Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Acts Of The Apostasy: We Need To Bring Back Shame

I couldn't have said it better (well.............. maybe I could have, but I didn't, so I'll stick with "I couldn't have said it better.)

Acts Of The Apostasy: We Need To Bring Back Shame
 [...]Which leads us back to shame. Moral people, Christians especially, are now the ones expected to feel shameful should they disagree with someone's behavior. It's acceptable to judge the moral people as judgmental. It's wrong to point out that some behaviors are immoral, harmful to themselves and society, and offensive to God.

Tough. There will always be behaviors and acts that are shameful due to their nature, not whether or not they make a person happy, or bring fulfillment. All the laws and prohibitions enacted by governments cannot undo any moral truth. read the entire article - it's excellent!


Larry Denninger said...

Gosh! Another link! Thanks, Duchess!

republicanmother said...

A local pastor went up to a guy with his pants hanging low and called him an embarrassment to the man race. He then proceeded to talk to him to figure out what went wrong with this young man. We need more Christians like this - not to be rude, but to wake people up.