Two articles caught my eye this morning. American Thinker brings us The American Left Slides into Psychosis, by J.R. Dunn. While I disagree with the title, because in order to be a progressive liberal you must be operating at a sub-level of reasoning called psychosis from the get-go, the article is spot on. I have never met a liberal who, when presented with the facts, does not resort to name calling and, if they know you well, outright saliva-spitting rage. If they don't know you well, they tend to display an attitude of smug dismissal.
The other is from Reaganite Republican: A Failed Presidency on the Brink of Collapse.
Reaganite Republican also garners the coveted:
Quote of the Day Award
Alas, other than "soaring rhetoric" consisting largely of BS, playing the anti-Bush was all this hack Obama ever really had... that and a trendy, exploitable racial heritage. Reaganite RepublicanAs always Larwyn's Linx has a fine round of good reads:

Much O-blidged, Adrienne~
If he talks like a fool, and acts like a fool, I will go out on a limb and say it for most of us.....He is a FOOL!!
James - you're welcome
Randy - ya think?
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