Sunday, September 6, 2009

Buh Bye Van

Update on the Update: I apologize to my readers for not including a link to my buddy, The BlogProf. My only excuse is I was in a hurry to prepare for church so I could practice being "devout" (I need TONS of practice!)

theblogprof: Van Jones Meets Undercarriage Of Obama's Bus, Resigns Amid Growing Controversy

Update on Van Jones

BlogProf has the mother of all posts on Jones. Any and everything you may want to know and probably some things you don't want to know.

And from The Other McCain: Who Hired Van Jones?

William Jacobson over at Legal Insurrection has an interesting take on what's to come next....

Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion: Obama Next On Their List For Removal

from the combox:

MightyMom said...

Woo down, 5,492 left! Not to mention The One!


ABNPOPPA said...


Jacob's surprise visit nearly brought tears to my eyes. Buh Bye Van Jones did!

Could only happen to one other person then I would really breakdown and cry. Can you say OBAMA!


Adrienne said...

Pops - I'm with you. We need to keep working and it will happen....

gemoftheocean said...

Sorry I didn't say something earlier about this. You'll understand when I tell you how prostrate with grief I was over the news.


Adrienne said...

Me too, Gem, me too. It was all I could do to drag myself to Mass this morning...