Monday, June 22, 2020

The Satanic Roots of BLM...

what else can you call a pro-abortion, pro-queer, pro-Marxist organization?

You hear the "first cause" argument when people speak of God. But how about the first cause for a group that supports every thing that is antithetical to God's word?

What is the cause of people who celebrate child sacrifice and unnatural sexual practices manifested in violence, killing, looting, and burning down of civilization?

I would have to believe that Satan, the father of lies, and all his minions are doing the happy dance about now.


Brietbart: At least 100 people were shot, 14 fatally, in Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s (D) Chicago over Father’s Day Weekend 2020.

Fox:  Deadly weekend in Seattle, Chicago, Minneapolis as New York City reports uptick in shootings

Nox and Friends:  BLM movement ‘communist’political agenda

New York Post:  NYC shootings skyrocket as court closures let pistol perps walk free

The New American:  Antifa Doc Reveals Organized Warfare Tactics in Siege of Police Precinct