Monday, September 7, 2009

Obama's School Speech is an Outrage

Sound too over the top?

I don't think so.

Here's why.

Let's start with the implication that he "grew up on the mean streets." No he didn't. He grew up in a middle to upper middle class home, attended the best schools, and went on to several colleges. So right off the bat he's lying or the teleprompter is lying - take your pick.

I get it. I know what that’s like. My father left my family when I was two years old, and I was raised by a single mother who struggled at times to pay the bills and
wasn’t always able to give us things the other kids had.

He was raised by his white grandmother while his mother was off pursuing other interests, including a stint in Seattle at some school or another. How did she pay for that?

How about how hard Michelle Obama worked to get to where she is?

But I was fortunate. I got a lot of second chances and had the opportunity to go to college, and law school, and follow my dreams. My wife, our First Lady Michelle Obama, has a similar story. Neither of her parents had gone to college, and they didn’t have much. But they worked hard, and she worked hard, so that she could go to the best schools in this country.

Michelle Obama grew up in what could only be considered a lovely brick middle class home, which could be even considered a tad nicer than the home I grew up in. Did her Dad work hard? Sure, as most of the Dads of that era did, including my own.

This is the woman who made a stump speech for her husband declaring "for the first time I'm proud of my country." Does the president think the kids of this country are too stupid to Google and find this information?

Both of them attended college as direct recipients of affirmative action. Barry didn't leave school with a boat load of student loans. Michelle Obama's "hard work" landed her a "play for pay job" at the University of Chicago Medical Center, where she devised a way for the hospital, in direct opposition to the law, to dump patients. The patients, predominately her fellow black people, were bussed to surrounding hospitals with clothes pins on their pumping arteries to keep them from bleeding out before they received real care.

After lying about who he is, we come to the part that made me erupt. Thankfully there was no coffee in my mouth or my monitor would be drowning.

You’ll need the knowledge and problem-solving skills you learn in science and math to cure diseases like cancer and AIDS, and to develop new energy technologies and protect our environment. You’ll need the insights and critical thinking skills you gain in history and social studies to fight poverty and homelessness, crime and discrimination, and make our nation more fair and more free. You’ll need the creativity and ingenuity you develop in all your classes to build new companies that will create new jobs and boost our economy.

Instead of saying we are privileged to live in a country founded on freedom, one which is the richest nation on this earth, the children are exhorted to make our country "more fair and more free." That, my friends, is an outrageous thing to say. This is once again implying that we need to be more free, all the while doing everything in his power to take away our freedoms - freedoms, I might add, which are guaranteed by our Constitution.

And fair? His poster child for fairness is Justice Sonia Sotomayor, who ruled against white and Hispanic firemen because it wasn't "fair" that a black man or woman didn't pass the test allowing for advancement. Black man doesn't advance, well, by God, no one will advance. Now that's really fair!

We need every single one of you to develop your talents, skills and intellect so you can help solve our most difficult problems. If you don’t do that – if you quit on school – you’re not just quitting on yourself, you’re quitting on your country.

God forbid you should "quit on your country."

And even when you’re struggling, even when you’re discouraged, and you feel like other people have given up on you – don’t ever give up on yourself. Because when you give up on yourself, you give up on your country.

There's that "country" thing again!

I’ve talked a lot about your government’s responsibility for setting high standards, supporting teachers and principals, and turning around schools that aren’t working where students aren’t getting the opportunities they deserve.

I’m working hard to fix up your classrooms and get you the books, equipment and computers you need to learn.

If that's true, then remind me again why you're dumping the voucher program in DC, a program which allows hundreds of poor, mostly black students, to escape lousy rat-infested schools? Is that how you practice the fairness you're so fond of, while your own daughters attend Sidwell Friends School to the tune of $40,000.00 per year?

How can we as a nation hold this man up as a role model for our children. A man who has never held a job or run a business, and who failed to even show up for votes when he was Senator. The only time he did show up it was to vote for bad laws. We've never even been allowed to see his academic records. If he's so smart, prove it!

Am I being over critical? Obviously I don't think so, or I wouldn't have published this. And how about the rest of the speech? It's nothing more than sophomoric pablum aimed at the most street wise "children" of any generation. Until last year, I taught 7th through 12th grade religious education at my church, so I know of what I speak. The kids of today will either be playing games on their i-phones or laughing out loud at this load of carp from the president.


Joe of St. Thérèse said...

You've saved me work :)

gemoftheocean said...

Besides that, he refers to a child in his speech that Ezekiel Emmanual his "Health Advisor" would let die.

Oh, and I loved his little "my momma made me get up and take extra lessons when I was [unsaid - IN SCHOOL] in Indonesia because she couldn't afford to send me to the American school blah, blah." What he doesn't mention is he went to an Indonesian school...and teh fact that at that time only people with indonesian citizenship could get into indonesian schools. Uh-HUM, when his step dad adopted him wouldn't the son have gotten Indonesian citizenship and THAT's how he went to school there at all? [Even if you allow for he might have been born in Hawaii, but no long form has been produced....]

I love how he says he felt "different from the other kids." Yup. I can buy it that he would have been "last one picked" for any team sport.

Tracy said...

ditto.. you have just saved me a ton of reading... I already figured I wouldn't allow my kids to hear/see this speech and now I know I won't. I don't even want to see it myself.. what would the point be?

Anonymous said...

Ridiculous, you will find fault no matter what. How "christian" of you.

Larry Denninger said...

I read the thing too - three times he tells the students that their success or failure in school will mean success or failure for the country.

