Friday, October 29, 2010

You can call me a bit more than "non-impressed"

This reminds me of having a crazy drunken uncle who always embarrasses the family during the holidays.

The first and second "ladies" of the United States found it necessary to appear on lesbian Ellen deGeneres show yesterday where they proceeded to wiggle and squirm their "best moves" to rock music, and still found time to fracture the English language.  

From the Daily Mail in the UK complete with nauseating pictures:

Here's a few comments from the article that say it all:
"The First Lady revealed that daughters Malia and Sasha are 'non-impressed' by their father being one of the most powerful men in the world and living in the White House." 
Clearly they are the brains of the family then. Imagine a few hundred million Americans probably agree with them. Has anyone done more to cheapen the US presidency.
Ultimately history will judge him, but it's not looking good at the moment. Beginning to make Carter look good and thats not exactly easy.
Pathetic! If I were American, I would be embarrassed by this faux 'celebrity' leader and his wife. Our PMs have had a lot to answer to...but this is really laughable!
Like to see the video?  Head over to Motus  (and scroll down to the first post.)

- but is does carry a Pepto Bismol warning...
The video is 9 minutes long but the dancing part is in the first minute.  I would never suggest you torture yourself with a full 9 minutes of that woman actually talking.