Monday, January 18, 2010

Scott Brown

I don't know how everyone else is doing, but I'm very nervous about the special election tomorrow in Massachusetts.  I think if Scott Brown wins it will be the first on many more battles yet to be fought and won.  I've donated money to the cause and since I don't live in Massachusetts and can't vote for Scott, the only thing left to do is say some prayers that God's will be done.

My greatest fear is the probability possibility of a very dirty election and the ensuing ugliness.  We all view the world through our own prism; a prism formed by the way we grew up, our education, and our experiences.  This is why it is so hard for most of us to understand the machinations of the evil who live among us. 

Evil, which is the absence of good, has always been with us. When we lose our connection with our Creator, we leave a vacuum waiting to be filled with whatever is the prevailing trend in our secular society.  Don't leave a vacuum in your life...

Meantime my Spokane buddy, Mark, got an Instalaunch today on his fine article  Thoughts on the Movie Avatar.

I received a message from the Ceiling Cat for Amusing Bunni.  Ceiling Cat sez, "Bunni, you must stop squelching your emotions.  Do not hold back from saying what's on your mind.  It's bad for the digestion.  Make you puke up hair-balls"... 

Money Quote of the Day

From Dr. Zero
[...]   Racism endures because we’ve thrown away the most effective weapons against it. We built a system of government that strangles the free enterprise which brings people together, united by their ambitions. We scowl at the healthy laughter that builds fellowship, timid at the thought of giving offense. We haven’t put enough effort into maintaining our common language, the mortar of a peaceful and open society. The most impoverished among us indulge a subculture that violently dismisses the pursuit of excellence as racial treason. Meanwhile, the ruling elite have constructed a system that stands Dr. King’s dream on its head: we bring our children into a world where the color of their skin unlocks a million pages of legislation, while attempts to judge the content of their character are a felony offense. read the entire article