Thursday, June 30, 2011

Funniest post on Obama's presser...


Bride of Rove had me in spasms and tears of laughter and the good Lord knows we need some of that in our liver  lives - and we thank her!

The Weathermen are on borrowed time

The man-child president...

on full display.

I didn't watch the press conference (there's only so much a person can take.)  While watching Granny Jan's video of Obama with some short clips from the presser, I was astounded at the tone of incivility and childishness which have become his trademark.

A big thank you to Granny Jan and Jihad Kitty for this great video

Stogie, over at Saberpoint, has some succinct comments to make:   Barack Obama's Latest Gambit for Re-Election: He's the "Responsbile Adult"

And so does Mary Ann, over at Les Femmes:  Obama the Whining Comedian...

The Camp of the Saints brings us even more pithy commentary on the 60 minutes of whining Obama called a press conference. 

Randy adds:    Is Barry Serious? Or Insane? Or Both?

Professor Jacobson, over at Legal Insurrection, has this to say:   Obama press conference – false choices and demagoguery

MOTUS has her usual spot on anylisis of the the presser:  Tick, tick, tick: 67 minutes with Obama. WTF

In case you missed it:  

For your "stop and think moment of the day" we thank Mark at Ordered Liberty:  Alexander Hamilton on natural calamities and the will of God

Allentown Metal Works a sign of "Hope and Change?"  I don't think so, and neither does Mitt Romney:  Maggie, at her Notebook, (who just had foot surgery - ouch!)  Romney Pennsylvania Jobs Ad: Allentown Metal Works a Pawn in Obama’s Marxist Hope and Change

The Stethoscope...

Free prescription discount card?...

that would be an affirmative.

From Hot Air Green Room:
Xtreme Charity, the charitable foundation of Stephen Baldwin & Kevin McCullough announce the much anticipated start of their private initiative to assist every person in America to have greater control over their own health care cost and maintenance. Hence this is day one of the “Stephen and Kevin care about your health” CARES PROJECT 2011:
[...]  So step one of the CaresProject 2011 we wanted to immediately bring down the cost of your out-of-pocket cash, and with the help of a tremendous consortium of talent we have created the CaresCard. AND WE MADE IT AVAILABLE FOR FREE!
When you click and create one, take it with you to your pharmacy. It is honored at 60,000 pharmacies across the nation. There are only 62,000 or so pharmacies (not counting the 3,000 operated in prisons.)

Read the rest

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The evil rich...

are the targets of the envious and stupid.
[...]The quest to “soak the rich” is one of the most dangerous obsessions in human history.  The moral implications of class warfare should disturb any lover of liberty.  Who gets to decide on the membership of the evil “Haves,” and how much their property rights attenuate with success?  Why is it immoral to oppose a tax increase on people who make more than $380,000 per year, but equally immoral to call for increased taxes on those who make $350,000 per year?  read the rest

Hey loony left -

notice Michele Bachmann dancing?  She's dancing with a guy and managing to look like a lady, unlike our first woman who squirms and hoochie dances by herself.  And while you're sitting around in all your arrogance declaring Bachmann the "stupidest person, evah", take time to Google, "stupid things Obama has said."  The list is long. 

H/T Pundette

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Next up...

a bit more than a sound bite.

Sometimes the blogoshpere becomes so overwhelming that we fail to appreciate, or worse, don't bother to read anything over 50 words in length. My blogger buddy Blue, posted a link to a great article that would qualify as being more than a sound bite. 

The author, Dave, of  Thoughts Aloud …A Haven For Sovereign Rational Minds  has given permission to reprint in full this article by the following statement:
You are free to copy any or all of it and publish it anywhere you like, with or without attribution. This is not about who gets credit… it is about trying to save our country, while there might still be time left to do so, with the least complicated, most expeditious, means available. Please, I beg of you sons and daughters of Liberty, and all who have ever taken the oath to support and defend our Constitution – stand up and do your duty. It just may truly be now or never.
Take the time to read the article and take some time to head over to Thoughts Aloud to read some of his other fine articles.   As Blue said, "It's long but so worth it."

postheadericon Now or Never

Any red-blooded American Patriot paying attention, can’t help noticing the breathtaking pace with which our once great nation is self-destructing. More accurately, it is being systematically dismantled by determined domestic enemies of Liberty. Anyone unfamiliar with the “Cloward and Piven” strategy to implement a Marxist revolution in America, by first deliberately collapsing our economy, should look it up. Committed Marxists, calling themselves “Progressives,” have been diligently about the task of dumbing us down, promoting collectivism, and subverting our Constitution for over one hundred years.

The blue-blooded Progressives’ agenda went into overdrive with the remarkable election of the virtually unknown (and largely unknowable) glib pandering demagogue, who calls himself Barak Obama. While they represent less than one quarter of our population, and the hardcore subversives are only a fraction of that, for a variety of reasons, circumstances conspired to give them full control of both the Executive and Legislative branches of our Federal government for the first time in a generation. With the international banking crisis for cover, these Saul Alinsky inspired radicals have been debauching our currency and flagrantly ignoring the restraints of the Constitution and wishes of the general public to, in Obama’s own words, “fundamentally transform America” into the utopian dream he inherited from his committed Marxist father.

Newly awakened and alarmed TEA Party folk retook control of the House of Representatives in 2010, and are keeping pressure on the Progressive (Lite) Republican establishment, so Obama no longer has a compliant legislature. Now, he is simply ignoring acts (or inactions) of Congress and governs by dictatorial executive fiat. Almost daily now, we hear of ever more onerous departmental regulations and/or executive orders implementing policies the Progressives are unable to get passed by the legislature. I think we are at an existential tipping point. It may already be too late to stop them; but we have to try. We certainly need a more expeditious plan to rein in our out-of-control Federal government, than hoping for change after the 2012 elections.

“I, Dave Hunter, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic…”

I first swore that oath as a seventeen-year-old Army recruit during the Vietnam war. The several times I renewed it as a peace officer were redundant. In my mind, the first one never expired, and never will. I may just be a retired old man, armed now only with a keyboard; but my passion for individual Liberty and reverence for our cherished Constitution, burns as bright as ever. I have lived the American dream of my own patriotic, industrious, and fiercely independent father; and I want my heirs to have the same opportunity to live their lives as they choose to live them.

