Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Bill Whittle: Venezuela: Let's eat Fido for dinner...

is the model for Socialism that the millennials embrace. 
Conservative students at Portland State University claim that a classmate spat on them while they hosted a “Capitalism vs. Socialism” display on Thanksgiving Day. 
The event, which was co-hosted by the PSU College Republicans and Turning Point USA (TPUSA) chapters, sought to contrast the material benefits of capitalism with the poverty created by socialism in the context of competing Thanksgiving feasts. 
One table, emblazoned with the words “This is your Thanksgiving on capitalism,” featured a table full of fake fruit, a turkey, a gold bust and coins, sunglasses, drink cozies, and buttons stating “Big Government Sucks” and “Free Markets Free People.” 
In contrast, another table, labeled “This is your Thanksgiving on socialism,” featured a handful of spiders and a single pear, all presided over by a skeleton leaning back in a chair. 
Edward Mentrum, President of PSU TPUSA and organizer of the display, told Campus Reform that the event was intended to “stir a discussion on campus about capitalism and socialism,” and “make a clear statement to showcase the stark differences between socialism and capitalism.
“A lot of people are tired of the socialist's ideological monopoly on campus, and they're ready for a change,” Mentrum explained. “Far too many people on campus are afraid to speak up, so we want to change that.” 
While Mentrum confirmed that the event had a lot of support, he also reported that things quickly escalated when one student took issue with the display.  Read the Rest and weep.

Capitalism at Work:

Today at Amazon:

I just received my third essential oil diffuser.  This one would make a great Christmas present and I already have several people on my small list who will be receiving one. 
During the past week at Costco they had $20.00 off a "high end" diffuser.  I was excited - until I got it home.  Once in a very blue moon, Costco drops the ball.  The diffuser, which had $20.00 off bringing the price to $39.95, is being returned tomorrow. I immediately purchased this one for the second time and had it delivered in one day.

Aropey Essential Oil Diffuser, 160ml Ultrasonic Aromatherapy Oil Diffusers with Waterless Auto Shut-off humidifier and 7 Color Changing Night Lights 


Cyber Monday Deals Week continues



I want this:

Deal of the Day:$22.49 Free Shipping for Prime Members 
Ends at midnight PST
You Save:$22.50 (50%)