or something.
My favorite attorney and blogger buddy Mark over at Ordered Liberty, is going all lawyerly and professorial over Idaho's move to nullify Obamacare. His teeth are grating (ok - maybe that's a bit over the top) over this post:
Idaho's State House tells Obama to pound sand...
While I'm well aware that this move by Idaho will probably be ruled unconstitutional, it still begs the question of what rights do states have when the feds overstep their bounds as I clearly believe they have with Obamacare (one of many things they have done I consider unconstitutional.)
I'm holding to the idea of throwing stuff against the wall until something sticks. So far the Obama administration is ignoring the legal decisions already handed down by the courts that the individual mandate is unconstitutional. The feds continue on their merry way hiring IRS agents to enforce what the courts are calling unconstitutional. Why? I think because the pay-off has been made to members of the Supreme Court to decide in their favor and they don't want to waste one second of time furthering the destruction of this county.
So.............head over to Ordered liberty and read what Mark has to say (including nice things about moi.) It's really very good.
To: Political Junkie Mom We have mountains, skiing, lakes, and a long summer. We'll keep the light on for you...