It's Still Working
Jackie (probably out of fear and loathing for my previous bad behavior) has sent me this wonderful award. Very apt bouquet since I just ordered another 25 Stargazer lilies from Henry Fields for $19.99. Use this link as it will take you to the special newletter offer. It's is a phenomenally good deal at 80 cents per 18 cm bulb. Cheap, cheap, cheap. I am not sure they ship overseas and the cost would probably negate any savings anyway, so I guess only my US buddies could take advantage.
Since Angela at Where Angels Go and I take turns with sitting in the corner sniffling and twirling our hair, I must pass this on to her. We must not forget all her hard work discerning our special saints for the year. My saint, Beatrice of Nazareth, has become a good friend and given me much support. Angela also deserves to have a Wonderful Woman of the Web Award from the previous post.
And now I must send this special batch of flowers to other worthy folks.
- Tom in Vegas deserves to have flowers for being the best cyber-nephew ever.
- Cathy of Alex - our sometimes cranky, always entertaining Dissident Catholic
- Carolina Cannonball @the Crescat really knows how to make me think.
- Terry Nelson @ Abby Roads needs flowers to lift his spirits and 'cause he will, no doubt, whine and whimper if he doesn't get any.
- Karen @ Gem of the Ocean (why don't you tell us what you really think!)
- Swiss Miss @ St. Monica's Kneeler. Swiss has had some superior posts lately. Thanks
- Laura and Christine @ Laura's Place. Not sure why it's not called Laura and Christine's place. I guess Christine just rents.
- Tara @ Loved Sinner. The cutest blond in cyber-space.
- Father Longendecker, Father V., and Father Speekman. Priests should get flowers, too.
- Kelly @ Answering the Call. This Easter Kelly will be entering the church. Welcome home, Kelly
- Therese @ Aussie Coffee Shop who keeps us amused with her "down under" tales.
- Paula B52 @ As We Wait in Joyfull Hope.
- Stephanie @ Digital Hairshirt. We don't hold it against her that she is an attorney one teeny, tiny bit. Really! Just forget all those attorney jokes - they do not apply to this lady. Really?
- Rita @ tigerish waters.
- Katie Alender for a great writer's blog.
- Whitestone Name Seeker - great blog
There are many more wonderful bloggers in my life like Uncle Jim who, I think, was my very first commentor. Others are not being ignored. I just know that they would as soon poke their eyes out with a plastic fork than have to deal with a meme or an award. Know that you are in my heart and my prayers.
And, finally these flowers should go to a very special blogger. Jeffery over at Roving Medievalist maintains about a gazillion photo blogs. He does this for our enjoyment and he deserves appreciation for his hard work. His blog on Russian Art is must place for me to visit every day and when new pictures are up I am a very happy camper. Frozen Music has a fresh batch of pictures up and the links on Back to Dameroshay have literally eaten up whole days for me. Fascinating!! Much time has gone into these links which are intended to inform and lift us up.
Every so often, Jeffrey graces us with a bit of scolding. I, for one, need that. Too often the blogosphere becomes mired in a certain negativity concerning the Church. When we are fed a steady diet of this, it starts to affect everything we think and do. So, Jeffrey - Thanks for your hard work and helping me keep my head screwed on straight.
Thank you Auntie A!
Say, you've written about your property on previous posts, and, I must say, I get the impression that it's absolutely beautiful! Just thinking about the flowers and early springs is enough to drive someone's blood pressure down:0)
My dream is to leave Las Vegas and seek my version of your lovely paradise somewhere in New England. I WANT trees; rolling hills; narrow, cobblestone streets, and colorful autumns.
Las Vegas is a desert (that's the least of its problems) and everything you see here is manmade and wholly unnatural. Don’t get me started on the crime and traffic.
God bless,
OK, in the great Tradition instituted by....YOU....WHAT ABOUT ME????? AM I NOT WONDERFUL????
Oh, and I brought cheese to have with my whine....would you like some? I have brie, ghestost (sp?), and a lovely apple-smoked gouda. :-)
Great list, by the way.
Tom -- oh yes, it is gorgeous. However, ask me again after we go 3 months without rain which means we have three sprinklers going 24/7 (literally), the weeds are completely out of control, and some doofus wants 50 daylilies shipped out one hour after I receive the order.
My spring means 12 -14 hours a day of dividing daylilies, cleaning the beds, planting the veggie and cutting gardens. Let's not forget pruning about 50 trees and this spring I have to re-do the meditation garden because the rosa rugosa are completely out of control and plant the 25 trees and shrubs that are on order.
If you find yourself with a long weekend you may just come and see it yourself. The airfare to Spokane is pretty cheap. You can stay with us (I even have a calculator for you to play with if you get antsy or.....I could spread some beans on the dining room table. We are waaaaay fun for old people.
Hubby and I actually got married in Las Vegas (long story)and we lived in Sedona, AZ for 10 years. We then spent two years in Phoenix before moving here. We know all about new, hot and congested.
I was still drinking then. Do you have any idea of what it feels like to be half in the bag when it's 117 in the shade?? No, of course not:) Lucky you.
Thanks for the flowers, Adrienne, so nice to be thought of. It's great to check out the others on the list and for that reason your flowers are a good idea. Many thanks.
Thank you. When these stargazer lilies bloom, you should post pictures. They look interesting.
adrienne: Thanks for the bouquet! I really needed the uplift! God bless you.
Thank you Adrienne,
You've made my day!
I also totally agree with everything you say about the wonderful Jeffery Smith. His images are inspiring and his words, though few are wise (even the invective).
God Bless
Thank you very much Adrienne! You are so kind! (Do I whine?)
God blesss you!
Auntie A-
I may someday take you up on your offer. LOL!
So you've been through my neck of the woods before. I don't know how long ago that was, but things have changed drastically in the past 10-15 years. (Sigh)
The old Las Vegas was much more pleasant.
If you haven't made it through here lately, you haven't missed a thing.
God bless.
LMAO! Thanks, Hon!
awwww - thanks for the flowers!
FYI - I had the blog before I met Christine online; she's a contributor for tech support, as she has her own very fine blog, but she occasionally (like on my birthday) pops in and says something. I rather wish she'd do it more often!
Adrienne, Thank you so much for the flowers! I'm enjoying the blogs you linked too as well.
Thank you so much, Adrienne! I am humbled to be in such august company . . .
Jeffrey - I will take lots of pictures. I have many different colored oriental lilies including Stargazer but more is better. The smell is intoxicating.
Terry - only a little (we all do)
Laura - ok, good. Now I don't have to worry about Christine anymore. I thought maybe you kept her locked in a secret room or some such insanity.
Digi - I'm only being nice to you in case I ever need help with my PhotoShop. Only kiding. You deserve every award you get.
Father John - I will send you flowers often.
aww. That is soooooo nice. Thank you Adrienne for the flowers. I love flowers. Fr. John took a picture of our Sturt Desert Pea flowers when he was here. Steve keeps on bringing them in and putting them in vases on the table. I haven't ever received so many flowers. I think I have had more in the last two months than I have had in 17 years of marriage.
Thank you so much for the flowers! I appreciate you very much and I am thrilled to be in such good company!
Wow! Thank you, I'm touched (my kids say I am very touched lol)
I have only recently discovered your blog. It's excellent. I'll add you to my roll
God bless
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