If Obama prefers the collectivist nanny-state of his own father’s dreams, I suggest he pick another country. We must not allow him to overthrow this one. I beseech all Patriots to assist me with a simple action plan for vanquishing the treasonous domestic enemies overrunning our White House. At the same time, we will be putting all politicians on notice that we the people demand they respect our Constitution in its minutest detail, and require them to honor the oath they take to support and defend it.

Uncommon History:

The essential difference between a constitutional republic and a democracy is that a republic enshrines protection for the rights of individuals and minorities in its constitution, protecting them from the whim of the majority; while a democracy is essentially mob rule, where the collective can utilize the coercive power of government to impose their will on individuals and minorities. Republics employ “representatives” to defend citizens’ interests from the natural inclination of government functionaries to overreach limited authority; the rights of the individual are paramount. Democracies select “leaders” with grandiose “visions” to utilize the coercive power of government to impose their model of an ideal society on others, the welfare of the collective is paramount.

Those of us old enough to have studied American History back before the Progressives invented “Social Studies,” understand that our Founders formed a constitutional republic, not a democracy. The notion that it would ever be empowered to violate the property rights of a minority, at the whim of the majority, and confiscate the earnings of industrious citizens for redistribution among the indolent, would have been anathema to them. These proud representatives of our self-sufficient pioneering stock considered charity, and such “social engineering” by nosey busybodies as they might have tolerated, to be within the purview of the church, not a coercive Federal government.

Our Constitution was not designed as a plaything for pandering demagogues to act out their altruistic Robin Hood fantasies. Government functionaries at all levels were meant to be servants of the people, with their activities closely monitored and regulated by the people – not the other way around. It only established a federation of thirteen individual sovereign states, as a combination free trade agreement (think European Union) and mutual defense pact (think NATO). Unrestrained commerce, sound money, and international relations were what was foremost on our Founders’ minds as they debated how best to govern themselves as a nation – not regulating the activities of individual citizens, whom they regarded as the true sovereigns in their classical liberal view of Natural Law. By design, the power of the Federal government to interfere in the affairs of its constituent states was extremely limited. Its ability to interfere in the routine daily lives of their citizens was virtually nonexistent.

As inspired as the Constitutional Convention’s work product was, Patriots freshly shed of the tyranny of a monarch routinely violating their Natural Rights as freemen, were mistrustful of surrendering any of their hard-won sovereignty to another distant and powerful central government (just as Patriots today balk at the Progressive NWO agenda for surrendering our sovereignty to a global government). Thus, several of the states refused to ratify the Constitution until the Bill of Rights was included. This was to make damn sure the Federal government they were agreeing to join understood that its powers were strictly limited to only those specifically enumerated, and the Natural Rights of its citizens would remain forever inalienable.

The resultant federation of individually sovereign states worked splendidly for nearly 100 years, as unfettered and productive sovereign citizens were empowered to flourish in a relatively safe free-trade zone with sound money. Admittedly, the basic nature of our government began unraveling with the Civil War, and was effectively eviscerated by the Progressive atrocities committed in 1913, our darkest year (Amendments 16 & 17, and the Federal Reserve Act). Still, thoughtful students of our true history cannot be faulted for pining for a return of the halcyon days of our nation’s youth, when individual opportunity trumped collective victimhood for industrious citizens. Only the numbed minds of the easily deluded could consider the pernicious slide back into serfdom offered by the collectivists, as anything even approaching “progress.”

I reckon our Constitution, if it has any meaning at all as the supreme law of the land, must mean precisely what our Founders intended it to mean at the time they penned it, except as duly amended. Since the process for amending it is clearly prescribed, I utterly reject the notion of a “Living Constitution” that can be capriciously modified by creative “interpretations” of partisan judicial activists, to give the government powers to meddle in our daily lives they clearly were never meant to have.

They are our employees, dammit, not our rulers. As a sovereign citizen, I owe no respect or allegiance to judicial fiat, and no duty to obey any statutes, rules, or regulations common sense alone would deem unconstitutional with regard to original intent. Born a freeman in the land of the free and the home of the brave, color me an unchained and incurably contumacious Patriot, who has had quite enough of such tomfoolery. If we somehow survive the looming Constitutional crisis, resolving this issue should be paramount in the aftermath.

Present Peril:

America, unbelievably, finds itself dazed and on the ropes. Yet, the propaganda industry (aka news media) and political parties are already gleefully gearing up to marginalize or destroy popular candidates and promote their preferred choices for 2012. One would think that the only import of the multitude of looming existential crises angling for our knockout blow, is the potential effect they might have on an election that is still a year and a half away. Once again, the sheeple are being suckered with a message of hope for change, by the Incumbrepublocrats who will say and do anything to keep their cushy jobs.

Supposedly, we can cure what ails us by promoting more self-serving professional politicians with the proper “experience,” “leadership,” and “vision” from the minors (thus opening apprenticeship positions in State governments for a new crop of ambitious young lawyers from all the best Progressive schools); as if a hundred years of steady erosion of our Constitution, with entrenched bureaucracies regulating our every move, could ever be reversed by just electing a few more moderately Progressive R’s than dogmatically Progressive D’s. Wake-up Patriots; the “lessor of two evils” is a rigged game, where hope for change is an illusion, and the evil of Progressivism cannot lose.

If polls continue to indicate he might lose it, what gives anyone confidence Chairman Obama will even permit another election? He continuously demonstrates his contempt for our Constitution, and is already issuing dictatorial edicts to overrule the will of Congress. It would be child’s play for his Alinsky-schooled revolutionary cohorts and Marxist led union thugs, to instigate some sort of false-flag civil upheaval, to justify martial law and the postponement of the election. If you think this impossible in America, you haven’t been paying close enough attention lately. Who would stop them? How? Remember the public’s reaction to the OKC bombing (a classic false-flag operation that shut down a burgeoning Patriot/Militia movement overnight)? With their control of the media, propaganda could have the sheeple demanding that all those dastardly TEA Party “subversives” be rounded up. The feckless Republican establishment would run for cover and disavow us in a heartbeat.

