Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Stacy McCain brings up an important point - and we thank him...

Ok - so after just posting about a snarky headline (which is still great), Stacy McCain brings up a very important point in his post  News Flash: Politics Is About Elections.

 There has never been any doubt in my mind that the person that can (in most cases) generate the most political snark and nonsense is going to have the highest hit counter.  Stacy brings up the point that when he is generating the most important election news his hit counter actually goes down.  I have noticed the same phenomena. Give his article a read and definitely give it some thought.


Mark D. said...

Gasp! Is this the reason my blog readership hasn't skyrocketed?

Anonymous said...

If you want to change politics, said one obscure Illinois Whig after the Kansas-Nebraska Act, you need to change public opinion. Politics grows on cultural soil. You cannot reap if you don't take care of your soil, nurture it, and love it.

LibertyAtStake said...

Snarky is the new Snooty.
"Because the Only Good Progressive is a Failed Progressive"

Mark D. said...

Good point Tertium Quid. Kirk understood quite well that politics reflects culture, and culture reflects religion (cult). Want to change politics? You need to change the culture. Want to change the culture? You need to get the culture connected to the transcendent source of values and virtues, the objective reality of God.

Adrienne said...

Mark - you're hyper-intellectual friends (real intellectuals) have deigned to grace me their presence, and I am overwhelmed with gratitude.

Even with my myriad of college degrees (worthless), I am a very simple thinker and enjoy the challenge of listening to real thinkers.