Need a luxury car? Doug Ross at Journal says the pickins' are easy in Dubai.
I have been remiss in not linking to another of Robert Stacy McCain's other venues, Not Tucker Carlson. Stacy has compiled a truly depressing batch of articles on the economy. Guess what kids? Sometimes truth hurts and an informed electorate is necessary.
I continue to support Stacy even though he is a hoarder of commas. After this morning my husband has run out of commas and tomorrow must hit the line where a newly hired, and highly paid, Acorn employee will hand out commas based on need (does that sentence need more commas?)
Soon, Stacy, very soon, a government bureaucrat will show up on your doorstep demanding you relinquish some of your commas to share with comma-poor folks. After all, it's only fair to "spread the commas around." I used to have commas, but during my misspent youth (before becoming devout), I flung those commas around with abandon, and now have none. My poor husband must pay the price.