I submit that even without such shenanigans, and conservative capitalists were able to pull off a game-changing electoral sweep in 2012, we do not have that much time. The Progressives are deliberately spending us into oblivion, with borrowed money our grandkids will never be able to repay. If we do not shut down the destructive revolutionary agenda of the present administration immediately, and put Americans back to work rebuilding our failing economy, it could be too far gone to save by Inauguration Day 2013. If we do not stop abusing the Treasury printing presses at the current rate, our currency could be well on its way to becoming as worthless as Zimbabwe’s by then, and foreigners won’t be interested in loaning us any more real money without real collateral.

If we do not reverse our foolish course of meddling with the balance of power in the Middle East, we may even spark a nuclear conflagration there before 2013, which would likely ignite another world war with devastating consequences. Whatever one thinks of the Israel vs Palestine issue, if one doesn’t think Israel will use their nukes to defend their very existence, one doesn’t understand the Jews. If we were about to be overrun, slaughtered, and driven into the sea by suicidal barbarians who teach their children that we are subhuman, would we use ours? Like it or not, we need to vociferously vow to immediately defend Israel against any aggressor (and somehow convince the world that we actually mean it), just to try to deter the Islamic countries from foolishly invading them again.

This risk only fortifies my assessment that we must begin immediately, on a massive scale, to develop our own domestic energy supplies, or our economy might never recover from a loss of access to Arabian oil. I am weary of the environmentalists’ argument that it takes to long to bring new wells into production, so drilling is never considered a viable solution to the recurring energy crisis. Had we started back when they first began saying this, we could easily be self-sufficient by now.

We need to rein in this runaway Marxist-spawned environmental movement and reassert the supremacy of human welfare over 2″ fish, 3″ lizards, and frozen tundra, which 99% of mankind will never personally see. Even pristine vistas are of little value to those who cannot afford the fuel to visit them. Just turning loose our own domestic energy industries to tap our own massive resources, would instigate an unbelievable jobs boom that could turn our economy around overnight. Drill, baby, drill – drill NOW!

Then, there is the issue of the security of our southern border. Since our native population thoughtlessly bought into the Malthusian ZPG nonsense of the ’70s and has stopped breeding enough to even maintain our population, much less grow it, I recognize our need for new immigrants. How else could we keep the SSI and Medicare Ponzi schemes afloat? But they should come through the front door as invited guests, learn to speak our language, and assimilate into our culture. The opportunity we offer an immigrant is golden, and we should demand no less of those desiring to share the prosperous paradise our forefathers expended their sweat and blood to create and defend for us.

It is not xenophobic to lament the outsourcing of our reproductive chores to Mexico, and be unwilling to tolerate those who illegally sneak into our country uninvited, refuse to adopt our way of life, and refuse to learn and speak our language. It is not racist to be offended by those angrily waving foreign flags in our streets, while demanding supposed rights to our infrastructure and welfare largess, and illegally voting in our elections for pandering Progressives, who promise them amnesty and citizenship.

All over the world well-educated and highly skilled people, who already speak good english, would gladly pay dearly for a chance to legally immigrate here. Rather than become a burden on us, they would bring cash to invest and thrive in our free-market economy. Why in the world do we reject these middle-class entrepreneurs, in favor of the underworld of uneducated and undocumented peasants now spreading welfare-funded, third-world like, ethnic ghettos all across our country? Could it simply be that they are easier to exploit?

The Indictment:

Maybe the rules have changed, but I doubt that one in ten of all the radical “czars,” special advisors, et al, whom Obama has managed to install in the top echelons of government without Senate confirmation, could have passed the rigorous FBI background check for a Top-Secret security clearance that I had to go through back in the ’60′s. Least of all, Obama himself (just read his own memoirs). Think about that. Those old enough to remember “Duck & Cover” drills in school, and/or investing time in their prime youth overseas trying to save the Free World from the advance of Communism, should be chilled by this inescapable truth. My mind boggles (and shudders) at the thought that a man, whose shadowy radical Marxist background should disqualify him for even a Confidential level security clearance, is now acting as CinC.

With no time left to spare, I think we must immediately consider the nuclear option to rid ourselves of this Marxist pretender and all of his revolutionary associates from our White House. There is a way to do this expeditiously that is infinitely simpler than an election, with the added advantage of immediately reversing much of the damage he has already done. It is recognized by far more politicos and judges than will admit so publicly, that Obama is a patent fraud who, by definition, is ineligible for the office of POTUS. All we have to do is stand up on our hind legs, ignore the taunts of “racist” or “birther” by mindless Obots, and demand in every forum available to us that he either resign immediately, or be arrested for fraud (if not treason) and bodily removed from the office he has usurped.

Much has been made of his obviously phony birth certificate(s) (the “long form” version he recently released is such a provably and amateurishly forged document it is laughable), and needless speculation regarding the place of his birth. Jerome Corsi’s new book, “Where’s the Birth Certificate, The Case That Barak Obama is Not Eligible to be President” is very compelling on many important issues beyond such speculation. He does a masterful job of documenting how fraudulent his nativity and early life narrative really is. The man is a complete phony, regardless of where he happened to be born, which I have always viewed as misdirection to obscure more salient details of his past.

Almost more compelling and egregious, is Jack Cashill’s new book, “Deconstructing Obama, The Life, Loves, and Letters of Americas’s First Postmodern President.” It makes an essentially irrefutable case that Obama’s famed literary masterpiece, “Dreams from my Father” (on which his reputation as a brilliant intellectual is solely based), was actually written almost entirely by, of all people, his terrorist pal Bill Ayers. This was a premeditated and calculated effort to manufacture a phony narrative for Obama’s life, and he continues to tell the baldfaced lie that he wrote it by himself, to mock ghost-written books of political competitors.

