Monday, September 7, 2009

More on the Speech,Clunkers, and the Economy

I'm not the only one who caught the "more free and more fair" part of Obama's speech. Dan Riehl (whose name mentally prompts me to say, "i before e, as in neighbor and weigh) is also Creeped Out.

Need a luxury car? Doug Ross at Journal says the pickins' are easy in Dubai.

I have been remiss in not linking to another of Robert Stacy McCain's other venues, Not Tucker Carlson. Stacy has compiled a truly depressing batch of articles on the economy. Guess what kids? Sometimes truth hurts and an informed electorate is necessary.

I continue to support Stacy even though he is a hoarder of commas. After this morning my husband has run out of commas and tomorrow must hit the line where a newly hired, and highly paid, Acorn employee will hand out commas based on need (does that sentence need more commas?)

Soon, Stacy, very soon, a government bureaucrat will show up on your doorstep demanding you relinquish some of your commas to share with comma-poor folks. After all, it's only fair to "spread the commas around." I used to have commas, but during my misspent youth (before becoming devout), I flung those commas around with abandon, and now have none. My poor husband must pay the price.


Anonymous said...

Commas are a dime a dozen,,, but your uncontrolled use of red-colored text is certainly a factor in global climate change.

Adrienne said...

Nickie - the red is links. Do you suggest another color since it can be changed in the layout section?

I am interviewing for my own "Comma Czar" - did you wish to fill out an application? My hubby will be very, very happy when to position is filled!

Adrienne said...

oooops! the position

Adrienne said...

Nickie - if I'm too liberal with my red,,,,,,, how come your blog looks like it's on fire?

Just for being a twit (you), I've added you to my side bar newsreel. So There!!

Anonymous said...

I am sorry you are so bitter and angry all the time. I hope one day you will find the spirit of our lord Jesus Christ in your heart. I will pray for you.

MightyMom said...








there, that should hold you for awhile.