Thursday, January 30, 2020

Trump does another rally while shampeachment drones on, and on, and on, and on...and some other stuff...

'cause I've been awake since 4:30 am after barely getting to sleep by 1:00 am.

I've ordered some magnesium supplements to offset the aches and pains of heavy lifting at the gym and to help with sleep which is elusive when your major muscle groups ache.

This article by Lloyd Marcus, Democrats Don't Care About American Lives,
 posted today at American Thinker is great, as most of his articles are.
...Democrats' vision for the perfect America includes transforming her into a wild, wild west of sex, a society in which every perversion is legalized and citizens are forced to celebrate. A memo exposed Obama's DoJ plan to legalize 12 perversions including pedophilia and bestiality.  Colleges are laying the groundwork by scolding us about our bigoted intolerance of pedophiles.
...President Donald J. Trump is our only protection against Democrats and fake news media implementing their vision of a new America, removed from her position as leader of the free world. This is why they are repulsed by Trump's slogan, “Make America Great Again.” 
Careful observation over the past several decades has led me to have a deep revulsion to SJW's with their cries for diversity, tolerance, and their constant accusations against Christians and conservatives.

I'm sure by now you've seen the repugnant behavior of mental midget commie/marxist toxic motormouth Don Lemon and his guests on the lowest ranking network (CNN) mocking us dirt people.  If not - here it is.

When he apologized the following day he claimed he never belittles people and was only laughing at the joke - not a group of people.  Obviously, they didn't teach logic to journalism students.  The joke was about a group of people, so if he was laughing at the joke he was laughing at the group of people. Simple!

Super Bowl Sunday

The last time our giant TV was turned on was last year's Super Bowl.  I have no idea of why we watch since neither of us follow sports.  Maybe it's because I make Super Bowl food (ya think?)

But this year, according to LifeNews: Fox Allows Super Bowl Ad With Drag Queens, Won’t Approve Pro-Life Commercial

So this year we will again turn on our TV and slam a Once Upon a Time in the West DVD into the player.  We will still enjoy Super Bowl food without the Super Bowl.

One of the leading actors, Claudia Cardinale, is now 81 yo and still looks fabulous.  We Italian ladies age well...

Speaking of sports...

RIP Kobe

This is always a reason for rejoicing:

A believer, Bryant has stated that his Catholic faith helped him through the difficult times in his life, especially the sexual assault charge. Others said they were inspired by his faith. Bryant and his family were regular attendees at Our Lady Queen of Angels Catholic Church in Newport Beach. He and his daughter, Gianna, received the Eucharist together just hours before their passing.

A Sad Goodbye

But happiness that the new owner is looking forward to receiving what he rightly calls a treasure.

For over 60 years this American Flyer 322 New York Central 4-6-4 Hudson Steam Locomotive and Tender has been in our family and lived with me.  In the interests of downsizing it was time for it to be released to bring joy to someone else, so today it's heading to it's new home in Florida. 

Good bye - you are still loved.

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