Friday, September 17, 2010

New Democratic Logo - I know where I've seen it before...

So I'm cruising around Saberpoint where Stogie has presented us with the new dem logo enhanced with a line through it - the international signal for "no."  That little line was the first thing I thought of when I saw the new logo, but something else kept nagging at me.  That logo looked very, very familiar.  Before I could even leave a comment for Stogie (good work on Stogifying the dem logo) it finally floated to the surface.

The little kosher symbol on food containers. 

And the meaning behind this?  None that I know of...


Reaganite Independent said...

U = "up yours" lol

That's Pelosi's personal symbol

ABNPOPPA said...

Let's see a "D" with an "O" around it! Hmmm. Could stand for "O"H "D"AMN! The Tea Party is here to stay! If you spelled it "D" "O" and you hiccuppd you might say the Democrats stepped in Do Do, this time around. Just some thoughts from an old guy!


Amusing Bunni said...

Hmmmmm, very interesting. When I first saw the dems logo, I thought of the red line throught it too. How could anyone designing that thanig not realize how ripe for parody it would be. I mean, a 3 year old could probably see that!