Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Obama in Denver...

"Pass this bill now!"

I counted:


It's was exactly the same speech he's given at least 5 times.  Why does he need a teleprompter??

What a disgusting human being...


Amusing Bunni said...

He's an imbecile! How could you stand to listen to his drivel, I'd puke. Now he has to go visit kids all the time....grown-ups are catching on to the grifter!

Adrienne said...

Bunni - it wasn't easy. Sort of like looking at a train wreck or auto accident. I did it so you wouldn't have to. You're welcome... heh

And I totally agree with the high school thing. WTF?? Telling high school kids (who can barely read thanks to our government schools) to help him PASS THIS BILL NOW!!! How weird is that?