Wednesday, May 11, 2011

How many carbon credits did you earn today?...

'cause I've earned a bucket full by planting thirteen trees (only 7 more to go.)  

Next up?  Ten bushes, which will seem like a piece of cake after the trees.   Expecting a phone call from Al Gore later today.

Tonight is Confirmation rehearsal.   Tomorrow evening my young lady friend and former religious education pupil is being confirmed, and I will be her sponsor.  Doesn't "Confirmation rehearsal" sound like we should be bringing in a little "stand in" Holy Spirit?   Maybe a robin or a sparrow to stand in for the dove?  Ok - I'm officially weird. 

After a week of hard outside labor, my nails are in drastic need of attention.  After lunch, a full manicure is in order and typing will be impossible until later this evening.

Not wanting to leave my faithful readers with nothing of importance to read, allow me to recommend this fine piece from Stacy McCain, which dazzles the senses with truth and brilliance.

Moms, ‘Myths’ and Cultural Marxism
Liberals invariably use the word “myth” to describe any popular belief that they wish to discredit. Thus the liberal speaks of “the myth of the Old West” in order to attack the belief that pioneers, settlers and cowboys were admirably courageous, embodying noble and heroic traits worthy of emulation. Or a liberal may speak of “the myth of American exceptionalism,” seeking to discredit that view that our country’s phenomenal rise — from primitive colonial outpost to global superpower — signifies some unique or world-historic quality to our national character. read the rest


Randy-g said...

Now send algore a postcard showing all the trees you planted and in turn he will send you three of those corkscrew looking light bulbs, and an autographed picture of himself boarding his G-5 off to inspect a glacier melting somewhere.

Priscilla said...

I read your post and just had to tell you a funny story. When I was a very little girl the old church where we went had a beautiful carved alter piece and at the very top was a carved dove. One day when the Priest was delivering a particularly "spirited" sermon, he said in a very loud voice, "and the Holy Ghost shall come as a dove..." and at that precise moment that carved dove came loose and descended with a loud crash on the alter. Well, I don't remember it, but my mother said the congregation really cracked up and I guess they laughed for some time. Even the priest laughed!

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

Big Al will be proud!

Adrienne said...

Odie - not just proud, but very proud!

Adrienne said...

Priscilla - I wish I could have been there to see that happen. Too funny.

My funny church story is when the cat wandered in through the open side door of the church during Mass and proceeded to wander around the sanctuary during Mass. Very hard to contemplate the mysteries with that going on.

Adrienne said...

Randy - we live in a "corkscrew free zone." I am very particular about my lighting and we have enough incandescent bulbs stored up for the rest of our lives. Hope they allow me to bring them to the old folks home.

Mary Ellen/Nunly said...

It's up and running! Yay!