From the combox:
anonymous said about my post on Obama's speech:
Ridiculous, you will find fault no matter what. How "christian" (sic) of you.and on the post More on the Speech...
I am sorry you are so bitter and angry all the time. I hope one day you will find the spirit of our lord Jesus Christ in your heart. I will pray for you.Well anonymous, since you came from a Obama-loving "mommy message board" Two Peas in a Bucket, which is bulging to the brim with laudatory comments about our dear president right next to copious pictures of all your darling children and puppies, here's a question for you and your friends. How do you reconcile Obama's approval of a baby born alive after a botched abortion left to die alone in a storage room? Or his assertion that a baby is a "punishment" if visited on one of his daughters?
Perhaps instead of making ad hominem attacks, you might present some facts to back up your syrupy adulation of a man who is clearly anti-baby. Think about that if your daughter winds up pregnant with a "punishment". Is abortion going to be your Christian choice?
And next time, use your name if you're so proud of your "Christian" opinion!