Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Trickle Down Poverty

A hearty thanks to Smitty of The Other McCain for posting a link to an article by the editor of  Tea Party News  Night Sweats of a Small Businessman.  It was cross-posted at Washington Rebel (one of those classy whoop-te-do sites with lots of cool things going on that this tech-challenged chick hasn't time or inclination to do.) But I digress...

It is the stories of the individuals that grab my attention.  We all know Obama is insane, which is a politically incorrect term for all the fancy labels that have been pinned on him.  Deciding between malignant narcissist or psychotic sock-puppet is a waste of time.  It's much easier to just call him insane.

Read how the Federal government, meddling in areas in which constitutionally it has no business, is ruining the lives of the Americans who are providing the jobs.  I can sympathize with this man because we are small business owners and our lives have already changed dramatically. When the bums and freeloaders have wrenched the last dime out of people who actually create value in this economy, who will they turn to?

How many times do we have to say this to the greenie-weenie trash-sorting Prius driving lefties of this country?  The government does not create jobs!  Any questions?

More from Dr. Zero: 

Impertinent Questions: Who Wants The Government To Create Jobs?

I shall be back after making a few job calls.  I have decided to secure a part-time job.  My daylily nursery business does not generate lots of work when we're buried under snow, and so a few hours here and there will be a nice way to add to our savings.  


Anonymous said...

I am here to declare for the Whoop dee Doo.

Thanks for the link!

T.L. Davis said...

Also, thank you for linking my post! T.L. Davis