Thursday, July 7, 2011

Balanced-budget amendment...

is a very bad idea that will have disastrous results.

While it may sound like a great idea - after all, who wouldn't want to force the government to operate with a balanced budget, the end result will likely not be the dance of the sugar plum fairies envisioned by many.  I have no idea why Jim DeMint is supporting this hoax of a bill.

Publius-Hulda posted a very good fisking of the whole amendment and it is well worth a read:

Why the “Balanced Budget Amendment” is a Hoax – and a Deadly Trap

You can not responsibly support a proposed Amendment to Our Constitution unless you have read and understand the proposal and how it would change our Constitution. You must look behind the nice sounding name!  Will the Balanced Budget Amendment (BBA) really “reign in” the federal government? Will it really “show them” that they have to balance their budget the same as we do?
Or does it actually legalize spending which is now unconstitutional?  Is it actually a massive grant of new constitutional powers to the President and the federal courts – a grant which will cut the Heart out of The Constitution our Framers gave us?
Amending the Constitution is serious business – and you are morally bound to get informed before you jump on The Amendment Bandwagon.  read the rest

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