Tonight, we are to be treated to the spectacle of Obama's first state of the union address, one that I predict few people will even bother viewing. I, however, in deference to and showing great love for my readers, most of whom would rather poke out their eyes with an ice pick than watch Obama spout nonsense syllables, will dutifully turn on my TV in order to give future pithy commentary (all without the help of mind numbing drugs - ain't I grand??)
I wouldn't want to miss the "Look, let me be clear" president telling us, once again, how he brought us back from the brink of certain disaster caused by Boooooooosh, saved or created one gazillion jobs, will freeze discretionary spending while at the same time calling for a "jobs" (don't call it stimulus) bill costing our nearly bankrupt country billions, reminding us that without his health care bill, people will be dropping like cockroaches after a major bug-spray program, all the while giving himself a "solid B+. No sirree! Wouldn't want to miss that!
On February 7th, the next great spectacle will occur. It's called the Super Bowl. It is much like the Roman games of old except without the lions. I predict the ratings will be way higher for the Super Bowl than for the State of the Union address.
There has been a bunch of lunatics really, really upset with an ad, paid for by Focus on the Family, featuring Heisman Trophy-winning quarterback, Tim Tebow. While scooting around The Blog Prof's site this morning, I watched a video he posted of Bill O'Reilly interviewing Jehmu Greene, president of the Women's Media Center.
If you need a perfect example of the thinking (?) encountered when dealing with a radical "pro-choice" person, I urge you to pop over and watch this video. What I find most remarkable is the fact that Ms. Greene is a negro African-American black woman. Does she not know that abortion facilities like Planned Parenthood are located in mostly disadvantaged neighborhoods for a reason? Does she not realize about 13 percent of American women are black, but they account for over 37 percent of the abortions? If we lived in Africa, it would be called genocide. But we don't live in Africa - so we call it "choice."
Update: Head over to Bad Habit and read the fine post on "Choice." Excellent!!
Update: Head over to Bad Habit and read the fine post on "Choice." Excellent!!