But today I must actually do some work. So I leave you with the best of the best from my scrounging around the internet this morning:
LarryD over at Acts of Apostasy has an essay on "My Best Days." I've already read it twice and will go back and print it out for my journal. What I find fascinating about Larry is his highly developed sense of humor (ok - he's batsh*t crazy funny), and then he comes up with these very deep thoughts.
Creative Minority Report has the Holy Father on speed dial now. Congratulations.
RighKlik is fired up with "ObamaCare: Not in My Backyard"
More Connecting of Dots:
I have been remiss in not linking more often to Dad29. He has a must read up today on WISDOM, ACORN, and Off-Course Catholics that is chock full of informative links. Folks, knowledge is power, and we must stay informed no matter how many headaches we get - just take more Ibupropen.
Michelle Malkin connected more Olympic dots in An illustrated guide: All the president’s Olympic cronies.
And last but never, ever least is Smitty (my Prince of commas), over at The Other McCain with Another Black Conservative on Derrion Albert
Smitty has a link to a video presentation by Bill Whittle located in roughly the middle of his post. This is a must see video, and a perfect example of why we need each other. If not for Smitty, I would have probably missed this. It's twelve minutes packed with a hard-hitting overview of political correctness, it's origin, and the Frankfurt School, which you really must see.
I have spent a considerable amount of time studying these different movements and organizations, and Bill Whittle does an excellent job of giving you jumping off places for more study on your own.
I shall be back later...play nice while I'm gone
Adrienne - awww, thanks for the nice compliment. I'm blushing. And thanks for the link too.
BTW - I finally got around to posting the award you gave me. I've crowned you the Grand Duchess of Idaho.
Yikes! Everytime I come wander over here I find a new link to my blog!
Thank you.
Larry - Duchess is nice - very nice. So regal. Thank you.
RK - It's not my fault you do such a great job.
This morning I had already plowed through about 250 posts before I got to you and you were the first one to hit my link list.
So - if you don't want to be linked, don't do such a good job... ;-)
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