Both books convince any open-minded rational reader that Obama’s nativity story is mostly fiction. (E.g. Obama’s parents never lived together as man and wife. They provably weren’t even living in the same State after his birth, much less the same house.) For those confused about what actually makes Obama tick, another recent book that elegantly explains his disdain for Western Civilization, is Dinesh D’Souza’s, “The Roots of Obama’s Rage.” While these three carefully researched and heavily documented books are fascinating reading, resoundingly impeaching his veracity, motives, and loyalty to our American culture, these are really only side issues swirling about this carefully scripted phony, which need not be proven one way or the other to oust him.

The Remedy:

All the Sturm und Drang over the inability to legitimately document Obama’s past was, and is, completely unnecessary to the cause of removing him from office. He has himself repeatedly claimed that his father was a Kenyan, visiting here on a temporary student visa, and has acknowledged that this means he was born a British Subject. In fact, he claims to have been born in Hawaii as a “dual-citizen.” By definition, regardless of the place of birth, one cannot be born at the same time a British Subject and a Natural Born Citizen of the U.S.A. That fact alone is all that is needed to summarily evict him from our White House as an ineligible usurper, guilty of the greatest fraud ever perpetrated upon America. This is what we need to focus on, to the exclusion of all other distracting details of his fraudulent past. I suspect that if all the effort that has gone into trying to prove he was born in Kenya, had instead been put into educating the American public on the original definition of “Natural Born” citizen, he would have never been elected in the first place, or allowed to be sworn in if he had.

There are three ways one may acquire U.S. citizenship, one of which is the “naturalization” process, whereby a foreigner renounces previous allegiances to become an American. For “birthright” natives, we recognize both “jus soli” (right of soil) or “jus sanguinis” (right of blood) citizenship; but the only way to be considered a “natural born” citizen is to qualify as both. Please read the following paragraph carefully… at least twice:

We regard those born on our soil as “birthright” natives (jus soli), regardless of parentage; but they may also be regarded as citizens (jus sanguinis) of a foreign parent’s country. We also regard children born to American citizen parents as “birthright” natives (jus sanguinis), regardless of the place of their birth; but if born overseas, they may also be considered citizens (jus soli) by the country wherein they were born. (e.g. “anchor babies” are born citizens of both the U.S. and Mexico). By definition, “Natural Born” citizens are free of such potential divided loyalties, which means they must have been born on our sovereign territory (jus soli), to parents who were both already legal U.S. citizens (jus sanguinis). This legal term specifically means precisely that; it is not a synonym for “native born,” or “birthright,” or just the opposite of “naturalized.” It defines a citizen with no legal ties whatever to any foreign country, who thus could never be conflicted by divided loyalty.

The recurring issue of divided loyalties during wartime, from the common intermarriage of European royalty, caused John Jay to suggest that we could avoid such international intrigue by Constitutionally requiring our CinC to be a “Natural Born Citizen,” an unambiguous legal term our Founders plucked from Vattel’s, “The Law of Nations.” Thus, it was purposefully inserted as an eligibility requirement in Article 2, Section 1, Clause 5 of our Constitution, without objection or debate. No amount of lawyerly obfuscation, derision, or name calling by Obama supporters can change the plain meaning of this legal term at the time our Founders employed it.

That’s all we require. If we really want to rid ourselves of this usurper, all we need do is get enough citizens to understand the proper definition of “Natural Born” and speak up – or at least support those of us unafraid to do so. With the backing of enough American people, a single celebrity could blow him out of the saddle, almost overnight. Imagine if a Donald Trump, Sarah Palin, et al were to call a news conference, succinctly make the case, and demand he resign immediately, or face arrest for fraud and treason. It might take a few days, but like Rep. Weiner, the chorus would only grow. We could be magnanimous and give him a couple of days to flee the country back to one of the lands of his two foreign fathers (or any other Marxist paradise of his choosing), rather than arrest him for his crimes, if he cooperates expeditiously without a fuss.

Please understand that this could be accomplished very quickly. There would be no impeachment required, as only a legal President need (or even could) be impeached. Once it is clearly understood and sufficiently acknowledged that he was never eligible, were he to resist, the only due process available to him would be arrest, a perp walk to jail, and a trial as a common criminal in a court of law. Those politicos who already understand this (and they are legion) would fold quickly and jump aboard, because their own oath to defend the Constitution would require no less, and they know it.

The same is true for all sworn peace officers (including his Secret Service detail), officers of the courts, and military personnel, all of whom have taken that same oath, which supersedes any obligation to follow his orders or protect him. Once this supposed Constitutional law professor is publicly condemned as knowingly having defrauded us, beyond the Black Caucus and a few openly fellow Marxists, he would have almost no defenders in Washington. Even the arguably complicit media elites would soon turn on him like a wounded beast.

The Aftermath:

Frankly, there are a few reasons this hasn’t already happened, perhaps even before he was erroneously sworn into office. Beyond the crippling component of “White Guilt,” brilliantly articulated by Shelby Steele, there is a palpable and not unreasonable fear among politicos of a violent backlash from the ghettos and college campuses. This concern rose abruptly once Obama overtook Hilary in the primary, and attained rock star status as the “Chosen One.” This explains why her PUMA opposition researchers (who started the “Birther” movement), failed to get any traction for their revelations regarding his secretive past and inconsistencies in his phony narrative.

Once elected, the issue was elevated to a potential Constitutional crisis, which the Judiciary and Legislature alike are loath to trigger. Then, not insignificantly, Joe Biden would become President, which would be unattractive to R’s and D’s alike. Now, the R’s, liking their chances in 2012, don’t want to give the D’s the opportunity to introduce fresh blood into the primary season, and Hilary would probably run again too. While still a dereliction of their duty to defend the Constitution, tactically this might even make sense, if the untold damage being done to our country in the meantime, was not so devastating.

Next, two of the rising stars in the Republican Party, who are often mentioned as future Presidential hopefuls, are themselves ineligible for the office for the very same reason. Neither Bobby Jindal nor Marco Rubio’s parents were U.S. citizens when these two were born here. Yes, they were both born legal citizens on our soil, but they are not “Natural Born” citizens, by definition. Too bad for these admirable gentlemen; but either the Constitution is the supreme law of the land or it is meaningless. Amend it if that is thought necessary; but we bend or ignore it for transient causes at our nation’s peril.

