Sunday, December 5, 2010

Let's raise taxes on the evil rich and all our problems will be solved, my mortgage will be paid, and I'll probably get a new car - or something...

Somewhere in our welfare soaked society the idea that "it's the rich people's fault that poor people are poor" took hold like a pit bull on a rabbit (ugly image, but sometimes life is ugly).  Indeed, some people even believe that all our economic woes can be placed at the feet of Bush who dared to cut taxes a few percentage points for top wage earners.

These people actually believe by raising taxes on the so-called "rich", somehow their coffers will be filled with more money. Never mind that over 40% of folks don't owe any taxes each year, and the bulk of the taxes paid already come from the "wealthy." 

I've got news for these purveyors of class warfare.  Poor people don't give you jobs.  If you take away someone's yacht it does not automatically follow that you will obtain a yacht.  Read the illiterate comments at places like Huff and Puff and you will see a recurring theme of hatred toward anyone who they perceive as having more than they do. Do they really think by raising taxes on the "rich" that their lives will be improved?  Sorry, you'll still be living in your parents' basement, your credit card will still be maxed out, and you'll still be making car payments on a car that's worth less than what you owe because you run your pitiful lives about as well as the federal government runs the country. 

You want to fix the budget (or lack of one, in this case) in DC?  Quit spending money we don't have for nonsensical spending boondoggles like the recently passed Child Nutrition Act.  Billions of dollars for what!?  Seeing to it that schools don't have bake sales and sticking 5000 filthy germ laden salad bars in schools? 

I don't care that John Kerry has a gazillion homes or a yacht.  His having these things does nothing to diminish what I have.  In the end no one is going to be stuffing all this crap in a casket to accompany them to wherever they are heading for that last journey. 


The Other McCain:    About ‘Tax Cuts for the Rich’ . . .excellent! 
John Hayward (Dr. Zero): The Failure of Class Warfare

Ruby Slippers: The Moment of Truth is Here
Dan Mitchell:   Debunking White House Pro-Tax Increase Propaganda

Shout First, Ask Questions Later:   Keynesian Econ Sucks

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