Monday, September 7, 2009


Doctor Zero over at Hot Air's Green room has an excellent article up about fascism.

"Too many people recall the garish and horrifying trappings of Nazi Germany, and think “it couldn’t happen here.” It has happened here. It’s happening again now. We do ourselves no favors by refusing to see it, any more than we would be helping ourselves by throwing around baseless accusations of fascism where it does not exist." Dr. Zero

The one area these articles rarely wander into is the concept of original sin; we are all born with a fundamental weakness. Our time on earth is to be spent overcoming our desire to "walk on the wild side."

People seem to think if some form of religious thought enters into conversations about fascism, communism, or socialism, the secular arguments against these ideas are rendered void. We live in a country that is overwhelmingly Christian. Yet we are afraid to speak our minds for fear of being called "right-wing fundamentalist Christian wackos" - rendering anything we have to say as crazy.

A nation and a people that turns it's back on God, does so at it's own peril. To place our faith in other people, governments, or global control, is a pathway to that "walk on the wild side" we should be avoiding for the sake of our souls.