Since any act of a usurper, illegally acting under the color of law, is null and void, the aftermath of this action will be necessarily messy. It will be the equivalent of repealing every legislative act he has signed, and reversing every appointment he ever made. Congress will need to resurrect those bills it can still pass (and undoubtedly argue again over those they now can’t), so Biden can sign them if he chooses. He will need to appoint his own cabinet and will have a huge backlog of judicial appointments to make (including two SCOTUS justices), and depending how many are new faces, the Senate will be very busy advising and consenting.

More importantly, the fear of the reaction of the ghettos and campuses, to any attempt to oust their beloved Messiah, is all too real. Unfortunately, Obama’s defenders have done such a masterful job of couching all dissent from his revolutionary agenda in terms of racial bigotry and/or supposed redneck ignorance, many are afraid the cities would burn. This is not an insignificant concern; but at this point the very survival of our way of life and our grandchildren’s future is at stake.

I say, let them burn. If we are destined for another civil war to get our country back, let’s get it over with while there is still something left to save. If the rioters stay in the cities, I’ll watch them destroy their own neighborhoods on TV again. Their grocery stores will be empty in three days and they will have to settle down eventually, if they want our truck drivers to deliver them some more food. Else, if they are foolish enough to try to bring their riots out here in flyover country, I’m betting on us well-armed rednecks.

Enough is enough… to hell with Obama’s Marxist father’s anti-colonial dreams; it is time to take our country back and rebuild it in the image of our own Forefathers’ dreams. As Americans, we deserve the dignity of an honest job to support our families, without being dependent on a socialist welfare state for a make-work job or demeaning handouts. All we need do is loudly, publicly, and resolutely demand that our public servants honor their oath to defend our Constitution and evict the arrogant bastard. It is really that simple. Who among us has the guts to stand up in honor of our Forefathers’ sacrifices and do the same for our own posterity?

Let’s get to work. The biggest hurdle is to educate average Americans that “Natural Born” is not just the opposite of “Naturalized,” or just means born in America. Learn, understand, internalize, and own the above explanation of the issue. Then, teach it to everyone you know. Cut & paste it into every forum you participate in and start discussions. Maybe apply the slogan, “Born a Brit – Not Legit” to the concept (I forget where I once saw that; but it is catchy). Keep it alive.

I'm fed up...


Please be advised I am sick and tired of receiving questions about my dog who mauled six illegal aliens wearing Obama tee shirts, four stupid Democrats wearing Pelosi tee shirts, two rappers, nine teenagers with pants hanging down past their cracks, eight customer service desk people speaking in broken English, three flag burners, and a Pakistani taxi driver.



Sunday, June 26, 2011

The economy is in the toilet...

but the president had time for a few fundraisers last Thursday.
[...]Obama took in a projected $2.5 million from donors, mainly Wall Street financial types, who paid $35,800 for the chance to dine and hobnob with the POTUS.
[...]Obama sandwiched the dinner between an appearance at an LGBT event and a showing of the musical "Sister Act" on Broadway. Want to know what they ate? 

Rock Shrimp Spring Rolls with Ginger Soy Dip
Vodka Beet-Cured Hamachi with Horseradish Cream
Crisp Parmesan Basket with Soft Goat Cheese and Fines Herbs
Brochette of Seared Kobe Beef with Pickled Onion and Tartare Sauce
Zucchini Pomponette with Fontina and Tomato Confit
Comté Gougères with Beaufort Béchamel


Maine Lobster Salad with Satur Farms Roasted Beets
Horseradish Cream, Mâche “Nantaise” and Walnut Vinaigrette
Sandhi Santa Barbara Chardonnay, California 2009
Duo of Black Angus Beef
Braised Short Ribs with Young Spinach
Roasted Tenderloin with Stuffed Potato and Hen of the Woods
Copain Anderson Valley Pinot Noir “Tous Ensembles » California 2008
Citrus Marinated Strawberries
Vanilla-Raspberry Gelée, Sablé Breton, Yuzu Sorbet
Chocolates, Madelaienes and Petits Four

Source  with a  H/T MOTUS  

Friday, June 24, 2011

Let's make this go viral...


Comments welcome at Frank's YouTube site
(or here. I'll make sure he gets them.)

It's Friday...

and I have nothing to say. 

except I broke my little toe and it hurts.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


to all the lefty loons who visit me daily.

When you've finished watching these videos, please feel free to continue your life as before; stand in a circle with your hands over your ears and chant, "La, la, la - I don't care, I don't care.  The rich are evil."

Then pile in your gasoline-propelled flower painted VW bus, and head to your local coffee shop and drink free-trade coffee from compostable cups while bemoaning the injustices perpetrated against  Mother Earth.  When properly fortified, head to your local park and hug a tree, all the while insisting that killing a baby in the womb is a good thing because it protects the earth from the evils of over-population. Don't forget to remind each other of the evils of "organized" religion and boast that you're "spiritual" not religious and completely in touch with your inner child.   Rehash once again how everything wrong in your world can be blamed on "the man", who has kept you down.

Be sure and make time to discuss how stupid, evil, and crazy Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann are, and pat  yourselves on the back for being members of the elitist intelligentsia.  Remind each other again why you want a government bureaucrat in Washington to make your health decisions for you.  Oh, right - because it's "freeeeee." At the end of your busy day, join hands, sing three verses of Kumbaya, contemplate your navel,  and wonder why we can't just "give peace a chance."

The first video gleefully stolen from the Reaganite Republican (love you, James), who is, without a doubt, one of the finest bloggers out there. 

How free are you?

There are weeds to be pulled,  plants to be watered, and a legally declared war on pocket gophers to be pursued. .  See you all later. 

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Is Barack Obama a Bad Man...

or just a tool?

It is any wonder a man like Barack Hussein Obama would be elected in a society where being a "fan" of someone has become the norm?  What sort of people would feel the need to slavishly follow such a weak and perverted person?  There is a difference between admiring someone because of their real accomplishments in the world of academics, religion, arts, or entertainment, and the blind allegiance to a person whose only accomplishment is being a good liar. 

From American Thinker:  Barack Obama is a Bad Man

Meantime, the first woman is on her all-expense paid junket to Africa.  Your tax dollars at work. 

