Friday, September 20, 2019

Are you dealing with a narcissist?...

I prefer to call them malignant narcissists and I have a whole pack of them in my (ex) family.

If you look into what constitutes a narcissist, you will recognize immediately how many commie/libtards fit the description.

Obviously we cannot diagnose from afar, but if you have family members, workmates, or friends who match up with the criteria for a narcissist this video will be invaluable for you to maintain your own sanity.

But First Some Questions

What in the world is going on when the elected members of congress are wasting their time listening to a disturbed little Swedish girl scolding them about how poor a job they're doing combating the fake news of global warming global cooling climate change? Is this what they were elected and are being paid to do?

Why isn't she being dragged to China and the other countries who spew the majority of crap into the air? I think we all know why. 

And what kind of people manipulate and drag around an already mentally fragile teenager like some sort of trained pony? And - what kind of parents would allow this?

She has already been diagnosed with Asperger syndrome, obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD), and selective mutism.  In the past she has also suffered with eating disorders. 

When little Greta Thunberg gets dropped after she is no longer of any use to the commie/libtards I fear for her mental state.

Back to Narcissists:

I've become rather fond of Dr. Les and his calm approach.  If you've ever dealt with a narcissist (of course you have), many of whom are also sociopaths, and made to feel like you're the one who is crazy (gaslighting), then watch this informative video.

I have many (ex) family members who fit all eight ways the narcissist tries their best to wreck your life.  To illustrate how deadly and manipulative these people can be, it was only ten or so years ago when I realized what was going on.

From Youtube:
Narcissists deeply need to feel superior over you, and they take delight when you jump into the game of One-upmanship. Psychotherapist Dr. Les Carter describes 8 common ways the narcissist attempts to control you, then he explains how you can outsmart them in each episode by responding in ways they do not anticipate. Dr. Les Carter is a best selling author and therapist who lives in Dallas, Texas. In the past 39 years he has conducted over 60,000 counseling sessions and many workshops and seminars. 


Newsbusters:  Top 5 Worst Global Warming Propaganda Efforts on TV  makes me so glad I don't watch TV

Legal Insurrection:  Climate Change as Religion: Seminary Students Confess Their Sins to Plants in Ritual  

Competitive Enterprise Institute:  Wrong Again: 50 Years of Failed Eco-pocalyptic Predictions

Delingpole:  Climate Strike Kids Would All Fail Elementary, Global Warming Test

Amazon Today

Free Video for Prime Members:  Ladies in Black  I watched this last night.  It's a charmingly sweet movie with no nudity, sex, bad language and carries a positive message.  Did I mention it's free for Prime Members?

Prime Members save $25 on All-new Kindle  Great back- up for us reading addicted peeps.

10% off or more Simple Joys by Carter's and Moon & Back by Hanna Andersson  Baby and Toddler

SAVE 15% JOYIN 11 in 1 Die-cast Construction Truck Vehicle Car Toy Set Play Vehicles in Carrier Truck  I'd even love to have these trucks

Once again it's approaching the holiday season.  Smart people will start purchasing their gifts now to take advantage of sales and alleviate the stress of shopping close to Christmas and also staggering their money drains.  Be a smart person...