Saturday, January 2, 2010

Funeral Cakes and Spam

(Not the mystery meat which when sliced thinly, fried crisply, slathered with mayo, and placed on squishy white bread with tons of iceberg lettuce is as close to heaven on earth that any of us will ever come.)   But I digress....sorry

Our church provides the after funeral luncheon so the family has less to worry about.  This morning I got up early to makes cakes.  I do not suggest reading the directions in near dark conditions. After popping the first cake in the oven I turned on the over-head light only to realize I had put in the wrong amount of oil.  I grabbed the cake from the oven and scrapped it back into the bowl added what I thought was missing (we'll never know for sure), and stuck it back in the oven.

While the cakes were baking I hopped on the computer and was a bit surprised to have received not one single email.  When I returned from church I checked again. Still no email.  I logged on to my provider to find an empty in-box.  Hmmmmmmmmmm. Strange!  Hey, maybe I should check spam.  And there were OVER 74 MESSAGES in my spam filter.  Holy Carp!!!  

So what do cakes and spam have to do with each other?  Why, absolutely nothing.  But you see I have ADD and for us this all makes sense. 

I may have ADD but I'm not stupid.  From the wonderful Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit comes this list of things we're tired of written by Joe Hard....
They Have Awoken a Sleeping Giant –
1. We’re tired of politician’s stealing our money in the name of social justice and we’re tired of their programs that promote socialism which we don’t agree with.
2. We’re tired of being criticized and called selfish when we say that we would like to spend our money in the way that we wish and not give to government programs that support ‘victims’ who don’t support their local communities, churches, schools and organizations like we do.
3. We’re tired of being told that God should not be in politics in a world where selfishness and deceit are rampant and abortion is legal.
4. We’re tired of the innocent killing of babies being promoted as a form of birth control and abortion being promoted as a right.
5. We’re tired of being taken for granted and told that the politicians know what is best for us better than we do.
6. We’re tired of being lied to by a media that only tells half a story – A media that produces untrue pictures in favor of those they love and in opposition to those they hate.
7. We’re tired of a media who tells us that to be Christian or God loving is immature or silly.
8. We’re tired of a media that tells us that our military are murderers and that we are causing terrorists to murder.
9. We’re tired of being told that we are the evil ones when we don’t accept the lies of the media or government.
10. We’re tired of being told constantly why we should hate our great country, the most giving country ever in world history.
11. We’re tired of being told that we are the ones who started wars and killed people without reason.
12. We’re tired of being told that we should turn our heads and ignore the evil in the world and not protect ourselves from those whose goal is to kill us.
13. We’re tired of a government that spends more than it makes (takes) without caring who ultimately is going to pay for it.
14. Were tired of politicians who lack the courage to do what is right and who only care about what is in it for them or what greater political position they can steal.
15. We’re tired of federal system that encourages lobbyists to bribe politicians in order to get things done their way in Washington.
16. We’re tired of attorneys who bring frivolous cases to our courts with money as their only motive.
17. We’re tired of politicians passing medical legislation for us that they won’t accept for their own families.
18. We’re tired of being told that women are silly when they love their husbands and provide them safe and happy homes and families.
19. We’re tired of being told that love is a sexual and selfish act and nothing more.
20. We’re tired of being called callous and not compassionate when we don’t agree with the creation socialist society.
 More… Bill Hennessey has a great post at The St. Louis Tea Party Website on the what we can do this year to stop the madness in Washington.

2010 year is going to be a defining year in the future of this country. It's time for us to organize and defeat this monstrosity of evil that has invaded our country.  It is time to recognize evil and call it by its name.  To do otherwise is to invite defeat. 

You're invited to an Open House...

Ok - DaTechGuy is running the first ever (to my knowledge) running thread on his open house.  So far the ribs are almost gone and the guests are plowing through the lasagna.  Meantime the nice Jehovah Witness widow across the street is getting married.  I foresee a parking problem in the neighborhood...

Meantime Stacy McCain has gone live with his new Wordpress blog. The transition is complete and looks quite nice.  So head over and don't forget to change your links and feeds. And while you're there check out the video of Stacy and his trusty side-kick Smitty (my comma prince).  Now that they're all fancy-dancy they probably won't have time for us little guys. Sigh...


Tracy said...

I love this post Adrienne!!

MightyMom said...

fried spam???





I"d read the rest of your post, but I've gotta visit the loo

Packrat said...

Amen to MightMom. You and my hubby can have our share. Good movie to watch right now is "Once Upon a Honeymoon" - the 1942 version with Ginger Rogers and Cary Grant. (It is on YouTube.) Wish everyone who cannot see what is going on right now would have to watch this and have their eyes opened. (Ouch, that sound like dictatorship!)

Anonymous said...

It was actually open house #9. #10 will be next year Jan 1st 2011 2 p.m. till the last person leaves.

Hope to see you there, come hungry.