Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The world has gone crazy...

My Google Reader has exploded and things are once again moving at warp speed. After a lovely week of rain and ultra cool weather, the temp is climbing into the 90's again and I have awards and meme's stacked to the ceiling that need to be acknowledged.

Sounds like the perfect time to take the rest of the day off. I'll be back this evening (hopefully)...Until then, play nice!


Kathy said...

Yes, the world has been crazy for some time now. However, it is sane people like you who make the world a better place to live in.

Enjoy your rest!!!!

MightyMom said...

ain't that the truth!

Ebeth said...

Ok, now I feel foolish, but I wanted to pass on the Faithful friend and visitor award to you......sorry


Overwhelmed myself today.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the time and effort you take to write... you are on my must read list! God bless.

Lola said...

I am now waiting with baited breath...

What is new in Adrienne's world?

Terry Nelson said...

Kitty in a blanket - towel - cute.