Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Unite to Resist! We must not consent...

 are the elites going to use the disaster in Afghanistan to push their Wuflu agenda?

But, of course!

Our "president" and Circle Back are on vacay, and our "vice-president" is in hiding while Afghanistan collapses.  Oooops - my mistake. They dragged Biden's senile old ass back to DC last night. To do what? Who the hell knows.

While we're all consumed with the drama in Afghanistan, many states and the feds are moving forward with their Wuflu agenda. Don't be fooled.  See the links at the end of post.

Thanks to Mike Miles over at 90 Miles From Tyranny for alerting me to this video, which I'm pretty sure will go viral. Dr. Anne McCloskey from Northern Ireland has come out strongly against COVID hysteria, and the sinister agenda behind it - and we thank her. 

Last week, I re-watched the documentary Vaxxed - from Cover-Up to Catastrophe.  You can rent it on Youtube for $4.99, with the usual warning that it's a bunch of "misinformation" tin foil hate-wearing crap. 

Watching it again with what we now know about the CDC, FDA, WHO, big pharma, and the government in general was beyond disconcerting. If you watched it years ago or never watched it, I strongly suggest you re-watch or watch it for the first time.  

Let's clear something up right away. At no point do these people participating in the documentary vilify vaccines.  They simply said that giving children the combination MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine too early was putting the children in danger of autism.  They suggested that the vaccines be given individually and at an older age. They are not "anti-vaxxers." For advocating spreading out vaccines, they have been denigrated, maligned, and "canceled." 

Connecting the Dots

The following video of Michael Matt strings together some pretty horrific stuff going on in the Catholic Church.  You're not Catholic?  Let me clear up some more stuff.  I pay attention to what's happening in other churches to have a feel for the dangerous times we're in.  I also have a rule of not commenting on other churches problems.  It's not my place to do so.

So, if you're in the camp of "Catholics worship Mary" (we don't), or "statues" (also no), or that we're the whore of Babylon (we're not), you may still benefit by watching Mr. Matt. Even with all the scary stuff, he still manages to be uplifting and informative way, and it's a great way to spend 30 minutes. It's for all Christians - not just Catholics.

From Remnant TV:  (emphasis mine)
What if I were to tell you that a key Council Father at Vatican II was also an honored guest speaker early on at the World Economic Forum in Davos? What if I were to also tell you that, in addition to being close to Klaus Schwab 40 years ago, this archbishop also held a secret meeting in the middle of the night under the streets of Rome to plot the downfall of the traditional Catholic Church at the close of Vatican II? Wild conspiracy theory? A plot from a Malachi Martin novel?

The thing is, it’s absolutely true, and it has everything to do with Traditionis Custodes, Pope Francis, and the Great Reset. We have new video of Klaus Schwab giving it all away: the connection between Vatican II and the Great Reset.

This video is for ANYONE, Catholic or otherwise, who wants to know what in the world is going on in the Vatican and with Pope Francis’ bizarre love affair with the Globalist movers and shakers of the New World Order.

Michael Matt discusses this and so much more in this edition of The Editor’s Desk. Prepare to have the blindfold removed.

NB (8/24/21) For some reason the original video has disappeared and I just inserted the Youtube version. Hence the formatting being messed up. I just have too much to do to fix it, so there is now a big gap. Oh, well... 


Bayou Renaissance Man: Something wicked this way comes

Do Not Do It To Your Children