Herman Cain?

From Justin at the RSS Ronald Reagan:   Cain on Abortion: Some Disturbing Developments

Are Southerners Stupid?

Stacy McCain doesn't think so, and neither do I.    Boeing and the Myth of ‘Skills’

Second non-rainy day in a row.  Much work to do.  See you later.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

A Canon lawyer rips into Maureen Dowd...

 and it's a beautiful sight.

Oh no! Maureen Dowd doesn’t seem to like me! 

America’s 43rd most influential liberal doesn’t seem to like me, and that’s a scary thought. Not.
Maureen Dowd of the New York Times is well-known for her acerbic (sometimes snide) writing style, and for her frequent substitution of ad hominen attacks for sustained and reasonable argument. Such writing appeals, I guess, to those taxed by thinking but amused by rudeness, but beyond seeing her popularity as yet another example of De gustibus, I don’t get it. 
In any case, Dowd’s June 18 NYT column ridiculing New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan for his stand against New York’s endorsement of “gay marriage” is nothing if not vintage Dowd. She scarcely engages Dolan’s reasoning, but disses Dolan as “the Starchbishop” (real grown-up writing, that) and attacks his Church as being “a haven for gay priests” that essentially ignores “the right of a child not to be molested by the parish priest”.    read the rest

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Rick Perry in New Orleans...

"Let's speak with pride about our morals and our values..."

"Let's stop this American downward spiral...from too much spending, interfering, and too much apologizing." 

H/T The Daley Gator
with thanks to The Right Scoop for the video

Discussion at Memeorandum

Obama, Boehner, Golf, and feet on the desk...

we're in good hands.


Friday, June 17, 2011

Republican Study Committee: Cut, Cap, Balance...

with a big H/T to Doug Ross for bringing this to our attention.

From the website: 

Despite our nation’s staggering $14.4 trillion debt, the Obama Administration and the Democratic leadership in the Congress want to raise our nation’s debt limit without any spending cuts or reforms.
We believe that this is a fiscally irresponsible position that would place America on the Road to Ruin. At the same time, we believe that the current debate over raising the debt limit provides a historic opportunity to focus public attention, and then public policy, on a path to a balanced budget and paying down our debt.
We believe the Republican Study Committee’s “Cut, Cap, Balance” plan for substantial spending cuts in FY 2012, a statutory spending cap, and the passage of a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution is the minimum necessary precondition to raising the debt limit. The ultimate goal is to get us back to a point where increases in the debt limit are no longer necessary.
If you agree, take the Cut, Cap, Balance Pledge! There are versions for elected officials, federal candidates and ordinary citizens.

Go here to read more and sign the pledge. Senators Jim DeMint, Mike Lee, Jerry Moran, and Marco Rubio have already signed.

It's Friday...

and it's not raining.

Hopefully it will not rain before getting the lawn cut.

Isn't today the long anticipated golf game between Obama and Boehner?  It does my heart good to know that the two of them are going hash out their differences while smacking around a little white ball.  The fact that millions of out of work Americans could not even afford to pay the greens fees on one of their local city courses should not stand in the way of those over-paid politicians having a most excellent time.

As Kyle-Ann Shiver says in her fine article at American Thinker: 
Do they not realize how utterly foolish they look to the rest of the Country?  While the citizenry suffers under the yoke of political-class policy failures, and these two leaders cannot -- among all those brilliant-beyond-brilliant policy makers -- find any real solutions, they choose to go play golf together.
 Foolish, indeed.

The present White House also thinks it's a super-dooper most excellent idea to sell raffle tickets in order to win "dinner with Obama. Really, folks.  This is cringe inducing. 

Maggie, over at her Notebook,  reminds us that while a $5.00 donation gets you entered in a "sweepstakes" for dinner, 500K gets you a cushy job with the Obama administration. 

The Hounds of Hell...

will be unleashed against former football player David Tyree who dared to say marriage should be between a man and a woman.. Already a Yahoo article has called his comment "shocking."  Really?  I think calling what two members of the same sex do with each other, which is subsequently bandied about the airwaves for all to hear, "shocking."

But, wait.  The Daley Gator reminds us:   Most Americans Still Believe In Traditional Marriage, Poll Reveals

So why is a group of no more than 2% of the population dictating to the rest of us about redefining the definition of marriage?

Quin Hillyer thinks we still have a chance of dragging this country back from the abyss. 
[...]At issue is a country that has lost its way, in part because far too many millions of its individual citizens have lost their own way in their daily lives. The full litany of ills is so familiar that anything more than a sample list of them would be boring: out-of-wedlock pregnancies, abortions, hideously trashy prime-time TV shows, raunchy music, attire in public that isn't just slovenly but scandalous, casual acceptance of financial cheating… and more, ad infinitum. Another, less-recognized sin is that of a certain form of sloth, which shows itself in declining standards across the board -- as evidenced, for just one example, in this week's story (similar to dozens of other stories on such subjects in the past two decades) about just how pathetically American children do on tests of the most basic historical (or civic-related) information.
Many will find his solution "shocking." 

Angel, over at Woman Honor Thyself, has even more "shocking" stuff to say

Doug Ross asks if you're ready to live in a third-world America?

According to McNorman we already are:  It’s About Time The Question Was Asked

Zilla lets loose on the TSA - and we thank her. I love the smell of rage on Friday.

Here's a little something especially for my loony leftie trolls who, after viewing it, will say, "I don't care.  Obama's smart, and the right-wing religious nuts are just stupid and they're racists, too.  So there!" 

H/T Bad Habit

To prove how dangerous we wild and crazy Christians are, Creative Minority Report adds:  Dem: Christian Militants Might Bring Down This Country!!!

The Reaganite Republican reports on Michele Bachmann:  Poll: Bachmann Surges Nearly 15 Points... Now in Second Behind Romney

Want to know the best reason for liking Michele Bachmann?  Every lefty loon I know in Minnesota loathes her.  They've labeled her with the worst epitaph they can conjure up from their extremely limited vocabulary; stupid.  Never mind that these loons are living in mom's basement.  By gosh - they know "stupid" when they see it.
Soloman brings us some artful media fisking:   A Little Media Bias for You, Courtesy of The Los Angeles Times

Ordered Liberty explains:   The hard truth about car production in the United States

My window of opportunity is here.  Rain is predicted for this afternoon. 

