Monday, February 7, 2011

Sitting out the current crisis and Governor Mitch Daniels: Letter to Kathleen Sebelius

 I decided to sit out our current crisis du jour taking place in Egypt.  Am I the only person tired of being jerked around by whatever the powers that be decide to make the focus of their attention?

The following letter published at The Wall Street Journal is entitled An ObamaCare Appeal From the States authored by Mitch Daniels.   While Mr. Daniels points up the problems with Obamacare (they are legion), I don't care for the word "appeal" ( how about no?) and I sure don't care for the approach of "fixing" Obamacare.  It needs to be repealed.  Period - end of story.

From WSJ:  Twenty-one governors representing more than 115 million Americans have written to Kathleen Sebelius asking for more flexibility on health-care reform.
Unless you're in favor of a fully nationalized health-care system, the president's health-care reform law is a massive mistake. It will amplify all the big drivers of over-consumption and excessive pricing: "Why not, it's free?" reimbursement; "The more I do, the more I get" provider payment; and all the defensive medicine the trial bar's ingenuity can generate.
All claims made for it were false. It will add trillions to the federal deficit. It will lead to a de facto government takeover of health care faster than most people realize, and as millions of Americans are added to the Medicaid rolls and millions more employees (including, watch for this, workers of bankrupt state governments) are dumped into the new exchanges. read the rest at WSJ
Great Mind Moment

My blogger buddy Right Klik agrees with me (or I with him - or something) and has much more to say  in
Repeal ― or Make a Deal?

 While logging in my time on the treadmill at the gym (equipped with nifty little TV's), I was assaulted by the visage and voice of Obama addressing the US Chamber of Commerce.  The scolder in chief was outlining all the things businesses were supposed to do for their country, chief among them to hire people.  Never mind if they don't need to hire or can't afford to hire anyone.  It is their duty, doncha know?

Randy has something to say about this:   Corporate Profits Must Be Shared

And check out what Michelle Malkin has to say about the Chamber:

Obama & the U.S. Chamber of Commerce: Bad romance

Meantime the menu at the White House for Super Bowl Sunday included  bratwurst, kielbasa, buffalo wings, cheeseburgers, deep-dish pizza,  twice baked potatoes, German potato salad,  chips and dip, and washed down with ice cream.

Allow me to be the first to state that is a very weird (and very unhealthy) assortment of food.  No veggie tray with perhaps a yogurt dressing?   Pizza and cheeseburgers?  Why twice baked potatoes, German potato salad, and potato chips?  It looks like a menu that a middle school boy would dream up.

And then today the first woman is exhorting restaurants to serve smaller portions and healthier choices.  Are these people insane?  I know - silly question!

In case you missed it:

Today's Larwyn's Linx is excellent!

Dr. Sanity has an excellent post on one of my favorite subjects which will for all times remain a mystery to the loonies on the left - reality.

She also garners the coveted...

Quote of the Day
The squalid utopian fantasies of socialism, communism--or any variant of Marxism for that matter--appeals primarily to people who refuse to acknowledge their own human imperfections, and hence their own capacity for evil. They don't want to admit it, but those who are drawn to the leftist view of the world, tend to see themselves as superior; above all the other boring, ordinary human beings around them; more virtuous, more compassionate, smarter; and of course, much better qualified to decide what's best for lesser beings like you and me. read the entire article from Dr. Sanity
Red, over at Caught Him With a Corndog, brings us news of a universal flu vaccine.  

How many times does this have to be said before the loony left "gets it."  Government does not create jobs! They can only take money from one person and give it to another, but not before skimming off a healthy chunk for themselves.

The Plantation Nation has done the math for us and provided a chart - and we thank them.  $488,700.86 Per Job “Created”

Carol, of No Sheeple's Here, has put together a wonderful video tribute to celebrate the birthday of Ronald Reagan.  Outstanding work!

We're not sports fans in our household and so the Super Bowl is not even on our radar.  But it was hard not to hear about Christina Aguilera's rendition of the National Anthem.  Greenmoutains Homesteading has a message for her:  Sing it with pride or get the hell off the stage...

See you all later... 


From the combox:

Blue said...
The Libs who continually push this "socialist" agenda all believe that they will be part of the ruling elite when their utopian dream comes to fruition. Can you imagine the looks on their collective faces when they wake up one day to realize that there is no need for so many "elites" and that they have been relegated to the proletariat? That would be priceless! "But, but, but...." It's never worked anywhere that it's been tried, what makes them think it will work this time? Well, they aren't going for any small time action... World domination, baby. That's where it's at! Gotta love watching Moonbats howl! :)


Subvet said...

"...bratwurst, kielbasa, buffalo wings, cheeseburgers, deep-dish pizza, twice baked potatoes, German potato salad, chips and dip, and washed down with ice cream."

Anyone still wondering why the First Lady has a butt half the size of Texas? I only wonder why B.O. is so skinny, maybe he needs a thyroid check.

Blue said...

I think that michelle was a linebacker for 'da Bears....

The Libs who continually push this "socialist" agenda all believe that they will be part of the ruling elite when their utopian dream comes to fruition. Can you imagine the looks on their collective faces when they wake up one day to realize that there is no need for so many "elites" and that they have been relegated to the proletariat? That would be priceless! "But, but, but...."

It's never worked anywhere that it's been tried, what makes them think it will work this time? Well, they aren't going for any small time action... World domination, baby. That's where it's at!

Gotta love watching Moonbats howl! :)

Amusing Bunni said...

Yes, Adrienne, they are insane. More of the "do as I say, not as I do" mentality. O showed his socialist roots in that chamber of commerce speech. He is fooling no one. I'm sick of Egypt spin too.
The Shows, with the exception of Keith Urban, on the Bowl Show were horrible! You didn't miss much.

Adrienne said...

Sub - I'm convinced he is ill plus his doctor is supplying him with uppers.

Adrienne said...

Bunni - I had to get off the treadmill about the time he was telling businesses what their "obligations" were. I swear he sucked the strength out of me.

Patrick Button said...

Wow! The nearly 5 mil per job created reminds me of another interesting statistic. The federal government spends so much on welfare, that if it used the money to cut every poor person in the country a check, poverty, at least as measured in income, would cease to exist.

RightKlik said...

Thanks for the link! Sorry I missed the post until now.