Well, excuse me, but my boys are getting an education so that they can make a good life for themselves, be responsible citizens and do what they love. They're not getting an education to serve the state, which is what he is talking about.

I counted at least 64 "I's" in his speech - or variations thereof - making everything about him.

Good job, Adrienne.

Oh - and then there's this: "Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. I do that every day."
I find that very hard to believe. But that's just me.

Rob said...

Of course he asks questions everyday. That's why he needs 856 "czars". He can't "lead" on his own.

Adrienne said...

LarryD - spot on!

Adrienne said...

RJW - I'm sure he sits around asking questions all the time /sarcasm

Troy said...

I have read the text of the Obama School Speech also. It is anything but apolitical. It's been amusing and pathetic to see left wing pundits like Brokaw cast a false dichotomy of: either a person is a right-wing wacko on the one hand, or they on the other hand love the speech and cling to every word and letter as holy writ from their perceived messiah, as do these pundits. First of all, anyone who believes any President has the time to write this kind of speech also believes in the Tooth Fairy. But Obama's advisors would have been more reasonable to suggest that the Presidential speech writers write two or three separate, age-appropriate speeches instead of one speech for Kindergarten through 12th grade students. On its face, its a ridiculous notion that one speech can fit for students at thirteen different age levels. Secondly, there are a great many of us out here in the President's constituency who are neither the mythical right wingers (like the straw men of pundits), nor left wingers like Brokaw, but who at the same time recognize there is nothing edifying about our five-year-old kindergarteners being led into a room, then sat down and being told in a Presidential speech that they can find a cure for an STD (AIDS) when they don't even know what the hell AIDS is because we have gone out of our way to not allow that subject to be a part of their five-year-old world! Nor do we want to familiarize them with the concept of paternal abandonment courtesy of Obama's sharing in the speech about how his dad ran out on him when he was two years old. Many states including my own of California, have opt-out provisions from ANY reference to STD's or family life. This registered-Democrat father is opting-out of tomorrow's gem of a speech, because it is not age-appropriate for my kindergartener. Maybe at the junior high level and onward, these references are OK, but not before then. Let kindergarteners think about Dr. Seuss, the alphabet, beginning reading and writing, etc., and not AIDS and daddy running out. And the buzzwords in the speech of anti-"bullying for who they are" and "safe" environment for learning are the same pretext-buzzwords used to get the GSA onto campuses across the country in order to promote the Gay agenda in schools. This phraseology in the speech is not coincidental, but reflects the fact that Obama and the Gays are working from the same ideology and playbook. Spare kindergarteners and primary grades children of this oppressively heavy subject matter, however briefly referenced. There are truly wacko elements among the educrats and ultra-liberals in government in general that want to rob young children of their childhood. If the Obama worshipers like Brokaw can't see that reasonable people can reasonably hold different and maybe even wiser opinions than themselves, they are more wacko and extremist than the absurd straw men they build and then ridicule in their own stupid commentary. The timing of this thing with no time for review and opting-out by parents shows a real disdain for parents, and an arrogance that reveals a belief that Obama and the libs in the educational brainwash machine feel they should be able to say anything they want to any age level and to be completely unfettered in doing so. The bottom line is that they believe sin is virtue, evil is good, up is down right is wrong, perversion is normalcy. And they are determined to cram this bilge down the throats of all children they can get access to. There was a time when parents did not have to deal with this kind of adversity in what should be the simple and hassle-free process of putting their children in public school.

All the Best,
Troy from California

Anonymous said...

This is a Catholic perspective? Not the type of Catholic upbringing I received. Sounds more like hate than love to me.

Anonymous said...

I was LOL @ the news last night. They had 3 high school students who were "outraged" they were not being allowed to watch the speech in school. They were making signs and planning a "sit in" because "they should be allowed to make their own choices on watching the speech". Hello, watch it on Youtube!

My question is, do they put as much effort into the regular studies as they are into the "protest"? Or are they just wanting to get out of class? Do they even know there will be writing and lesson plans with this speech. Crazy kids!

Adrienne said...

Troy - I was also surprised to see the reference to AIDS. It is impossible to craft a speech that works for K-12.

IMHO it dumbed down for the 12th graders and way over the heads of the little kids.

And I agree ...
The bottom line is that they believe sin is virtue, evil is good, up is down right is wrong, perversion is normalcy.

Adrienne said...

Motherhen - Protest and angst are fun at that age...

Adrienne said...

anon - why is it that people who make snarky remarks almost always hide behind "anonymous"??

My name is on each and every thing I write. Oh yes, and my rule is if I don't agree with someone else writes on their blog, I respect their right to say it and move on.

So according to the Serenity Prayer you have three choices. Accept it, change it (I'll save you time - that's not going to happen), or move on.

Larry Denninger said...

Anon 3:06 AM "Not the type of Catholic upbringing I received.

Well, a lot of Catholics' upbringing included the "I'm ok, you're ok" mantra, and with a flawed understanding of Jesus' command 'Judge not, lest ye be judged'. So of course you're okey-dokey with the speech and any criticism of it.

Adrienne said...


The gal that teaches the little kids at our (former) church keeps running around saying she "so wants the children to know Jesus."

Yep, well how about you teach them about His Church? Great way to get to know Him.

By 7th grade all they can do is sing sappy songs, color pictures, and have "fun".

Do they know anything about their Catholic faith. Nope! Not ONE thing.

Larry Denninger said...

Tis a sad thing, Adrienne.