I'm back. Breakfast was wonderful and since I'm not in jail for strangling the woman at the thrift store let's continue with links and even more (maybe) pithy commentary.
My biggest challenge is sorting out what I've stored in my tabs from perusing my Google reader all morning. Thank goodness the blogosphere has settled down from it's hyper-posting of yesterday. I'm sure there is a better method. Maybe blogger extraordinaire The BlogProf or Smitty, Stacy McCain's faithful and very brilliant co-blogger, will share some of their secrets (in such a way that a dumbie like me could understand)
In case you need to be reminded of Obama's "achievements" for his first year devoted to ruining our country in office, Paul Rahe over at Big Government does a fine job in his article Obama’s First Year
Scott Brown News
Doug Ross has an open letter to His Brothers and Sisters in Massachusetts that really sums up what could be at stake in the Scott Brown/Martha Coakley race .
The king of pithy, Mark Steyn, has a great article "The Obama Agenda on the Precipice"
Stacy McCain is hanging out in Massachusetts with my "hard-core Catholic" buddy, DaTechGuy . Both of them are bringing us outstanding first-person insights and pictures of the Scott Brown campaign while igniting sub envy.
To quote Stacy from his latest American Spectator article:
"Seeing the Senate campaign from ground level is weird, in that you see and hear things -- TV ads, mailers, local news coverage, the comments of voters -- that aren't visible from outside the election battle zone. So you're watching selected microcosms of the campaign that don't necessarily match the Big Picture the national pundits are commenting on"
In fact, I think the job they are doing is so great I'm going to hit Stacy's tip jar (but on the condition he share it with DaTechGuy.)
On Health Care
In case you forgot with all the other stuff going on right now - that's the bill the Dim-ocrats are putting together in secret with bribes, threats, and concessions to the unions and any other special interest group that does not represent any interest vaguely related to the average American, which will take over something like one sixth of the US economy, cut Medicare, raise taxes, lower health care quality, rob of us any last vestige of privacy we may still have, and otherwise precipitate the downfall of this great nation. That health care bill...
Truth in Taxes — Don’t Call It a ‘Medicare’ Tax
What President Obama and top Democratic congressional leaders are trying to slip under the radar in private negotiations. read it all
My Life ...
See you later...