And I thank you all for your comments - all of which are excellent and warrant attention. They can be read on the following two posts:
The most important question: Why?...
Let's take a look at some bloggers who have weighed in on the issue of why liberals believe what they believe.
The Night Wind writes: IS LIBERALISM A MENTAL DISORDER? and does a great job of expounding on the subject.
Francis Porretto adds his ten dollars worth (Fran never does anything for 2 cents) with The Will To Believe.
And Hardnox adds to the discussion with Liberals vs Leftists and reminds us of an earlier post which lays out how the communist agenda is being manifested today in The Communist Agenda – 45 goals to destroy the United States of America.
That's a lot to take in and think about.
What is Intelligence?

MOTUS A.D. points out the leading intelligentsia in California with #Transformation Tuesday: Help! We're Trapped in the Future! - none of whom I consider in the least bit intelligent as defined by me.
Tomorrow's Student Walkout

The pink pussy hat Farrakhan loving harridans are all on board. Yawn.
During Lent I'm not posting on Wednesday and Sunday. I may continue this schedule after Lent.
Now I'm off to lay tile in my bathroom closet.
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