Friday, July 24, 2009

Kevin Jackson's take on Gates

This is a must read from Blogger extraordinaire Kevin Jackson. At first I thought this whole Gates thing was just a distraction to keep us from thinking too much about Obamacare. But now I think it's much more important.

This whole incident reveals in full clarity exactly how incredibly racist our current president actually is. I haven't seen this much talk about race since OJ was pronounced not guilty for a crime he most certainly committed.

Until Obama started to make such an issue of race it never really crossed my mind that a black man was running for president.

And while you're over there be sure and order Kevin's book "The Big Black Lie."


MightyMom said...

a man who begins his speech in a foreign country "I know I don't look like the American representatives you've seen before...." is ALL ABOUT RACE. (never mind the ambasador to that country for the last couple years was black.)

Kelly said...

Thanks for the link to Kevin. Great stuff!

Simplex Vir said...

Adrienne, Thanks for turning me on the The Black Sphere! Man how great is this cat!

Roz said...

Adrienne,It's been a long time since I've visited your blog. I just wanted to say that you are 'right on' with all of your statements about "O"....especially his racism. I had said, "It's only a matter of time that racism is going to come into the national picture....and wa lah! Here we are and it hasn't even been one year in his presidency. I'm so sick of all this I could just vomit! The person who brought up race was GATES and not the polic officer who was just doing his job responding to a break in call! "O" should have simply said that he didn't know all the facts and could not comment on a local affair! I'll have to look up the Kevin, Black Sphere guy's book. Thanks for sharing! Roz (bella)