Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Smokescreen Alert

Breaking:  Senate Finance panel rejects govt insurance option

WASHINGTON – Liberal Democrats failed Tuesday to inject a government-run insurance option into sweeping health care legislation taking shape in the Senate Finance Committee, despite widespread accusations that private insurers routinely deny coverage in pursuit of higher profits. read the rest


As an alternative, Mr. Baucus included in his bill a proposal to create private, nonprofit health insurance cooperatives to compete with private insurers. source

Health 'Co-ops' Are Government Care
The Democrats' latest proposal bears no resemblance to the voluntary organizations that are known as cooperatives.

When Washington provides the money, names the directors and ultimately pays the bills, government controls health care. Lobbyists will lobby, Congress will respond, and bureaucrats will decide who gets care, what drugs are prescribed, what procedures are covered, and how much money providers can charge. read it all
 Also: A Health Insurance Exchange is not a good thing w/update


Mark in Spokane said...

Good work pointing out that the co-ops are no free market solution to the health care situation. This is almost a classic bait-and-switch strategy by the Democrats.

Adrienne said...

You bethca! The msm is pushing this like crazy. I knew this was going to happen. People better wise up!

Mary Ellen said...

Honestly, this health care bill is giving me such a headache. I'm not sure what to think anymore. I know that there are so many uninsured out there who need help (my daughter has no health care insurance because the newspaper she works for cut it out and her pay is so low she can't afford to buy her own) and on the other hand, I don't trust the government to pass a bill that won't be anything more than a boondoggle for the insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies, while they systematically screw the rest of us.

Adrienne said...

Your daughter would be able to afford health insurance if the government regulations were removed allowing her to buy insurance across state lines. She probably has about 5 companies to choose from now instead of 1300.

As to being overwhelmed with the debate? That is part of the plan. See Cloward/Pliven...

john gordon said...

My concern with this health care reform, as an Independent, is that it’s all over the place, there are not enough specifics and it must be put into writing and as if “written in stone” so that not every illegal that comes to the US will get free healthcare and those that work hard all their citizen life in US pay for every “Tom, Dick and Harry”

Adrienne said...

John - the latest I heard was they were going to try and pass a "shell" bill, which means it will be essentially empty (to be filled in later.)

They may also try and tack it unto some other low level TARP thingy. Do they not understand that anything that has to rammed through with such subterfuge, cannot possibly be right ?

I really believe that is at the basis of the rage. It is their arrogance in thinking they know what's best. We feel powerless - hence the rage!