. I repeat - Doug Ross is NOT a conspiracy theorist...

I felt the need to repeat that phrase because Doug (bless his heart) felt the need to repeat it in his most recent post.  Let's review the meaning of conspiracy.  Hey - how about four definitions in case you don't like some of them?

1. An agreement to perform together an illegal, wrongful, or subversive act.
2. A group of conspirators.
3. Law An agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime or accomplish a legal purpose through illegal action.
4. A joining or acting together, as if by sinister design:
I spoke about conspiracy in an earlier post  Conspiracy is Not a Bad Word and nothing has happened since then to change my mind.  Don't let the Loony Left steal our perfectly good words.  I believe what is going on in Washington is a conspiracy.  They have managed to fulfill all four of the above definitions. 

Doug has a great post up, "You Won't Believe What They're Up To Now" about the potential for the amoral crooks in DC to steal people's 401K's.  As I said earlier, Doug felt the need to tell us twice he was not a conspiracy theorist.  Since Doug is one of the most respected and careful bloggers out there, I find it curious that his reporting of the news should be fraught with such disclaimers. 

I'm tired of the left defining the argument.  We spend all our time assuring folks we're not racists, conspiracy theorists, or right-wing religious wackos.  Those accusations against us are Alinsky tactics and we're buying right into them.

For the record:
  •  I'm a conspiracy theorist 
  • I'm a racist - in the proper sense of the word
  • and I'm a right-wing religious wacko

 and proud of it!


Randy-g said...

My cat is missing..........

William Bradley said...

Yay for Catholic Conservatives!

Lola said...

The Kitteh is wearing my Halloween Costume. I'm also adding a 'fringe' jacket.

Loony Fringe.