See you all later...

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

It's Wednesday...

what's going on?

Aside from that fool in the White House and his equally foolish wife polluting the air by flying around (on our dime) to raise money for his reelection (which won't happen), some very interesting things are being pointed out by people who actually use the brain God gave them for the task to which it was intended - thinking (what a concept.) 

Jammie Wearing Fool takes aim at Obama claiming ATM's are the reason for the unemployment rate being so high:  Bumbling Obama: ATMs Are to Blame for My Miserable Economic Record 

   Hey, Obama - how about all those out-of-work horse carriage builders and livery men?  I've heard they're having hard times, too.   

Stacy McCain picks up the meme with:  Pointing Out the Obvious: They Don’t Teach Economics at Harvard Law School

also earning the coveted Quote of the Day award:
You don’t have to be a genius to figure out why Obamanomics doesn’t work. It’s one of those things that is so obvious that it takes a special kind of stupid not to see it.
And I guess they teach that special kind of stupid at Harvard.
Professor Jacobson weighs in with:   Our President Really, Truly Does Not Understand The Economy
Pundette says  He doesn't feel your pain

The Lonely Conservative points out:  US Students Aren’t Learning History, NY Graduates Not Ready for College or Careers

Teresamerica  Tried Having a Discussion With a Pro-Homosexual "Marriage" Advocate on Youtube; Apparently Expressing a Different Point of View Wasn't an Option

I could have predicted that outcome and saved her a bunch of time.  

Doug Ross tells us about  The benefits of keeping the UAW out of your auto company: Zero layoffs. Zero strikes. Zero health care premiums. Zero pay cuts.

When I worked for Costco, about once every year or two the unions would come in and try and agitate us into unionizing.  Didn't work - we were too smart. 

And Chris Wysocki  asks:   Can New Jersey copy Wisconsin's takedown of the public employee unions?

I hope so...

Your "Feel Good" of the Day

Saberpoint:    Homeless Boy With Amazing Voice Moves Audience to Tears
Go watch this.  Now!  The whole thing.  It will make your day.  Really...

From the "We Laugh to Keep from Crying Department"

Reaganite Republican:    Politically-Incorrect Right Wing Humor
Shout First, Ask Questions Later:   Obama Bumper Stickers for 2012

Jill, our famous and hardworking Pundette, was kind enough to alert me to the fact that Mark Steyn agrees with me.   I'm honored! 

Mark Steyn:  FIT AS A FIDDLE

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Did Obama save us?...

Ummmmmmm - no!

Liar In Chief (still a liar) Lying Again

Objective truth...

I have no doubts.  Do you?

Some things to think about...

Congratulations Governor Scott Walker...

Wisconsin Supreme Court reinstates Walker’s collective bargaining law.

Read it and weep, Judge Sumi.
The court found a committee of lawmakers was not subject to the state’s open meetings law, and so did not violate that law when they hastily approved the measure and made it possible for the Senate to take it up. In doing so, the Supreme Court overruled a Dane County judge who had struck down the legislation, ending one challenge to the law even as new challenges are likely to emerge.   more at Hot Air

Legal Insurrection:    Wisconsin Supreme Court Overturns Judge Sumi

Monet's Gardens at Giverny...

had ten full time gardeners.

I'm the only gardener here (with some help from hubby)

Much work to do today after yesterday's rain. 

Michele Bachmann did well in the debates.  I didn't care for Romney at all.

Monet's Garden at Giverny

Monday, June 13, 2011

Facing the facts about health insurance... (w/ Update)

is really very simple.

Somehow, in the past 50 or so years, the entire concept of health insurance has been turned inside out and upside down.  No longer do we insure against a catastrophic event, what was once called a "major medical" policy, but now expect our insurance to pay for hangnails and head colds. 

As a nation, we run to the doctor for the most trivial of reasons because "it's free."  This phenomenon is not relegated to the people who are insured through their employer, but includes Medicare recipients also.

A number of years ago, I had a lady friend who was on Medicare.  She had problems with the maintenance of her toenails and so her doctor referred her to a podiatrist.  Every six weeks, she visited the podiatrist to have her nails clipped, not by the doctor, but by an assistant in the office.  Medicare was billed for an office visit and for the clipping of her nails, a procedure that could have been performed by any competent manicurist.  Of course, if she went to manicurist, she would have to pay $5.00 or $10.00 to have her nails clipped.  Why do that when you can get it done for "free."

Both my husband and I are recent receivers of this abomination called Medicare.  Unlike most recipients, I carefully review the statements for our services.  Just a few weeks ago, my husband had a electrocardiogram performed.  When I saw the amount billed to Medicare, I almost had a stroke.  A relatively simple procedure, the technology of which has long since paid for, cost close to $4,000.00.  A doctor isn't even required to do the procedure, a technician being sufficient for the job.  Admittedly, a doctor "reads" the results, which were already known to us by the nurse.   What Medicare actually paid the clinic for the procedure is an unknown, but not for long, since I plan on spending some quality time with the billing office to find out this information.  

Except for a period in which I worked for Costco, we self-ensured by carrying the equivalent of a "major medical" policy with a high ($2500.00 - $5000.00) deductible.  Our doctor had opted out of the whole insurance racket, which was fine with us.  If we needed to see him, an average office call amounted to $60.00.  Often, he spent at least an hour with us.  Contrast that with our new Medicare provider, which we are lucky to have as most doctors don't accept Medicare patients.  He bills Medicare an average of $200.00 - $300.00 per visit, which lasts an average of 15 minutes.  This is necessary because he is only compensated a percentage of this amount.  And around and around it goes. 

Obama, when he's not golfing, specializes in division - race against race, rich against poor, and old against young.  The majority of comments on Medicare are young people railing against us oldsters.  How dare us expect to get our health care for "free."  Might I remind them that we were not given a big say-so in this whole deal, and that we have paid into it since its inception.  Problem is, there are many of us who know the system is rigged.  My mother, who worked in the health field, knew back in the 60's that Medicare was not a good thing, and was not in favor of its passage.

