Sunday, March 27, 2011

Marxism and Communism is popping up everywhere today...

which has me a bit surprised - not because I think it's bad, but for the exact opposite reason.  It's time we started facing the real problems in our society.

Let's start our morning afternoon tour with American Thinker's Preschools Are Using a Marxist's Theories to Manufacture Collectivists
Next, follow me to Green Mountains Homesteading who said, This is what I have been trying to tell you people... and leads us all to a wonderfully done historical perspective on German interwar history at the GardenSerf -  The Years of Crisis and Real Blood in the Streets

After imbibing on these bits of history, hop on over to Doug Ross who asks Who is the Real "Reich Wing."
and continues on with One Election Away From Serfdom.

On to Western Voices World News and Multiculturalism's Marxist Roots.

Notice a theme developing here?  More and more people are looking to our past to predict our future.  


Randy-g said...

This crap isn't welcome in my neighborhood either.

Adrienne said...

It may not be welcome, but it's there. The churches, the schools, community organizing - full of the crap.

WomanHonorThyself said...

yes hun a scarey theme! have a great weekend..what's left of it!:)

Justin said...

Y'know what's more than a little disturbing? I work at a community college library and just last week I had to help a student find information on Vygotsky. I'd never heard of the guy until today.

Pablo the Mexican said...

Americans can only speak of the syptoms rather than discuss the illness.

The problems you describe have cowed people into a false political correctness that does not allow them to even mention the name of the culprits...

I would like to see an open and honest discussion here of who and what it is.

Perhaps you could invite us to debate the issue honestly?
