Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Homosexuals and sex abuse...

"it is choices and actions that define a man."

Quote from Moonbattery:
The pedophile priest scandals that have provided moonbats with such sniggering joy are not primarily a Catholic problem. They are a homosexual problem. But you'll never get our liberal ruling class to admit.

If they can corrupt the Catholic priesthood, defiling impressionable American youth should be child's play — especially with the aggressive help of the government.


ignorant redneck said...

Since I have some first hand experience with the sodomites infesting the Church, when ever I hear the problem denigrated or deflected, I get angry.

My pastor told me to stop refering to the "Lavender Mafia"--so I quite using that nice term, and just started referring to sodomites among the clergy.

When called on it I got just a little frustrated and asked him to refute my words on a factual basis. We don't speak of this anymore.

Terry Nelson said...

Moonbattery is absolutely spot on - I wish Fr. Rueda's comprehensive book, "The Homosexual Movement" was back in print. The man/boy love thing still exists amongst the homosexual subculture - it is especially more public in Europe where the age of consent laws are lower and lower as time goes by, and the issues of gender identity and children's rights and early sexual education programs are pushed forward.

Redneck - I wonder why 'they' dislike that term so much? Because it describes what they do. Sodomy is disgusting.

Adrienne said...

IR - it's that sort of attitude of some of the priests and bishops driving the abuse scandal.

Adrienne said...

Terry - Never heard of that particular book, but I know from personal experience that many homosexual men (I would say probably the majority) are "chicken hawks."

Even in a "committed" relationship they still want their "night out." That's what drove my best friend Rick to commit suicide. His partner insisted on nights out and Rick was into monogamy. Sad. I miss him...