Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Michael Moore hates Capitalism. Thinks it's Un-Christian and Un-American...

how stupid does he think we are?

From the interview by Piers Morgan:
Morgan asked Moore about his opposition to capitalism, especially given Moore's  financial success as a filmmaker. When asked if his movie-making amounted to a capitalist endeavor, Moore replied "Is it really?" He then noted that "the only reason I do well is because people want to see my movies," before indicting the modern financial system as a corruption of capitalism, a "shell game."
As Moore concluded his remarks on capitalism, he said that "it's not American." Additionally, he said "it's not Christian or Jewish," after citing 46 million poor people that Moore believes the capitalist economic system neglects. "None of the major religions, in fact they all," Moore said, "say it's one of the worst sins you could commit, is to take such a large piece of the pie while others suffer."
 Really?  Really??

If Michael Moore hates Capitalism so badly, then why is he selling his book?  Shouldn't he be so worried about the poor and downtrodden that he would give his book away for free?  And how come the little people who are struggling have to pay to see his movies?  Shouldn't they be free, too?  To be fair, he could offer these things for a free-will offering - that would be a rather Christian approach. 

Obviously, he doesn't believe that about Capitalism.  But he does believe you are so stupid as to listen to him spout nonsense and believe it.  And so do the majority of loony lefty crazies in Hollywood.  Matt Damon, Susan Sarandon, Alec Baldwin, Barbra Streisand, and all of their ilk essentially call you stupid and yet we continue to watch their movies, buy their music, and pay for cable TV.   Are you insulted yet?

If you care to watch the interview:

Moore: Capitalism undemocratic, un-Christian


The Lonely Conservative agrees:  Michael Moore Trashes Capitalism, Loves Jon Huntsman


Randy-g said...

Capitalism has bought him more Big Macs than can be counted.

Adrienne said...

No kidding...

Anonymous said...

It's pathetic but stupid sells. He bites the hand that feeds him and it has made him rich. Capitalism doesn't play favorites, does it?

Mark D. said...

Hypocrisy. If Moore really believed that capitalism is wrong or that taking "more of the pie" is immoral, then he would give away his vast wealth to the poor, voluntarily give money to the government to make up for lost tax revenue and spend more of his time actually helping the poor than plugging his book and films. But he won't do that, not because he's stupid (he isn't) but because he is simply blinded both by his own sense of importance (pride) and by his own ideology (presumption).

Adrienne said...

Jim - we won't do anything to support or enable any of these people. No cable, almost zero movies, etc. Don't like the message - don't pay the messenger.

Adrienne said...

Mark - perfectly stated.

Conservamom said...

He is such an idiot. So are the rest of those in Hollywood who are delusional enough to think that since they played the role of president or intellectual they *actually play one in real life* dopes.

Terry Nelson said...

Congratulations Adrienne on winning the Miss Congeniality Award at Crescat! LOL!

Now that's funny.

Seriously congratulations - you win!

Love, terry

Adrienne said...

Terry - I appreciate your congratulations. I'm sure you meant it in the very nicest way. But, really, when it comes to congeniality, you top the list.

Jessica said...

He is his own god.

Terry Nelson said...

LOL! I finally made it back to see what you wrote. If only Kat would have had that category! I could've made it maybe.

I'm just a big Boomer-loser!

Adrienne said...

Terry - you will never be a loser. You have too many people that love you...