Thursday, July 7, 2011


East coast/West coast.

Remember your early days in school when you learned about Benjamin Franklin and his inventions?  Not only were you taught that he invented the lightning rod and bifocal glasses, but that he only had sex in the missionary position.  How about Washington Carver and his gazillion ways to use peanuts?  Remember when your teacher told you about the kinky sex Mr. Carver favored?  No?  You're not alone because the manner in which these people engaged in sex was of no significance to their accomplishments.

But soon, in the state of California, little kids will be told about very important people who did very important things and they will be informed that these people engaged in unsafe sexual practices such as repeated anal sex.  Why?

California passes bill mandating pro-gay teaching in schools, no parent opt-out
A bill requiring public schools to teach the “historical contributions” of homosexual Americans was approved by the California legislature on Tuesday, July 5. The bill also prohibits any school material or instruction that reflects adversely on homosexuality, bisexuality or transgenderism, and prohibits parents from removing children from classes over offensive material. read the rest
And on Sunday, July 24th, the city of New York will open the city offices, staffed by people who receive their salaries compliments of the taxpayers, in order to facilitate the "marriages" of homosexuals.

 City Setting Sunday Hours to Grant Gay Unions
[...] Ordinarily, couples must wait 24 hours after receiving a license to get married. But city officials said a number of state judges had volunteered to be on hand on July 24 to waive the waiting period and perform wedding ceremonies.
“This is a historic moment for New York,” Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg said in a statement, “a moment many couples have waited years and even decades to see, and we are not going to make them wait one day longer than they have to.”read the rest

Why Gay Marriage is Straight Business 

Discussion at Memorandum


Woodsterman (Odie) said...

I can't wait to see who comes out of the closet to become guest lecturers in California schools. Maybe it will be Governor Moonbeam or Nancy Pelosi.

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

Hey! How's the lawn mowing going?

Sarah Oldham said...

This really sets my teeth on edge as well as I'm finding it difficult not to gouge out my eyeballs!