Tonight Father is going to be teaching about evolution vs creation, including covering the first three Chapters of Genesis.
My part to teach?
How about teaching paragraphs 279-324 in the Catechism? says Father Bill.
Mmmmmkay, I should be able to whip that together in two or three years. I am now up to four pages of notes just to simplify forty-five paragraphs of the Catechism. Good thing I like to talk and can tell a great joke. I can divert the classes attention from the fact that I have no clue of what I am doing.
But guess what? Somehow or another it always works. What would we do without the Holy Spirit?
The Holy Spirit and my Angel have saved my bacon numerous times! Prayers here!
I bet you'll do great!
How well versed is he in the evolution/ creation exchange? Sounds like my cup of tea.
While you're at it, why don't you ask him what he thinks of Chardin:0)
Great post, love the picture:)
Where would we be... non-existant? But your right. Many times when I've been teaching something that sounds really good, I will think, "Where is this coming from? Oh, right!"
Cathy - the Holy Spirit did a great job! I was just along for the ride. Father even stayed awake:)
Laura - Thanks - you're too good to me...
Father is a pretty good teacher. He thinks Chardin is a lunatic too.
Tracy - I am sooooo addicted to LOLcats.
rjw - I'm pretty much always wondering the same thing.
what's wrong with chardin?
such a thinker
such a non-conformist
such a guy - i think he'd like vegas
Uncle Jim - sometimes people confuse obscure and unintelligible language for intelligence.
But ---- if my cyber-nephew wants to read his stuff that's A-ok with me. Bless his precious little heart.
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