Saturday, August 14, 2021

Catherine Austin Fitts: Follow the Money...


This whole Wuflu crazy has nothing to do with your health. Nothing!

Catherine Austin Fitts, former Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, is an MBA graduate of Wharton. Not exactly the type of person to be considered a dope.

Listen to what she has to say about the real reason for vaccine passports.  It's enlightening, and it will hopefully change the way you conduct your financial affairs. I know we'll be changing a few things around here. For a few years now, I've had the attitude of "who cares what a couple of old farts are doing?"  Now I realize it makes me part of the problem.

Fitts, because of her background, is focused on monetary policy and big banks, but don't forget the big four producers of the death jab have already made billions and stand to make billions more since the FDA has approved booster shots. And you can bet your bitty the "elites" have bought up tons of stock. Bastards!

As for our "conservative" talking heads?  How about listening to Clay Travis whine about his brother's upcoming wedding, and the fact that if he wants to attend he'll be forced to have a jab or purchase fake papers since the wedding is in New York. In his mind he has no choice.  What the hell? Is his brother getting married in a restaurant? Listen up, Clay - dollars to donuts your brother will have more than one wedding.  Miss this one and catch the next two.  Or, how about your brother moves his wedding so his guests don't have to compromise their very lives to attend. In the meantime, shut up! It's a weird world when Glenn Beck has "circled back" to relevancy and Alex Jones makes sense. 

The guy interviewing Fitts is the notorious anti-vaxxer Del Bigtree, producer of Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe.  The only thing they left off his Wiki page was his daily breakfast of par-boiled kittens.. Perhaps in light of the crap CDC, FDA, and NIH  is shoveling out now we should all watch Vaxxed. You can still rent it on YouTube for $4.99. I'll be re-watching it this afternoon when it becomes too hot to work outside. 

The constant drum beat of vaccine, vaccine, vaccine combined with our heat wave and being enveloped in the worse forest fire smoke we've ever experienced, is starting to drive me over the edge.  It's what "they" want - to drive us nuts. We must place our trust in God, and then do the right thing.


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