what does Super Bowl have to do with our current wind storm?
But I thought I'd better post something before our power goes out. Gusts as high as 60 mph. It's fierce. So glad I had the tall trees on the west of our house whacked down last summer or they would undoubtedly be crunched on our new $11K roof.
Our president (yes, Karen - he is your president) will have two Super Bowl ads on Sunday. I'm posting it here because like most of my friends I'll not be watching the Super Bowl. I will, however, be imbibing in Super Bowl food.
Fox refused to show a pro-life ad featuring survivors of abortion, but I've been alerted to some drag queen ad for Sabra Hummus that got the thumbs up. Store bought hummus is not even on my list since grinding up chick peas is pretty dang simple.
At least Fox refused to show the ridiculous PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) ad showing all sorts of cartoon animals "taking a knee." In 2018 PETA killed 71.7% of the animals in their care. I guess comparing animals with black people is okay.
Here is Tucker Carlson making fun of the commie/libtards. It's 6 minutes of lovely!
I particularly like the "journalist" gal calling us a democracy. Not once. Not twice. But at least three times. Guess what, honey? We are not a democracy. We are a representative republic.
V for Victory: Hip! Hip! HURRAH! for Brexit!
Lone Star Parson: BREXIT DAY thoughts from a real Brit
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Some great deals in Women's Fashion Time to start buying your summer clothes ladies.
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Since it's Caturday: