Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The evil rich...

are the targets of the envious and stupid.
[...]The quest to “soak the rich” is one of the most dangerous obsessions in human history.  The moral implications of class warfare should disturb any lover of liberty.  Who gets to decide on the membership of the evil “Haves,” and how much their property rights attenuate with success?  Why is it immoral to oppose a tax increase on people who make more than $380,000 per year, but equally immoral to call for increased taxes on those who make $350,000 per year?  read the rest

Hey loony left -

notice Michele Bachmann dancing?  She's dancing with a guy and managing to look like a lady, unlike our first woman who squirms and hoochie dances by herself.  And while you're sitting around in all your arrogance declaring Bachmann the "stupidest person, evah", take time to Google, "stupid things Obama has said."  The list is long. 

H/T Pundette


Reaganite Independent said...

These capitalist vipers are sucking the blood out of the workers, time to free the proletariat, sister komrade!

Randy-g said...

Bachmann IS a lady, unlike the guest in the White house with Barry. Hoochie dance? Fits well.

Blue said...

the list of stupid things obama has said is VERY long....

"I had the great honor of seeing some of you because a comrade of yours, Jared Monti, was the first person who I was able to award the Medal of Honor to who actually came back and wasn't receiving it posthumously"

Dumbest thing a president has ever said. As a veteran of the US Army Infantry, this is unforgivable to me. As unforgivable as Clinton's actions in Somalia.

Matt said...

Remember kids, reality ALWAYS takes a back seat to the narrative, and for the left, reality is the enemy of the narrative.

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

What a disgraceful display of happiness by Michele Bachmann. She should be miserable like MO on yet another (paid for by us) vacation.

Always On Watch said...

Great find!

She does indeed know how to dance like a lady.

Carlos Echevarria said...

The gentleman is:

It is her husband, they have 5 children and have been married for about 33 years.

Whom are you supporting for the 2012 GOP Primary?