Thursday, December 31, 2009

Is Silence Really Golden??

 I can hardly remain silent after finding out a party is being thrown in honor of my birthday.  Cathy of Alex has invited everyone to my party, Terry has accused me of "saturating" my Christmas card with Aromatics Elixir, and Angela has posted a picture from my early years (which looks surprisingly authentic, I might add!)

My hubby was completely blown away when the famous LarryD included me in a Christmas poem, proving once again that we are never, ever "stars in our own homes." 

 Some new friends I've made: 

Red over at Caught Him With a Corndog   (I'll get you on my sidebar as soon as I get my ADD under control - Promise!)  found me by way of Amusing Bunni I like these ladies because like Digi, Ebeth, and all the writers at The Lair of the Catholic Caveman, they cut through the carp and get right to the point.

New Inspiration:
 Patty at St. Monica's Tears is worth a daily visit for her inspirational posts and

A special New Years wish for my favorite Irish poet, James Healy....I swear I'm going to use that phone number you have posted on your site.  Promise! 

My newsy type friends have done a remarkable job.  The Reaganite Republican,  Track-a-Crat,   Left Coast Rebel, Right Klik, Doug Ross @ Journal, Carlos Echevarria, and Mark in Spokane have done a wonderful job (among many others) on keeping me updated on the current madness in the world.

And for all the peeps that I have not mentioned today by name. Do not think for one teeny, tiny minute that you are forgotten.  These past few weeks I have been logging in incredibly long hours just taking in everything you have all had to say.  

Today's money quote:
"Take any group of people and put Jesus in their midst and soon, very soon, there is a rearrangement of relationships. Not only will some hate him but they will also begin to hate those who love him." Father John Speekman from his homily for Epiphany.  Read it all
 I really want to talk about our apparent willingness to turn our back on evil - but guess what?  It's my birthday so I'm going to save that for a day or two.  After a quick shower I'm headed to Lowe's to buy a new faucet, cruise the aisles of Big Lots, buy a "store-made" coffee drink, and perhaps even buy a book.

Wishing you all a safe and fun New Year's Eve


Terry Nelson said...

Glad you're back! Happy New Year - I sprayed your card with Gio - if you smelled anything that is. LOL!

Cathy_of_Alex said...

I'm still trying to keep Terry out of the egg nog-help!

Have a happy new year! Get yer drum on, babe!

Larry Denninger said...

Happy Birthday, Adrienne! Long live the Grand Duchess of Idaho!

Packrat said...

Happy Birthday. I,too, am glad you are back. Wishing all of us a much better New Year. :)

Roz said...

Happy New Year AND Happy Birthday to you, Adrienne! All the best, Roz

Dawn said...

Happy New Year and Happy Birthday!

Mark D. said...

Happy birthday and welcome back! Thanks for the shout out -- I'm glad my blog was useful to you during your hiatus.

Have a happy New Year, Adrienne.


Fr John Speekman said...

Happy New Year to you, Adrienne. May you walk very close to the Lord this year and absorb all he wishes to give you.

Mary Rose said...

Happy New Year, Adrienne! Now go feed that cat some cake before it starts gnawing on your hand. ;-)

Fr. John Mary, ISJ said...

God bless and keep you,dearie, may you and yours have a blessed New Year. And a very Happy Birthday!

MightyMom said...

I didn't know you were a new year's baby!!

Happy New Birthday Year's!

Anonymous said...

Ade. I'll count the moments! Peace and blessings of the season. Happy birthday.
James in Ireland

Amusing Bunni said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY< Adrienne! I'm glad you're back and thanks for linking me. I know more and more people will find your wonderful blog.

ALSO< HAPPY NEW YEAR! It is so cool to celebrate the New Year on your Birthday! Mine is the 3rd, so I'll be doing almost the same thing on Sunday! I hope this is your BEST YEAR EVER! God Bless ~ Bunni

Mary Ellen said...

Happy New Year and Happy Birthday! So glad you're back!

Ok...where's the cake? There must be cake, right?


belinda said...

Happy birthday, I'm glad that your posting again!

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Happiest of New Years to you!!! God Bless!!! Cathy

Tom in Vegas said...

Hey, Happy Birthday to you and a blessed New Year to everyone in your home and to your extended family:0)

Austringer said...

Happy Birthday, Adrienne! It's great to have you back...

By the way, I saw Terry not too long ago (after a period of a few years...why, he looks just like the photo he's posted.

Subvet said...

Happy New Year/Birthday. Glad you're back, you and yours are in my prayers.

Sarah - Kala said...

Happy Birthday!
Hau'oli La Hanau!! (how-oh-lee lah hah-now-oo)
Say it ten times fast.

Love you,

Mark D. said...

Hey, I wanted to drop you a note. I made contact with Smitty over at the Other McCain and he added me to their blogroll. I mentioned you in my e-mail to him and that seemed to get results.

Thanks for suggesting that I contact him.
