pointing out the problems with the half-time show is an exercise in futility when it comes to the commie/libtards.
Conservatives don't need to be told about the problems.
After the Super Bowl show highlighting "women's empowerment" (that's sarcasm for those of you who don't know me) I'd much rather listen to the voice of reason in the following video.
Moving on:
Hannity interviewed Donald Trump before the Super Bowl.
State of Union
Tomorrow Trump will deliver his State of the Union address. I'm looking forward to listening to the best president this country has ever had.
Commie Caucus
The commie's are gathering in Iowa today to fight over which commie should be president.
Monday Inspiration
Nature vs Nurture
Nature vs nurture is an ongoing question which is being more fully investigated by scientists.
I just started re-reading a book by Benjamin Hardy, PhD, Willpower Doesn't Work: Discover the Hidden Keys to Success. I read it about a week ago, and feel the need to re-visit and make some notes.
Let me first clarify that "success" in this book does not refer to making a wad of money, or any of the other "new age" type measures for success.
A large part of the book focuses on environment shaping your actions and thoughts. I've long believed that the people with whom you associate dictate what you believe. I've also believed that actions dictate your thoughts rather than the "thinking your way to a better life" mantra.
For some reason (unknown to me) before purchasing the book, I struggled with my "feelings" toward Dr. Hardy. I liked his articles on his site, so it must have just been his appearance and possibly his voice. Since feelings are not always a good basis for making decisions, I decided to wade in and see what he had to say.
It turns out he had a lot to say - and the majority of it good.
Between James Clear's Atomic Habits, Benjamin Hardy's Willpower Does't Work, and Marie Kondo's The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up I think most people can reshape their lives to honor their higher self and in doing so honor God.
Window's 7
I'm being threatened on a daily basis with dire consequences over Window's 7, which I currently run on my computer, being kicked to the curb.
My guru did a remote last night to install Window's 10. It was a fail and so I have to take my computer in for the update. We also decided to have him build a brand new desktop for hubby who needs his computer for business. About 3am I was jolted awake when I realized that disconnecting my computer would also throw hubby offline. Oooops!
We also want to see the State of the Union address. We don't have cable so it means the upgrade will be delayed by a few days.
Les Femmes: The Lying Left Claims to Respect Women; the Superbowl Scandal Proves their Hypocrisy!
MOTUS AD Super Bowl Ads: Detritus From a Cultural Wasteland
Fredd: Nobody is going to win the Iowa caucuses
Rush Limbaugh
Rush announced just moments ago that he has advanced lung cancer. We owe him for the groundbreaking talk radio that keeps us sane through these difficult times.
Do I need to warn you that the commie/libtard comments will be horrific? There's lots of people I hold in utter contempt, but I would never, never wish death to anyone or hope that they would "burn in hell." To hope for such a outcome is a perversion of the Virtue of Hope. I wish for everyone to repent and spend eternity with God.
Please pray for him as he endures treatment.