While I am happy about the election of Scott Brown, I am still quite sure the "evil three", Obama, Pelosi, and Reid are going to find some way to pass ObamaCare. I hope I'm wrong!
by Dick Morris and Eileen McGann
"Highly informed sources on Capitol Hill have revealed to me details of the Democratic plan to sneak Obamacare through Congress, despite collapsing public approval for healthcare “reform” and disintegrating congressional support in the wake of Republican Scott Brown’s victory in Massachusetts." read the rest
Reality: The quality or state of being actual or true.
Reality, or Obama's lack of, seems to be a central theme lately. Hmmmm, wonder why?
From the Washington Times: Obama's loose grip on reality
I couldn't have said it better. No, really - I couldn't! I still have the dumb.
The Weekly Standard: Obama on the Brink of Crackup More on reality...
Dr. Zero's article The Blue Assumptions does justice to the subject of authority; what authority is and our four mistaken assumptions about it.
Humor Alert!
On the day before what is sure to be labeled a "historic" State of the Union by the MSM, in which Obama will utter "unprecedented" nonsense syllables, a bit of humor is in order.
Update: What did I just tell you???
Update: What did I just tell you???
"I hope the President will use this historic moment to shine the spotlight on our troubling fiscal policies and lay out his plan for addressing these challenges head-on," Rep. Brad Ellsworth, D-Indiana, said in a press release.
Head over to Amusing Bunni's Musings and check out the email she received from Organizing for America inviting her to attend a State of the Union Watch Party or have one of her own.
Curious to see how many parties were scheduled for our area, I plunked in zips for Coeur d' Alene, Post Falls, and Spokane on the Organizing site. Only one gathering is scheduled for the entire area and that would be at the Democratic headquarters in Spokane at the aptly named "Toad Hall." Can't make this stuff up!
Cathy of Alex has something of real importance to say about "Everything in Moderation" (except bacon)
Doug Ross reminds us once again about how the average liberal feels about us. We're stupid. Americans Too Stupid to Understand the Power and Majesty of Democratic Policies that are Bankrupting the Country
Laugh Out Loud Award
Smitty, over at The Other McCain, earns my husbands "Laugh Out Loud Award" today. In his fine article, Unions as a Higher Form of Capitalism, Smitty used the term "rectal pluck" to describe how the administration comes up with it's job numbers.
From Buffalo Bill (a new addition to my blog list) : The Left Thinks Obama is an Idiot and the Right Thinks Obama is an Idiot Excellent!
Money Quote of the Day
"Don't be afraid to see what you see." Ronald Reagan
Yep! It's called reality...
We made our first journey to the WinCo in Spokane last night. Some excellent deals and sure to be a monthly addition to my shopping. Now I have a kitchen FULL of stuff to organize and put away.
See you all later...