All you lefty loons who think Obamacare is the solution, had better wake up and do a bit of research.  If Obamacare remains in effect, something I doubt will happen, your "health care" will consist of sitting on a waiting list to see one of the few doctors still practicing. But, cheer up - it'll be "free."

"Fixing" the system is simple.  I've said it over and over and people with all sorts of fancy degrees to back me up.
  • Get rid of employer provided insurance, something that arose as a result of wage controls.
  • Go back to the concept of "major medical" policies and pay for your own routine office visits (oh, the inhumanity.)
  • Tort reform to limit frivolous law suits so your doctor doesn't have to practice "defensive" medicine.
Ann Barnhardt, of bacon laden Koran burning fame, explains it simply it her trademark no-nonsense style - and we thank her.   


I apologize for not including Ann's link.  Bookmark her site.  She posts some exceptionally good articles.

Weiner's Gym Photos...

not the real outrage.

No - the real outrage is that Anthony Weiner has a cushy athletic club, paid for by us, as a backdrop for his stupid photos.  I pay money every month  to work out on weight machines at our local gym while these do-nothing gas bags in Washington hang out in their very own taxpayer funded gym.  Now, that's outrageous.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

It's Pentecost...

let's ignore the bad news for today and take an early morning stroll.

Last Wednesday morning we were surrounded by fog just as the sun was coming up.  I grabbed my camera and took a few pics.

Views from our front deck looking north

click to embiggen

The "croquet field" looking all misty

The bridal wreath to the west of the front deck is blooming

The east lawn looking all mysterious

The same day at sunset

The sun highlighting a few of our 150 lilac bushes

The grass and wildflower garden is lush from all the rain

The cutting garden is just now being planted - over three weeks late due to rain

Join me in the meditation garden for some quiet time

Time to relax on the "lower patio" after working all day

Pentecost represents God’s gracious presence actively at work among His people, calling and enabling them to live out in dynamic ways the witness of being His people.

Breathe into me, Holy Spirit, that my thoughts may all be holy.
Move in me, Holy Spirit, that my work, too, may be holy.
Attract my heart, Holy Spirit, that I may love only what is holy.
Strengthen me, Holy Spirit, that I may defend all that is holy.
Protect me, Holy Spirit, that I may always be holy.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Want your children to become good Marxists?...

a public school may be the best place for them.

A young high school acquaintance of mine wrote on her Facebook page,  I hate being white :[ (I'm disappointed in what we did in the past!)   Now where would a 17 year old come up with that?  It certainly wasn't from her parents who I know don't hold that view. Her friends?  Probably not.  The only place left is school.  

Karl Marx said, "The education of all children, from the moment that they can get along without a mother's care, shall be in state institutions at state expense."  He'd be very proud to know how well his "state run" schools are doing their job. 

Schools have ceased to be places where children are taught to read, write, and learn math skills.  No siree.  They are rapidly declining into state-sponsored indoctrination mills.  No prayers are allowed, but "gay" clubs abound.   Teaching about "safe sex" has replaced the McGuffey Reader.  Children are suspended for wearing t-shirts with pictures of American flags, while being encouraged to celebrate "gay pride" and "Muslim Week." 

All of these goings on in our schools is a form of "Cultural Marxism."  Terry, of Abbey-Roads, posted the following video that provides a very good overview of this phenomenon.  

Here's a handy check list for turning your children into Marxists:
  • Make sure both parents have to work in order to pay for the house and the two 40K SUV's they couldn't afford.
  • Allow them to have a computer in their room away from prying eyes.
  • Let your daughters dress like Lady Gaga and your sons like gang wannabees.
  • Don't force religion down their throats.  They can make up their own minds when they're adults.
  • Make sure they're engaged in several sports programs where there are "no losers".
  • Give them unlimited spending money and a car when they turn 16, priming them for an entitlement mentality.
  • Tell them at every opportunity how wonderful they are in order to build their self-esteem.
  • and by all means - put them in a public school.
  • If they are in a public school, don't monitor what's going on - after all, teachers know best  /sarc


Zombie : How a Teachers’ Rally Made Me Anti-Education  Excellent!
H/T to Sentry Journal for the Zombie article.
The Daley Gator:   3rd Graders Indoctrinated In School Budgeting By Milwaukee Teacher
Red State:   Unapologetic Public School Officials Turning Children Into Good Little Comrades
Conservative Hideout:   Quick Hits: Why are Your Children Still in Public School?
The Blaze:   Why Are NY School Kids Being Taught To Emulate Van Jones?

"Don't Let It Happen...

it depends on you."

From the 2003 award  winning BBC television docudrama: George Orwell - A Life in Pictures:

Full documentary available.  Watch it here for free 

H/T  Green Mountains Homesteading   via Smash A Banana

Friday, June 10, 2011

I had one just like this in the fifties...

even way back then, I loved my shiny objects.

  National Yo-Yo Day was established as June 6th in honor of the birthday of Donald F. Duncan Sr.  Some folks celebrate today (why I don't know.)

Happening Now:

The Triple Crown of YoYo  

SAN FRAN: May 13 & 14 --- BOSTON: June 10 & 11 --- CHICAGO: July 15 &16

This kid is a bit beyond "walking the dog" or "rocking the baby"  --------  waaaaaaaaaaaay beyond!

Sister gives credit to Down Syndrome brother for her accomplishments...

if it was up to the loony left, all Down's babies would be aborted.  Oh, wait - most of them are.

To these people, the "elitists", is given the moral requirement to decide exactly what "quality of life" means.  For them a child with Down Syndrome is a "burden", and not a means to grace for those that are entrusted with their care.

"If it wasn't for Ben, I might not be up here right now. I wouldn't have struggled as much to set a good example for him to follow but I don't lose an ounce of sleep wondering what my life would have been like if it wasn't for that one extra chromosome."  Olivia Halvorson
Bravo, Olivia!

Olivia's graduation from middle school speech starts at 1:10 after introduction:

Thursday, June 9, 2011