Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Objective truth...

I have no doubts.  Do you?

Some things to think about...


Old Bob said...

Not a single doubt. Not one.
I just finished reading Christopher Dawson's The Formation of Christendom (Ignatius Press). I have become more convinced, like so many before me, that Western culture was built on and by Catholic Christianity, and insofar as that is thrown out by the West, the West will sink and drown. It's rather like a panicky swimmer in over his head and refusing the lifejacket. Or trying in panic to drown the rescuer.
(Must mention Judaism and Jews here: Jerusalem > Athens > Rome. The Christian tree grew in Jewish soil and was watered by Hellenistic philosophy.)

Subvet said...

Very interesting. He makes a point not heard as often as it used to be i.e., human nature is fallen/imperfect. How many present day "feel good" evangelists tell us how we're all basically decent folk? They (and we) ignore the human tenedency to act like completely selfish, self centered twits at the drop of a hat.

Anonymous said...

Some great points, although I disagree that only the catholic church is the only answer. I think the problem has become so large that all people who cling to traditional morality need to band together.