Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Idaho's State House tells Obama to pound sand...

proud to live in a red state.


 Idaho House votes to defy health care reform

BOISE - Idaho’s state House passed legislation Wednesday attempting to nullify federal health care reform, ordering state employees not to do anything to carry it out - despite two state attorney general opinions warning the move was unconstitutional.
The bill, HB 117, passed on a 49-20 vote and now moves to the Senate, where its fate is uncertain. The opposition was bipartisan, and nearly an hour and a half of debate preceded the vote. read the rest



Toaster 802 said...

I really like what I am hearing coming out of Idaho. I would move in a heartbeat if I could...

Blue said...

Excellent. Most excellent.

Adrienne said...

Toaster - Make sure it's North Idaho. We're a little pocket of sanity in this crazy country. Some Californians have sneaked in but we do our best to run them off.

Adrienne said...

Blue - they just keep attacking Obamacare from every angle. One of them is bound to stick...

ABNPOPPA said...

Way to go Idaho!!! Now if we could just someone with guts in Ohio!!


WomanHonorThyself said...

I hope your'e right Adrienne...hope I'm still on your blogroll too..have a nice night:)

Mark D. said...

Not to rain on the parade, but this is bad news, and I am afraid that your state's attorney general's opinions are correct. At the end of the day, the courts aren't going to permit Idaho to either nullify or interpose ObamaCare. The state's best bet is the litigation going forward in the court system.

I'm for the Republicans who opposed this move by the Idaho legislature, and stood up and affirmed our federal republic under our constitutional system. Union and liberty. Stunning in this day and age that one has to resurrect that slogan, but if the times call for it, so be it. Union and liberty.

ObamaCare attacks liberty. This proposal by the Idaho legislature attacks liberty. As the representative quoted in the story linked above notes, two wrongs don't make a right.

Union and liberty -- one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

politicaljunkieMom said...

I've heard Idaho is beautiful. As long as I have moutains, snow and skiing, I'm good. A Republican governor. And legislature. ; )

John Carey said...

I'm glad to hear this Adrienne. As far as those Californians moving in, this appears to be the norm as they are not content with just destroying their own state. They now want to spread their progressive disease in many of the surrounding states. The best way to preserve your state against this disease is to gain a voice and be the squeaky wheel that counters their garbage.

Toaster 802 said...

I'm glad to hear this Adrienne. As far as those Californians moving in, this appears to be the norm as they are not content with just destroying their own state. They now want to spread their progressive disease in many of the surrounding states. The best way to preserve your state against this disease is to gain a voice and be the squeaky wheel that counters their garbage...

This is EXACTLY what happened to Vermont. Massholes; just like Kali's.