Saturday, January 16, 2010

Overheard at the Thrift Store

Yesterday I had to make a quick run to one of my favorite thrift stores run by Real Life Ministries, a local mega-church that teaches Catholics aren't Christians.  Heading out the front door, I overheard the volunteer running the check-out telling several customers that, "Of course the earth quake was caused by a pact with the devil. Everyone knows they practice voodoo in Haiti." One of the customers was making a half-hearted attempt to refute the statement, and another was agreeing.

My first inclination was to leap across the counter, grab the woman by the throat, shake her like a rag-doll, all the while screaming, "Are you insane or just stupid?"  I successfully squelched that idea.

My second inclination was to simply shout the aforementioned statement across the room.  I finally just shook my head and headed out the door marveling at the stupidity of people.

What would you have done?

I'll be back after breakfast with some major linky love...