Sunday, February 22, 2009

Just for Fun!

When I was just a wee girl my mother instilled in me a fear of two things; the pressure cooker (keep away, it could blow up), and making pie crusts (they always fall apart when I try to roll them out).

After growing up, I overcame my fear of the pressure cooker, but never bothered to even attempt the scary pie crust. After all, I was already tempting fate with the pressure cooker - why take any more chances. Right?

Once, when my hubby and I were on a trip, we stopped at a cafe. He ordered blueberry pie. It was his favorite and I, in a wifely manner, reached over and swiped a bite. It was made with canned blueberries and was absolutely vile.

"I can do better than that", says I with much bravado. And so, when we returned home the great pie making experiment began.

Pulling out my trusty Better Homes and Gardens and Betty Crocker cookbooks, I read up on this mystery known as the pie crust. Hmmmmm, didn't seem to be all that hard. I followed the directions with absolute precision and when I tried to roll out the crust it fell apart. Ah ha!! Mom was right! It was indeed, something to fear.

The next day, while working away on a head at my beauty salon, I recounted my terrible problem to my client (who just happened to be a great pie maker).

She laughed and said, "Do you want to know the secret?"

"Yes, yes," I pleaded. "Please tell me what to do"

"Ok," says she, "Here it is - put more water in the dough."

"That's it?"


This little guy came out of the freezer this evening and was baked for our dessert. Need to get rid of all this non-Lenten food, doncha know. My edges are usually way prettier but I was in a hurry when I made this pie.

Hmmmm, bubbly juice with flecks of cinnamon

After the big cut....

Adorned with Starbuck's Classic Coffee ice cream. I prefer Java Chip but the store was out and so we settled for second best.

Simple Recipe for a two crust pie

2 cups all purpose flour
2/3 cup lard (just say no to Crisco)
1 teaspoon salt

  1. I mash it up with a pastry blender until it well mixed. You can use two forks and some folks swear by mushing it up with their finger tips (which sounds really fun but wash your hands first please)
  2. Add the water. Toss it about with a fork
  3. Give a test squeeze for stick togetherness (professional baker term)
  4. Roll it out and toss it in the pie pan. Voila! Great crust

Some hints:
  1. Keep your lard in the refrigerator and just pack it into a measuring cup with a knife.
  2. Use really, really cold water
  3. I always throw in a little extra flour and lard 'cause I like lots of crust
  4. I use egg white that has been whipped with a fork at the very end of baking to get that gorgeous shiny brown color. I brush it on and turn the broiler on. DO NOT STEP AWAY FROM THE OVEN AT THIS POINT. The time between golden brown and burnt to a crisp is about 2 nano-seconds. (Don't ask me how I know this.)
  5. I use about twice the amount of fruit that is called for. I hate thin pies.
  6. I cover my pies completely with foil to keep the crust from burning. If you need to cover just the edges, put a pie pan upside down on a piece of foil as a measure. Cut out the center (of the foil - not the pan.) It will make covering the edges easy compared to trying to wrap several chunks of foil around the edge (don't ask how I know that, either)
  7. Remember - this is not rocket science. It is actually pretty hard to mess up a crust. (Sorry Mom!)


MightyMom said...

hubby has taught himself to make a MEAN crust!!

he refrigerates the dough ball for awhile before rolling out the crust. less sticking to the rolling pin.

He's really really good at pies!!

MarysDowryProductions said...

This is great! Well done, much better than I can do but seriously I am going to have to try out your recipe now :)

Anonymous said...

Now you tell us the secret?? LOL I'll have to keep this gem bookmarked until AFTER Lent is over ;)

mmmm, that apple pie looks awful yummy!

God bless!

ukok said...

That pie looks yummy!

Oh you didn't half give me a flashback mum always cooked using a pressure cooker and though she hasn't used one for years now i can still hear her oice in my head teling me to stay out of the kitchen as she poured cold water over the pressure cooker so she could release the steam. Sometimes (sorry mum) the potataoes would be a bit 'soupy' ;-)

Mum is a great cook but it can be a bit hard to guage how long to cook things in the pressure cooker.

I've never cooked with one and don't intend to buy one. I usually steam our veggies and like them to have a bit of bite.

Packrat said...

Fun post! Pie looks yummy.

Gram used to put a little vinegar in her pie crust, but I have no idea how much. She made the flakiest most tender pie crust that I have ever had. (She was "taught by Aunt Cora".) I use the recipe from my food processor instruction book. Seems to work well.

I, too, was told to stay away from the pressure cooker. I have a small one. I'd have to get a new ring and have it tested before using it. And, somewhere around my mom's place there should be a pressure canner for canning meats and vegetables.

Anonymous said...

Darn you Adrienne! Doncha know I'm lowcarb and even LOOKING at that picture induced an insulin response??

As my son would say "Great Scot!" That pie looks amazing and oh my gosh, so delicious. mmmm

Even when I was baking, I never had great success with pie crusts. One time I made a great one that used a stick of shredded butter (like you shred cheese). I was pretty happy with those results.

Tracy said...

ooohhhh... awwww.... yummy!!

Lola said...

Thank you kindly, the photos look good and the pie crust recipe and instructions are doable.

My dh's favorite pie is apple and I always wanted to make the crust not buy it.

About that lenten diet:
my polish relatives eat something called a punchkie.
A way to use up all that butter.
You can only eat it right before lent otherwise you would never run the calories off.

ashley said...

I've never made a pie crust by myself. I play sous-chef with my GF who does most of our Thanksgiving baking (desserts and rolls).

ABNPOPPA said...

Stop all ready with the piks of the food. My wife said we are getting fat just looking at them. Starbucks, yuk, too rich for my blood. Give me a cup of good ol' Maxwell house, with just a wee bit of something to put a nip in it on a cold winter's evening, lassie!


Lynne said...

Amazing! I can stop buying the Pillsbury ready-to-use refrigerated crust? Neat!

Katie Alender said...

LMAO, Adrienne! Good for you!